Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 112

“The third reason… I just want those people who are going to be parents to think carefully. When they encounter the choice of humanity and motherhood, which side would win? It is selfishness and weakness defeats selflessness. Would they have strength for motherhood, or the opposite?”

After speaking, Sha Jun began to pat his legs and slap on the sofa and laughed wildly till his tears came out.

Su Yutan suddenly felt panicked.

After Cui Linlin walked away with Arnold, Sha Jun spent more time chatting with Su Yutan.

His and Cui Linlin"s previous experiences were also revealed in front of Su Yutan.

Misty Stars was a place where the strong were the most respected, and the boys were more important than girls.

Half of the women here were sold from various planets. The woman who was sold in the past either became a fertility tool, a libido tool, or both.

Cui Linlin and Sha Jun"s father was a powerful gang leader in the Foggy Stars, known as the Boss Xiong.

Cui Linlin"s mother, Sun Lulu, was the daughter of one of Boss Xiong"s men. She looked very pretty. So she became Boss Xiong"s woman.

After playing with Lulu for a while, Boss Xiong became bored and began to turn his interest to new goals.

But Sun Lulu was his subordinate"s daughter, and he was embarra.s.sed to throw her away, so he still let Sun Lulu live in his house.

Sun Lulu did not know whether it was for her own consideration or that of her family. She did not want to lose the favor of the Boss Xiong, so she secretly removed the ovulation dormant mantle, which made her pregnant with Cui Linlin.

Boss Xiong found that Sun Lulu was pregnant and said nothing. He kept her and was still fooling around.

Later, Sun Lulu gave birth to Cui Linlin and did not regain the favor of Boss Xiong. However, when she was called “big sister” by others, Boss Xiong had no objection, it was considered a default.

When Cui Linlin was two years old, Sun Lulu was abducted by the Boss"s enemies when she returned to the maiden house, and then died tragically.

After that, Cui Linlin was raised by a nanny robot.

A few years later, the Boss Xiong was fascinated by Joanna because of an accidental opportunity and saw Joanna singing in a video.

In order to get Joanna, Boss Xiong paid a lot of money to “order” Joanna from a trafficker.

Later, Joanna was abducted by a trafficker, was deeply hypnotized, and was secretly delivered to Boss Xiong.

She became pregnant, gave birth to Sha Jun, and took good care of Cui Linlin"s “stepdaughter”, just like a good housewife of an ordinary family.

Cui Linlin has been lonely since she was a child and had no impression of her mother. Now loved by Joanna, she was naturally close to Joanna and was also very good to her brother.

But the effect of hypnosis had to eventually fade away.

According to the paraphrase heard by Sha Jun, Boss Xiong did not find a hypnotist to add hypnosis because he did not think that Joanna could escape his palm; if Joanna did not want to talk to him after “waking up”, he would just have some fun to stimulate her. Anyway, he was a little tired of that well-behaved Joanna.

In this way, Joanna slowly remembered her past.

Her spirit was extremely broken, and she tried to escape, but was repeatedly caught by the Boss. Every time she was arrested, she would be abused by the Boss.

After playing this cat-and-mouse game for two years, Boss Xiong was bored again.

He built a cage in the bas.e.m.e.nt to completely trap Joanna. When he was interested, he went to Joanna to “play”, and he turned her back on without interest, and only let a low-intelligent robot deliver meals regularly.

“My mother"s place in those years is similar to the room you live in now.” Sha Jun said to Su Yutan in a stunned manner.

Su Yutan thought, The rat"s son will make hole*.

“What happened after?” She asked Sha Jun.

Sha Jun sighed, “I was raised by the nanny robot along with my sister. I grew up slowly realizing that the woman imprisoned in the bas.e.m.e.nt was my mother…”

In order to slip into the bas.e.m.e.nt to see his mother, Sha Jun began to actively learn computer technology in order to break through the numerous levels set by his father.

