Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 10

After finally ending his long story, Zhou Feng smiled and aggressively asked Su Yutan, “Tell me about your childhood! I checked your information, and I know that you are also a patient with a Grade 6 subconscious trauma syndrome, the most serious condition. Did you get abused when you were a kid?”

His gloating and antic.i.p.ating tone made Su Yutan very uncomfortable, which made her squirm.

She noticed that most of the hostages around her looked at her in utter shock.

Su Yutan sighed. This time, her condition was completely exposed.

“Did you not check? Didn"t you find any information about my childhood?” She said, slightly ironically.

“That"s the court"s fault! Why should they keep the records of the abused children tight?” Zhou Feng said with dissatisfaction, “Of course, if I spend more time hacking their database, I will naturally find it. But isn"t it more satisfying to hear you say it yourself? “

Su Yutan then thought to delay the time to soothe his emotions.

She then started to tell the truth about her and talked about her childhood.

Her father, Su Linsheng, was a carpenter. He had a gentle temperament but was a loner, an introvert, one must say. He did not like communicating with people, although his pa.s.sion was mainly to make wood art furniture.

Her biological mother, Xu Zhenni, was a grumpy and compet.i.tive woman.

Because of her bad temper and her relationship with her colleagues and supervisors, Xu Zhenni changed jobs multiple times.

In the end, she inherited the family farm, which was not very well-run. This caused her life to be filled with frustration.

After a flying saucer accident, Xu Zhenni fell in love with Su Linsheng and did everything to chase him.

After the two got married, Su Linsheng became Xu Zhenni"s man. However, this was the beginning of the contradiction and downfall between the two, deteriorating their marriage.

Su Linsheng was a pure craftsman. He had no ambition to become a well-known artist. He only wanted to be an ordinary craftsman who does not worry about luxury and social status.

Unfortunately, he felt that his wife paid too much attention to fame and wealth. She has her head too high in the clouds and forgot to cherish what she had. She forced him to be compet.i.tive all the time.

Xu Zhenni felt that her husband had great potential and that he should not remain as a mere mediocre craftsman all his life. She traveled around the neighborhood and made friends, as she desperately wanted to push her husband on the road to fame.

However, her temper rose through the roof when she paid so much for him, yet in the end, he didn"t want to be famous. He was just happy and content with his life. But not Xu Zhenni.

The conflict between the two became more and more intense as time pa.s.sed. Their quarrels became more violent, which grew into long fights and grew worse into gruesome physical abuse. However, it was Xu Zhenni who lost her temper unilaterally.

Because of her character, Xu Zhenni was aggressive every time she fought, and her husband had no choice but to obey.

Su Linsheng didn"t like arguing, especially not with Xu Zhenni. He always kept his silence when his wife lost her temper, but he did not listen to her. Her arguments came in one ear and popped out from the other. This made Xu Zhenni feel that she had nowhere to vent her anger, causing her temper to get more violent.

In Su Yutan"s childhood memories, Xu Zhenni was always aggressively blaming her husband and reprimanding her daughter. Su Linsheng either watched his wife lose her temper without saying a word, or went to the studio in the bas.e.m.e.nt to hide away from it all, not wanting to fight back.

Su Yutan was afraid to face Xu Zhenni"s anger and would always hide when Xu Zhenni was angry with Su Lin.

On the day, Su Yutan saw a fuming Su Linsheng going home through her window and went straight to the bas.e.m.e.nt. She followed him.

When Xu Zhenni went home, she went directly to the bas.e.m.e.nt. Su Yutan had no time to hide elsewhere, so she found a place in the bas.e.m.e.nt to hide.

That day, Xu Zhenni lost her temper again because Su Linsheng turned down an invitation to an art gallery that his wife took the time to request.

The long-depressed Su Linsheng finally broke out completely, and he proposed a divorce to Xu Zhenni.

Xu Zhenni was stunned. But the moment pa.s.sed, and all h.e.l.l broke loose. She was so angry that she picked up a knife to plunge at him.

Fortunately, Su Linsheng dodged again and again, yet he tripped on the woodworking saw and debris in the bas.e.m.e.nt floor.

In the end, the anger burned her reason. Xu Zhenni rushed up, pressed Su Linsheng"s head on the chainsaw, and turned on the switch…

His head gushed and splattered raw blood from his head.

That scene unfolded to Su Yutan hiding next to him.

Since then, the oozing blood and brain never faded from her memory. She could even recall it like it was yesterday.

After the murder, in order to hide the crime, Xu Zhenni faked the fact that Su Linsheng abandoned his wife and took away his daughter. She disposed of her husband"s body and imprisoned Su Yutan in the bas.e.m.e.nt.

At that time, Su Yutan was rather apathetic, and she hated Xu Zhenni for killing her father, who loved her. She vowed to bring Xu Zhenni to court and avenge her father.

Remembering these past events to Zhou Feng, Su Yutan gave some details of Xu Zhenni"s temper tantrums and abusing her, but concealed all the key information which made people guess that she was the victim of the “Xu Zhenni case” that year.

This was her privacy, and she didn"t want it to be exposed to the public eye.

She only managed to share a fabricated lie that is easy to believe.

“One day, my father proposed a divorce to my biological mother and then left without looking back. I originally wanted to go with my father, but my biological mother desperately stopped me. My father thought of waiting for the judge to decide. I waited at home, but my dad never came back because he had an accident and died… My biological mother locked me up at home, physically abused me to vent her temper. She didn"t let anyone see me. No one knew what I had experienced…”

Although she revealed plenty of true life details of her story of torture, she did not want to reminisce about the moments of her loving father"s death in the hands of a madwoman.

Zhou Feng smiled at her after she spoke dryly and had nothing else to say.

“Your story is good,” he said, “so I will give you a reward. You can decide who is the first hostage to be executed.”