Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 24

Extra chapter sponsored by Anon

“Ms. Su, I have seriously considered your proposal. But I think that in your case, it may not be suitable for you to meet with your child more often.” In the holographic video, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan slightly said with regret, “Sorry, I cannot agree with you.”

Su Yutan was silent for a while. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

But in the end, she just blankly said, “Okay, I see…”

After that, she wanted to hang up the video call.

“Wait a minute!” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan quickly stopped her. “As compensation, you can give your child a nickname.”

Su Yutan said, slightly ironically, ” Will you even use it?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan nodded, “Yes.”

“What will you tell the child about how she got this name?”

“When the child turns 18, I will tell her everything.”

Su Yutan only smiled bitterly. It seemed to be that she was back on square one. She could not see the girl until she got to eighteen years old.

But this was better.
At least, she came to know that her child is a girl and would be born on May 20, 3019. The child"s father is Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, a handsome and stable man.

She should be happy, right? She should be happy!

After thinking about it for a while, she said softly, “Just call her Dove. Don"t ask her to dominate the sky; just ask her never to get lost.”

“Dove…” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan repeated the words and agreed, “Good name. I like the meaning and your thought of never getting lost.”

Su Yutan did not speak.

“So…” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan sighed. “Miss Su, please take care of yourself in the future…”

After the call, Su Yutan felt empty.

She didn"t want to go to Brother Lu for lunch. She slowly walked out of the hospital and wandered aimlessly.

Unconsciously, she walked to a small children"s amus.e.m.e.nt park and sat down on an empty chair.

She looked at each child in the amus.e.m.e.nt park with interest and quietly guessed each child"s age, their character, their family, and their relationship with their loved ones.

What would the young bird look like when she reached this age? What kind of personality would she have? Would the people in Mr. Qiao"s family be easy to get along with? Would the child feel happy?

Maybe eighteen years-no, eighteen years and thirty-two weeks, later a beautiful girl would come to her and say, “Hi! I am your little girl. All these years, were you okay?”

What should she say then?

The corner of Su Yutan"s mouth unconsciously revealed a smile. She"ll say by then, “I"m fine! I just missed you…”

That scene was really beautiful.

She immersed herself in a similar fantasy, which she was unable to extricate herself from.

After a long time, she sighed again and again and wondered if she would ever face this day?

Therefore, she decided from that day that she would work hard, live a serious life, and face her illness seriously.

Because she didn"t want the little dove to come to her one day, only to find her cold tombstone…

In her imagination, she secretly made up her mind.

The hollow numbness faded away, and her soul was somehow satisfied.

A white-haired old lady sitting in the same chair with her smiled and asked, “Which one is your child?”

Su Yutan turned to look at her and smiled, “My child is not here. She is only eight weeks old and will be born next May. Is your child here?”

The old lady nodded, pointed to some kids, and said to Su Yutan with a smile, “The two playing on the slide, wearing green T-shirts are mine. They are three years old. The boy is older than the girl. They are a month apart. They are my grandchildren.”

When the old lady said that the age difference between the siblings was one month, Su Yutan knew that of the two children, at least the older brother was born out of in vitro fertility.

“They are cute.” Su Yutan praised.

The old lady laughed, “Also very clever. The spiritual degree of the elder brother reached 13%, and the spiritual degree of the younger sister was almost 11%.”

The spiritual degree was an alternative to the IQ test, which comprehensively evaluated a person"s brain function and mental consciousness. The higher the percentage, the better.

Generally speaking, more than 80% of people in the entire interstellar region have a spiritual degree below 10%.

After the spiritual degree exceeds 10%, for each percentage point increase, the brain function and mental strength will almost double, and its rarity will double accordingly.

People with a spiritual degree of more than 20% were only about 4 in 100,000.

People with a spiritual degree of more than 30% were legendary.

Su Yutan smiled at the old lady blasting her kids, “Auntie, don"t tell your child about a spiritual degree. This data should be kept secret from the children so as not to affect their self-cognition and personality development.”

“I know. My daughter-in-law said the same.” The old woman smiled embarra.s.sedly. “I haven"t said it in front of the child, just said a few words to someone I didn"t know. You just witnessed. I have the same thoughts about raising children like you. “

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