Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 11

For the first time in the entirety of the situation, Su Yutan felt nervous. She questioned, “Is it 10:20?” to mask her fear.

“Five minutes left,” said Zhou Feng. “Come on! If you can"t make a decision within a minute, I will choose your a.s.sistant as the first victim.”

Su Yutan turned her head subconsciously to look at Chen Ruoshui and saw her fear.

With a sigh, Su Yutan turned her head to face Zhou Feng, and said calmly, “I choose myself… Kill me.”

She had no apathy for this world, nothing to miss, unlike Sister Shui who had parents that loved her. She had too many ideas and responsibilities. At this time, she did not need to consider and hesitate to offer herself.

Zhou Feng looked at her with surprise, “You really are not afraid of death!”

Su Yutan smiled lightly. “Does it matter if I"m not scared?” She couldn"t say ‘I am not afraid" directly. Zhou Feng felt that he had a common aspect with her, and would be reluctant to kill her. He then decided to leave her last on the ‘to kill" list.

Zhou Feng smiled scornfully, with an unusually firm tone: “No matter! But…” He said lightly: “I actually feel very attached to you. I don"t think I can kill you right away. We have a lot more in common than I expected… What do you think I should do?”

Su Yutan"s expression remained unfazed. Her tone turned slightly ironic while saying, “I am the one who broke your good deeds and destroyed your hope. Only the first or the last kill is the most meaningful. If you leave me for the last, are you sure you can kill all of the hostages? If in the end the police rescued some of the hostages and I escaped, wouldn"t you regret it in prison or in h.e.l.l for years to come?”

Zhou Feng"s face went gloomy. He stared at her for a few seconds, contemplating, and then said with a toothy grin, “You make more sense! Okay, then, get ready to die!”

He raised the gun, released the guard, and pointed the barrel at Su Yutan"s head.

Su Yutan closed her eyes as she felt the cool metal resting on her forehead.

Yet in her heart, there was an odd and peculiar feeling of overwhelming peace and happiness.

I am doing the right thing. I have no regrets.

These were supposed to be her last thoughts until her eyes snapped back open to someone shouting.

“Don"t!” Chen Ruoshui burst into a screaming plea. She stretched out the uncuffed hand, grabbed the barrel of the gun, and held it out of Su Yutan"s range.

She cried to Zhou Feng and said, “Don"t kill A Tan! She has suffered so much. She shouldn"t die like this!”

Zhou Feng smiled mockingly at her.

“If I don"t kill her, who shall I kill?”

Chen Ruoshui was so scared that her lips started to tremble. She looked at him with great fear and opened her mouth out of pure courage.

“Don"t talk nonsense!” Su Yutan quickly stretched out her uncuffed hand, covered her mouth, and said anxiously, “Think of your parents! Don"t you have a heart? Don"t do irrational things out of impulse!”

Chen Ruoshui leaned her head sideways, dodging her hands. She cried and said to Zhou Feng, no longer in fear, “Just kill me instead! I have been happy ever since I was a kid. Mom and dad have loved me so much, holding me and caring for me like a spoiled little princess. Aren"t you envious? Aren"t you jealous? Don"t you hate children like me?”

Probably stimulated by adrenaline, Chen Ruoshui spoke rather quickly.

Zhou Feng"s face turned gloomy yet again. “Since you want to die so much, I can fulfill your dream.” The gun in his hand immediately pointed at Chen Ruoshui.

Su Yutan was going to grab the barrel of the gun, but Zhou Feng was faster. Zhou Feng struck Su Yutan on the side of her neck. She instantly fell to the ground, unconscious.

He once again pointed the gun towards Chen Ruoshi"s head. She was panting heavily as if she was running out of the air, and her forehead was beaded with sweat. She hurriedly said, “Tell my parents! I love them!”

At that moment, a war robot who had been standing not far from the two rushed to Zhou Feng at speed invisible to the naked eye.

The robot lifted the gun to face the ceiling with one hand and grabbed Zhou Feng"s arm with the other and twisted it. It s.n.a.t.c.hed the gun from his hands and used his foot to force Zhou Feng to trip to the ground. The heroic robot then stood on Zhou Feng"s legs, disabling him from getting up.

All hostages widened their eyes and looked at how the tables have turned in surprise.

Zhou Feng"s very own war robot had gone haywire?! The hostages thought, hope blooming in their hearts.

A while later, a series of loud and heavy footsteps suddenly thudded from the entrance of the test center.

A group of heavily armed men rushed into the scene. Looking at the three letters “MPS” on their body armor, everyone knew that the hostage-taking incident had concluded, and that meant they were safe.

The person who came to look at the situation gestured behind him, and then opened his helmet, exposing a beautiful pair of eyes.

These eyes looked at Su Yutan unconscious state for a few seconds and then announced to the hostages in a deep voice, “We are special police of the special service bureau of the Earth Safety Department of the Ministry of Public Safety. You are all now in safe hands.”

When he spoke, the robot behind him controlled Zhou Feng, who had been subdued by the war robot.

The electronic handcuffs on the hostages opened automatically one by one.

The hostages rubbed and soothed their wrists and looked around.

It was all over.

Then, huge sighs of relief and joy emerged from within them. They jumped up and hugged their relatives, friends, acquaintances, or strangers, and wept with joy.

Chen Ruoshui, who escaped death, rushed to Su Yutan"s side and wailed while holding her tight.

Zhou Feng, still disarmed, had already returned to his thoughts, and his eyes were flushed and incredulously mumbled to himself in disbelief, “How is this possible? How is this possible?! How is this possible!”

The special police officer sneered and said, “What is impossible? Do you really think your technology is invincible? There is a sky outside! Didn"t you know?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan glanced at the rejoicing rescued hostages in the holographic image. A ghost of a smile graced his face. He then ordered his a.s.sistant Mu Yang to pack up and get ready to leave.

He rose from his chair and bid goodbye to Commander Lin Hansen.

“Thank you very much today! Really, thank you!” Lin Hansen held Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s hand in both of his hands. The expression on his face and his enthusiasm were charming and quite flattering.

A hostage-crisis that was extremely intractable and likely to lead to a b.l.o.o.d.y tragedy was solved in a bloodless and quick way, which was incredible. These years, technology truly was the king!

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan kept smiling, retracted his hand, and politely said, “Mr. Minister is polite. If there is nothing else, we will now leave, so as not to delay the release.”

Lin Hansen put one hand on Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s shoulder affectionately and sent him out.

“Mr. Qiao, rest a.s.sured, I have issued a forbidden pa.s.sword as a Minister. No one will disclose your affairs at will.”

(This translation belongs to wordrain)

“Thank you.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan grinned politely.

Lin Hansen glanced at him and asked with some doubt,: “Mr. Qiao, if your role in this matter is announced, not to mention the interstellar, it will definitely smash the entire Earth Alliance. The greater your reputation, the more recognized your company"s performance will be. Why would you ask for confidentiality?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan resolutely replied: “Our company"s performance is good enough. I don"t need this to make the icing on the cake and keep me busy.”

Lin Hansen laughed, “I sometimes meddle too much, my apologies.”

He personally sent Qiao w.a.n.gchuan to the place where his flying saucer was parked. He watched the flying saucer rise into the air before turning back to handle the aftermath.