Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 87

On New Year"s day, Su Yutan accompanied Qiao w.a.n.gchuan to a local temple and prayed for their relatives and friends, especially Joanna, Miller, who was far away in the misty star field.

On the second day of the new year, Su Yutan began to fulfill her promise to take photos of Qiao w.a.n.gchuan.

Although Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was not a professional model and Su Yutan was not a professional photographer, she still did not want to make the photos look too casual.

So before taking a formal picture, she helped Qiao w.a.n.gchuan choose clothes and helped him put on makeup.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan screamed, and his whole body resisted, “I"m a man! Why do I need makeup?”

Su Yutan glanced at him, “Is it so weird? Didn"t you agree to put on makeup before taking a photo?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan felt a little helpless, “I thought you would just pat it a little.”

“Although I"m not a professional photographer, I don"t take photos casually. Lie down!”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan no longer opposed, sighed and laid flat on the sofa, and said with a smile, “Now you can do whatever you want with me.”

Su Yutan ignored him, dragged a chair from the dining table, sat beside him, carefully looked at his face and thought about how to apply the makeup.

There was a big difference between men"s makeup and women"s makeup. She was unfamiliar with it, so she had to think about it before starting.

His eyebrows were neat and beautiful and didn"t need to be adjusted; his eyelashes were very dense and did not need mascara. Draw a light eyeliner against the root of the eyelashes and clip it again…

As she pondered, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s face gradually began to flush and even his ears became red.

He coughed gently, “A"Tan, if you keep looking at me like this, I will kiss you!”

Su Yutan had already figured out how to apply his makeup, so she picked up the cosmetics and started applying it on his face.

“If you dare to come up and kiss me, I"ll chop the trotters off,” she warned as she patted the lotion on his face.

“What does it mean to chop the trotters?”

“Men are big pig trotters*. Have you heard that phrase?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan nodded, “So if I dare to kiss you, you will chop me up?”

Su Yutan smiled at him with a threatening smile, “Yes.”

“How cruel!” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan muttered, and asked, “Didn"t you look at me for so long so seriously, do you think I am handsome?”

Su Yutan refused to praise him too much, and said, “You"re not too handsome, but it"s okay.”

“Just okay?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan wasn"t very satisfied, “So where do I look handsome? Otherwise, I"ll go to the cosmetic hospital for a fine-tuning.”

“You don"t have to ‘fine-tune" your face, I"m afraid you can"t get out of that pit.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Diderot effect, have you heard of it?”

The Diderot effect, also called the supporting effect, was discovered by the French philosopher Diderot in the 18th century.

A friend gave Diderot a very gorgeous nightgown. After Diderot put on this dressing gown, he felt that the carpets, furniture, etc. would not be suitable for this dressing gown. In order to make the decoration of the room keep up with the grade of robes, he replaced the carpet and furniture one after another.

This kind of psychological phenomenon happens when a new item was obtained and other corresponding items were continuously changed to match the new item was the Diderot effect.

After the women bought a beautiful dress, they would have the urge to buy shoes and handbags to match it. This was the typical Diderot effect.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan exclaimed, “You mean, after I ‘fine-tuned" one part, I would be dissatisfied with other areas? Then I would ‘fine-tune" my face endlessly?”

Su Yutan gave him a surprised look and nodded, “Not necessarily, but it is possible. Many people are trapped in this psychological effect, ‘fine-tuning" over and over again, till the entire face is replaced. If you are not satisfied with your face, you might as well ask a famous designer to design a face and solve the problem at once.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan thought for a while, and gave up the previous thought a bit regretfully “That"s fine. You don"t think I"m ugly right?”

Su Yutan couldn"t help laughing, “Don"t worry, you"re not ugly. However, do you even know the Diderot effect?”

“I know it. The books I read recently didn"t just teach people how to fall in love.”

“What other books have you read?” Su Yutan asked casually.

“I"ve also read "Basics of Psychology","Basics of Behavior", "General Psychiatry", "Awareness, Subconsciousness and Original Consciousness", "Diagnosis, Cla.s.sification and Control of Subconscious Trauma Syndrome" "Tragic Life of Traumatic Patients". In addition, I have subscribed to all authoritative medical journals and read through the various papers on latent trauma in those journals.”

Su Yutan was stunned.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her and said very tenderly, “A"Tan, since I apologized to you and agreed to remain in contact with you and the little dove, I have been reading books on psychology and psychiatry. Now, I am no longer ignorant about your condition…”

Su Yutan suddenly felt a little bit upset and her throat was a little clogged. She had countless words to say, but she didn"t know where to start.

She had known him for so long. She knew he wasn"t just making a big talk.

After he apologized to her, he began to understand her illness in a down-to-earth manner, and to read those boring and hard psychological and psychiatric professional books and materials… How many people could do this?

Su Yutan felt sore. Her eyes were hot, and she almost burst into tears.

Really… she had never seen anyone like him!

What should she tell him?

After a while, Su Yutan whispered, “Why do you read those books? Won"t it delay your business?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan stretched out his right hand, and touched the ring on her hand with the tungsten gold ring on his index finger, with a calm expression and a serious att.i.tude, “For me, this is my business.”

Su Yutan felt confused.

Instinctively trying to escape, she changed the subject bluntly, “What words will you inscribe on the ring?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan followed her very easily and diverted his attention. He looked at the ring on his hand and smiled brightly at her, “Guess…”

Su Yutan muttered quietly, “You"re not frank at all, it"s not cute!” She smiled at Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, “The most important thing between a man and woman"s relationship is transparency. Didn"t you know that?”

“I know, but having it too transparent makes things uninteresting-that"s what the book says.”

“Don"t believe everything written in a book.”

“But in this one, I think the book makes a lot of sense. So, guess what! Guess.”

Su Yutan finally gave him a grimace, “No guessing!”

Men are big pig trotters*:which are usually used by girls to diss boys and change their hearts.

Men are pigs, Men are no good.

[Mr.Quin – I"m a good person no worries.]

[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (´ェ`)っ旦~]

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