Later, Joanna finally convinced Sha Jun to run away with her. When Cui Linlin discovered this, they convinced Cui Linlin to join them.

When Sha Jun was eight years old, Joanna took Sha Jun and Cui Linlin to escape.

That was the closest chance to the success of Joanna"s escape, because the flying saucer the three of them rode was flying out of the misty star field.

But even after all of their efforts, Boss Xiong still caught up to them.

When the flying saucer"s autopilot system was invaded and controlled remotely by Boss Xiong, Joanna became completely desperate. She committed suicide with the gun she had run with.

“My sister and I were sitting in the double c.o.c.kpit in the back… I saw my mother shoot at her own head… her head was smashed, red blood was splashing everywhere… she… before she died, she didn"t say a word to me, nor did she look back at me… “

When speaking of this, Sha Jun"s eyes were filled with tears, his expression was infinitely clear, like he was extremely wronged.

Su Yutan couldn"t help sighing.

An eight-year-old child who witnessed his mother"s suicide in front of himself and suffered such a terrible death would be a great trauma.

“My dad also said that if I didn"t help my mother escape, my mother wouldn"t die at all, so I killed my mother. I think… he"s right…”

This was a serious injury!

Su Yutan closed her eyes painfully and rubbed her face vigorously.

Boss Xiong was so barbarous, irritable, and an extreme sc.u.m that wouldn"t be even considered as a "human". How can he spare a thought to think about a child"s mind?

Later, Sha Jun was put into the cage where Joanna lived.

Whenever Boss Xiong was drunk, he would come to the bas.e.m.e.nt to beat him up, leaving him tortured physically.

He was imprisoned for a full year before being released by Boss Xiong, to undergo rigorous “gang succession” training.

Two years later, Boss Xiong was betrayed by his men. His villa was attacked by the enemy, and his bodyguard was killed and wounded.

Boss Xiong fled with Sha Jun and his remaining bodyguards, but at a critical moment, he left him without hesitation.

“I still remember the last word my dad said in front of me…” Sha Jun sighed long and said expressionlessly, “I was injured and couldn"t run anymore. He said:, "Leave him alone! We cannot take him!"”

Su Yutan just had her heart soften and even gave him some sympathy.

No wonder Sha Jun has been emphasizing on the issue of human weakness and selfishness.

In his view, the suicide of his mother represented weakness in human nature, and the abandonment of his father represented selfishness in human nature.

No wonder he has been asking, humanity and motherhood, which side will win?

Those confusions, those thoughts, had been rolling in him for many years?

“Leave him alone!” Sha Jun repeated these four words, with a strong irony in his tone, “My father left me like this and threw me to his enemies.”

Su Yutan sighed and asked softly, “What happened later?”

“Later…” Sha Jun clasped his arms, “My sister was thrown into the villa before, and was naturally caught by those people. In order to force my father, they abused me and my sister in public. They were extremely cruel and vicious, but my father never showed up.”

When he spoke, he was extremely indifferent, as if talking about something unrelated to him.

Su Yutan didn"t ask what happened after, because she couldn"t bear it anymore.

Sha Jun paused for a while, then continued quietly, “My father didn"t show up, and those people were reluctant to let us die and heal us."

“After almost a month, my father was found by them and killed by them. They planned to "use the waste" and sent my sister to a brothel. They also wanted to send me to a death training camp to make me their puppet."

“I was lucky and escaped halfway through. It took a few months to find my sister."

“I rescued my sister and fled with her. We lived an interdependent and hopeless life until we finally escaped the sphere of influence of our enemies.”

Su Yutan thought, no wonder Cui Linlin was so keen on X love rivals, X enemies, and then selling them to pimps.

After a long period of silence, Sha Jun stood up and concluded, “You know what? I would rather my father killed me directly at that time. If I died then, I wouldn"t have to suffer those later sins.

“Sometimes it"s kindness to simply end a person"s life.”


The rat"s son will make hole*.- Like father, like son. A rat"s son would only know to dig holes.

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