Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 65

After returning home, Su Yutan spent several hours to carefully watch the videos Yao Zhijie gave her.

The content of these videos were similar. Yao Zhijie and Belle were playing around in different places. In it, Belle was very happy.

Jiang Belle in these videos was not the same person as the Jiang Belle in Jiang Miaomiao"s videos. She was all sunny in here and gloomy in those. It was like the difference between heaven and h.e.l.l.

There was also a short paragraph in Yao Zhijie"s videos, which was simply a footnote to this difference.

At that time, Belle was blowing bubbles in a children"s amus.e.m.e.nt park cheerfully.

Yao Zhijie looked at her by the side, and suddenly said carefully, “Belle, why do you go against your mother?”

Belle"s expression turned downcast and she said unhappily, “Can you not talk about that?”

Yao Zhijie quickly apologized with a smile, “Okay! I won"t say anymore, you just have fun!”

Belle continued to blow bubbles, but her expression was not as happy as before.

After that, Yao Zhijie tried his best to make Belle happy again. Sadly, his efforts were in vain.

The video ends at that scene.

Just watching the videos given by this former couple, it was easy to conclude that Belle was happy with her father and it was a torture to be with her mother.

However, Su Yutan felt that this matter was somewhat wrong from a logical and practical perspective.

The videos provided by Jiang Miaomiao emphasized the bad relationship between herself and Jiang Belle.

The videos provided by Yao Zhijie emphasized the rapport between father and daughter, and even displayed the separation and hostility between Belle and her mother.

If a custody lawsuit was filed, these videos would be very detrimental to Jiang Miaomiao.

What the social workers obtain during their work usually gets brought to court as evidence when there occurs a custody dispute.

With such notice in mind, why did Jiang Miaomiao give the videos to the social workers? Doesn"t she want Belle"s custody anymore?

Guardianship is not just a right, it is also a responsibility and an obligation.

For Belle"s custody right, Jiang Miaomiao had already fought hard at the time of their divorce. So she couldn"t just throw it away.

There was only one way she could get rid of Belle"s custody, and that was if she made a big mistake in raising Belle and was forced to deprive her of Belle"s custody by the court.

But in this way, she would lose not only Belle"s custody, but also a lot of property in her hands and a lot of her future income.

When they got divorced, she was the one at fault. The reason why she did not suffer too much when dividing their property was because the court had to guarantee the living conditions during Bell"s growth.

In other words, most of the property that Jiang Miaomiao shared at the time of the divorce was the court giving it to her to support Belle as she grows up.

According to some previous jurisprudence, in this case, if Jiang Miaomiao loses Belle"s custody, most of her property will likely be transferred under Belle"s name directly by the court. Which would be managed by Belle"s new guardian.

And that new guardian would probably be Yao Zhijie.

Although Yao Zhijie did not have a “Parent"s Qualification Certificate”, if Jiang Miaomiao is deprived of custody, then considering the child"s emotional needs, Yao Zhijie could also become Belle"s guardian.

He only needs to sacrifice a little privacy and conduct a series of follow up inspections by a social worker.

In addition, judgments depriving custody often have an inseparable additional judgment: punitive high maintenance.

If Jiang Miaomo loses Belle"s custody, before Belle turns 18, about half of the money she earned will be owned by Belle and her new guardian.

She also tuned over to a video of her meeting with Yao Zhijie.

After watching it, her suspicion of Yao Zhijie did not decrease at all, but was instead strengthened.

She also checked the financial status of Yao Zhijie and his private company through various channels.

The two games previously developed by Zhijie Games have poor ratings and popularity when it hit the streets.

Industry insiders estimated that Zhijie Games lost one to two hundred million yuan for these two games. This was a fatal blow for this small company.

Half a year ago, Zhijie Games was in a financial crisis.

Yao Zhijie sold or mortgaged all the industries under his name one after another, struggling to support the company, and trying to find new investors and projects to turn the situation around, but he ultimately failed.

Since last month, Zhijie Games had not been able to pay the employees" salary, so the employees left in large numbers.

Su Yutan realized the gist of the case.

She couldn"t help but yell, "Sc.u.m!"

While Su Yutan was pondering how to reveal the truth, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s video call came again.

He was still wearing a turtleneck sweater, but changed to a brighter, more casual coat.

Su Yutan was suddenly curious, why did Qiao w.a.n.gchuan have a soft spot for high-necked clothes?

In her impression, not many boys liked to wear turtle-necks. But every time she saw Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, he wore a high-necked top, whether it was a base shirt or a sweater.

“Are you busy today?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was sitting in the flying saucer as he asked her.

“It"s better today,” Su Yutan replied, “What"s wrong?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan laughed, “Nothing big. I just kept thinking about the lemon grilled fish at the Flounder restaurant. How about we go and eat it today?”

Su Yutan"s heart felt that weird feeling again, was Qiao w.a.n.gchuan really looking for an excuse to ask me out?

She decided to settle the matter as soon as possible, so that Qiao w.a.n.gchuan would not call her every day just for this reason.

“Okay, let"s go together tonight,” she replied.

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