Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 20

After saying goodbye to Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, Su Yutan"s mood was particularly low.

Back in her flying saucer, she laid in the double c.o.c.kpit in the back and curled herself up.

It was not her fault to witness her father"s death as a child, to be abused by her mother for a long time and to suffer from subconscious trauma syndrome.

And yet, it was her who was constantly paying for the sins of others.

It"s really unfair …

Very unfair!

When the watch"s intelligent core Mia sees this, she automatically started playing videos and audios that can soothe her mood and enhance her sleepiness.

From Su Yutan"s ears came out the sound of gurgling water and birdsong then there was a lush forest green that appeared in front of her eyes.

Slowly, the hustle and bustle of the world seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her, she was getting lost in the strange dream…

After waking up, Su Yutan"s mood has calmed down a lot. She was preparing to go home on a flying saucer, but she received a video call from Avril.

The phone was connected, and Avril Lavigne, who was putting on makeup, asked her, “Do you have time to eat with me and Dr. Joe at noon today?”

“Yes!” Su Yutan smiled slightly. “Have you celebrated with Dr. Qiao last night? Did you have fun?”

While drawing her eyeliner, Avril said, “Very happy! He officially confessed to me last night and I promised to be his girlfriend.”

Su Yutan was very happy for her: “Congratulations! Doctor Qiao has chased you for almost three years, hasn"t it?”

After finishing the eyeliner, Avril began to apply eyeshadow, sighed slightly and said, “You also know how much harm happened to me two years ago. If he hadn"t been by my side and stayed with me, I wouldn"t have recovered so quickly. . Now, I am out of the shadows and I should start a new life. “

Two years ago, Avril Lavigne was abducted by a trafficker, suffered s.e.xual a.s.sault and was almost sold to an unknown wild planet.

After being rescued, Avril spent two weeks in the psychiatric hospital and spent a longer time treating the unconscious trauma.

The textbook says, “The same injuries that affect minors and adults are not in the same order of magnitude.”

Avril Lavigne had been working for many years at the time of the accident, and her mind was fully mature. Therefore, although the encounter was a great injury, the trauma caused by her subconsciousness was only the second level.

Subconscious trauma syndromes of grades 1 to 3 have the potential to heal themselves.

The lower the level, the higher the possibility of self-healing and the faster the speed.

Su Yutan remembers that set of data: the self-healing rate of the first-stage latent affliction is 31%, the self-healing rate of the second-stage latent affliction is 8.3%, and the self-healing rate of the third-stage latent affliction is very very low, and the interstellar is not even enough for 100 cases to recover forever.

After two years of convalescence, Avril has now fully recovered.

Speaking of the events of that year, she was already very calm and indifferent.

After talking about herself, Avril asked strangely, “How are you in a flying saucer? Are you ready to go out?”

Su Yutan shook her head: “No, I am in the underground dish house of Xinhai Reproductive Service Center, and I am preparing to go back.”

“What are you going to do there? Want to donate eggs again?” Avril asked casually.

“No.” Su Yutan sighed slightly. “The egg I donated became a child.”

Avril Lavigne, who was applying lipstick, almost crooked her lipstick.

“Wait! How do you know that your egg has become a child? Did something happen to the child"s intended adopter?”

If there is nothing wrong with the intended adopter, the egg-turned child will not be informed of the biological father or mother until the child turns 18, and it is up to the child to decide whether to contact the other.

Su Yutan sighed, “Yes.”

Avril Lavigne quickly flashed countless legal provisions and frowned, “You can"t get the qualification certificate, you can only give up the priority custody … So, are you going to sign an agreement to renounce adoption?”

Su Yutan smiled reluctantly: “Being a friend with a lawyer is worry-free. I don"t need to say a lot of things, you can guess it yourself.”

After ending the conversation with Avril, Su Yutan sent Lu Xiaozhi a video message and told him the news.

Lu Xiaozhi responded quickly.

In the holographic video, he was wearing a cycling suit, riding his bike fast, panting, “You are just the biological mother of that child, not sociological, so I don"t need to congratulate you. What do I need to do? Don"t be polite though. "

Throughout the weekend, Su Yutan was thinking about Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s reply.

But Qiao w.a.n.gchuan never contacted her.

At work on Monday, Su Yutan met Chen Ruoshui again in the underground dish house of Xinhai Social Affairs Bureau.

Chen Ruoshui said a little bit, “Congratulations! You have an admirer.”

Su Yutan took out the small box in the trunk last Friday, put it in her hand, and gave her a strange look, “What do you mean?”

Chen Ruoshui was lethargic, “The Danfeng-eyed handsome goth policeman has been asking about you when chatting with me. I asked him if he was interested in you, and he admitted. He said, He exchanged contact information with me, in fact, for you. Should I give him your contact information? “

Su Yutan looked at Chen Ruoshui"s resentful expression and couldn"t help but laugh, “You help me reject the handsome guy! I"m not interested in him.”

“He"s really handsome! Why don"t you think about it?” Chen Ruoshui looked at her both awkwardly and nervously.

“I don"t think he"s handsome. You still admire yourself, and it can better reflect his value.” Su Yutan walked towards the elevator without hesitation.

Chen Ruoshui wasn"t nervous anymore. There was only a tangled expression on her face, and she said very distressed, “So how can I reject him? The handsome guy asked me again and again sincerely, I can"t bear to let him down.”

“Just say that I have Grade 6 latent trauma, I can"t bear too much pressure, and I"m not suitable to fall in love with a special police officer who often wanders on the edge of life and death.” Because of the hijacking that day, Dan Fengyan must also know of her condition. It will not reveal more privacy.

Chen Ruoshui"s eyes lit up, “Okay! I will reply to him like this.”

When the elevator stopped on the third floor, Chen Ruoshui stepped out of the elevator and Su Yutan continued to go up.
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