Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 61

Jiang Miaomiao said to Su Yutan, “I have compiled some videos. You can see how bad our relationship turned out if you look at how us mother and daughter are getting along now.”

She dimmed the lights in the room and started to play a long-prepared video.

“This video is just a very ordinary day in the summer, and the video has not been edited.”

Su Yutan watched the video with her.

Sure enough, as Jiang Miaomiao said, the mother and daughter pair got along very badly.

In the morning, Jiang Miaomiao asked her daughter to get up and said that she had already made an appointment with the doctor, for her to take a medical examination.

Hearing that, Jiang Belle locked herself in her room without any movement. Jiang Miaomiao tried so much but Jiang Belle yelled at her and said she was upset.

Jiang Belle didn"t get up until late in the morning and the medical examination was naturally missed.

After waking up, she simply ate a little breakfast and turned on the holographic projection screen in the living room. No matter what Jiang Miaomiao said to her, she turned a deaf ear.

When she was sweating after playing games and she couldn"t play anymore, she collapsed on the sofa and watched a show. It happened to be "Wandering All Stars".

After lunch, Jiang Miaomiao called Jiang Belle to eat, which was also ignored by Jiang Belle.

Jiang Miaomiao could not bear it anymore, and said a few words to Jiang Belle.

Jiang Belle quarreled with her, scolded her with a bad att.i.tude, saying that she only knew how to seduce a man all day, and was not qualified to order her.

Jiang Miaomian was so angry that tears sprang out of her eyes. She stared angrily at Jiang Belle for a while, restrained her anger, and turned to go out.

When Jiang Miaomiao returned home late at night, Jiang Belle was already asleep.

The babysitter robot reported that after she went out, Jiang Belle didn"t watch the show again, but ran back to her room to hide and didn"t come out to eat dinner.

After watching the video, Su Yutan declined to comment, but asked Jiang Miaomiao, “Did your relationship with Belle gradually become worse or did it happen all of a sudden?”

Jiang Miaomiao said, “It was a bit sudden. When Belle was three years old, I divorced her father. At that time, Belle was still young, and probably didn"t understand these things, and nothing happened.

“Later, Belle went to kindergarten and found that many children"s families were not the same as ours. She was very envious of their parents and had a little inferiority complex. But at that time, although she was looking forward to seeing her father, she was very close to me."

“About half a year ago, she suddenly started to make trouble. The more she became aggressive, she slowly became like this.”

“Have you talked to Belle about this?”

“I went to talk to her, but she doesn"t want to talk to me. When I was forced to scold her, she yelled that I didn"t love her.”

“Has there been any major changes six months ago? I mean with Belle.”

Jiang Miaomiao smiled ironically, “Yes. At that time, my ex-husband was very attentive to me and hinted that he wanted to remarry me. Belle also did every possible thing to create a chance for me to meet her dad, and she hoped that we will remarry.”

“And after that?”

“Later, I met with my ex-husband once. He was taunted by me and left in anger.”

Su Yutan glanced at her, thinking, Jiang Miaomiao is implying to me, that Belle became like this because she refused to remarry her ex-husband?

This was possible.

She resolved to investigate the case in depth.

It was necessary to find out why Belle had become this way and to correct her wrong ideas. Otherwise, if she would go further and further down this road, her entire life might be ruined.

If Belle was not being a recluse, it was better to find a psychologist for this job. After all, they were more professional.

But Belle was reluctant to even go for a physical examination, it would be difficult to take her and see a psychologist. It was better for the social worker to start dealing with her.

“You are a social worker. You should know the details of my divorce.” Jiang Miaomo stated, then she suddenly asked Su Yutan, “Do you think I"m unfaithful?”

Su Yutan gave her a polite smile, “Whether you are unfaithful or not has nothing to do with me. I only care about whether Belle"s living environment is healthy and whether her guardian is being negligent or not.”

Jiang Miaomiao was silent, and had a self-deprecating smile. That"s right, she didn"t say much.

“Do you have any other videos? About Belle,” Su Yutan asked.

“Yes, quite a lot. I always like to record videos about the child"s growth. I have recorded all the important and interesting moments. But these last six months, we"ve had no interesting moments…” Jiang Miaomiao took out a data drive from her office drawer and removed a lot of removable storage devices.

“Just Give me all of Belle"s videos for the past six months, especially when she started to make trouble.”

“All of it?” Jiang Miaomiao picked up two storages. “These two storages each have a capacity of 60Z. Those videos filled up these two storages. Is there enough storage s.p.a.ce in your smart.w.a.tch?”

Su Yutan felt slightly awkward.

The current conversion of data storage from the largest to the smallest amount is as follows: 1Z = 1000E = 1000000P = 1000000000T = 1000000000000G.

Her smart.w.a.tch configuration was only on average, with a total of only 100Z of storage s.p.a.ce, and now the available s.p.a.ce was less than 50Z.

“Can you give me these two storages?” She asked Jiang Miaomiao.

Jiang Miaomiao stretched out her hand with the storage devices with a smile, and handed her the two storage devices simply, “Okay. I have another backup myself.”

Su Yutan took the two storages and thought, Jiang Miaomiao was already prepared!

“Are you going to see Belle now?” Jiang Miaomiao asked Su Yutan, feeling a little expectant in her tone.

Su Yutan shook her head, “I will collect some information before I go to see Belle.”

The project investigation was different from the daily follow-up.

Before leaving, she asked Jiang Miaomiao, “We have emailed you before and also called you, but we couldn"t reach you. Why is that?”

Jiang Miaomiao blinked her eyes innocently, then patted her head in annoyance, and said regretfully, “Oh, sorry! Not long ago, I was hara.s.sed, I changed my contact information and forgot to file it.”

Su Yutan felt funny.

Jiang Miaomiao"s expressions were very exaggerated. Either she was not good at acting, or she didn"t mind being seen by her.

Su Yutan calmly exchanged contact information with Jiang Miaomiao, and said nothing.

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