Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 79

After New Year"s Day, the Block A housing next door suddenly had two workers and several handling robots, who removed all the furniture.
According to them, the house next door had changed owners, and the new house was being renovated and refurbished.
Su Yutan hoped that the new neighbors would be good people.
A few days later, Milo suddenly told her, “Mr. Qiao w.a.n.gchuan is here. He said he was waiting for a home decorator and would like to borrow a sofa from our house. Would you like him to come in?”
Su Yutan is a little puzzled, waiting for the home decorator? What does it mean?
Then she suddenly realized, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan bought the house next door?!!
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan suddenly became her neighbor. What did it mean?
Su Yutan couldn"t sit still, she said to Milo, “Let him in.”
Then she went straight from the study to the downstairs living room to see Qiao w.a.n.gchuan.
Milo was asking Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, “Mr. Qiao do you want something to drink?”
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan asked, “Is there any white coffee?”
“Then a cup of coffee please, thank you.”
Seeing Su Yutan coming downstairs, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan smiled and said to her, “I didn"t think there would be white coffee in your house. Do you like to drink it?”
Su Yutan shook her head, “I prefer Mocha. White coffee is for you.”
“For me?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was surprised and somewhat flattered.
Su Yutan looked at him with a very indifferent expression, “Didn"t you say that we could get along like ordinary friends? My friends like to come over and visit, so I keep their favorite drinks at home. So when they come to my house, they can drink whatever they like.”
“You are good to your friends.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s deep eyes flashed a smile, his eyelashes fluttered like a beautiful fan.
“Presumably because I don"t have that many friends, so I cherish them.”
“Friends are not so hard to make. Although I only have one friend, and I"m not as good as you in this aspect.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan smiled softly.
“It"s not much of a deal! Don"t worry about it.” Su Yutan shrugged, feeling her eyes seemingly extraordinarily moist. She couldn"t help but groan in her heart, you once laughed like a fool, didn"t you? After thinking, she wanted to laugh again.
Milo brought the coffee in and placed it on the table in front of Qiao w.a.n.gchuan.
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan reached for the cup and took a sip.
Only then did Su Yutan notice, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was wearing a tungsten gold ring on his right index finger, just like her.
Her heart jumped in her chest, what is Qiao w.a.n.gchuan trying to suggest by wearing that ring? When did he start wearing the ring?
She immediately remembered that he had been hiding his right hand in his coat pocket when they met before at the reproductive service center.
She had also asked him: What happened to your right hand?
He didn"t answer at the time, just letting her guess.
Did he already wear the ring at that time?
When they dined at the Flounder restaurant, he didn"t have the ring on his finger. After being politely rejected by her, he wore a tungsten gold ring very similar to her on the same right index finger. What kind of psychology was this?
In this case, it was difficult for Su Yutan to cut her a.s.sociations with him.
She hesitated for less than five seconds before asking directly, “What is that ring on your right index finger?”
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was drinking coffee, but when he heard her, his body jerked a bit while his face had no indication of surprise.
Instead of answering her immediately, he swallowed the coffee in his mouth, put down the coffee cup, and said slowly, “I saw that you were wearing one, and I tried to imitate you.”
Su Yutan suddenly felt ridiculous, “This is the ring of commandment! This is not a good thing to follow. What is there to imitate? What ring of commandment are you wearing?”
“Can"t you wear the ring of commandment if you are not sick? Who prescribed it?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan asked her seriously.
“It"s true that no one made such a boring rule. But, what good rules do you have to keep? Isn"t this just for yourself?”
“I"m happy,” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her and said with a slight smile on his lips, his eyes were infinitely deep.
Su Yutan was a little speechless and a bit weak. She lowered her head and thought for a while, and asked Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, “What precepts do you keep?”
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan laughed and said, “Guess.”
Su Yutan did not want to guess, so she changed her style, “Can you show me your ring?”
“Okay.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan quickly took off the ring and handed it to her.
Su Yutan looked at the inside of his ring, and didn"t see any engraved words.
“Why aren"t there any engraved words on it? Aren"t you following suit?”
“The words in my heart had no need to be carved on the ring.”
“Which words?”
“You guess…”
Su Yutan just wanted to roll her eyes, guess what! He"s not so frank and this is not cute at all.
“Why don"t you just keep this ring in your heart then?” She asked in a sullen voice.
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was silent for a while, then smiled, “I am about to make myself better. I have an intuition that if I keep this ring in my heart, my heart will be blocked. Blocked for a very long time, that even if I don"t become sick, I will become abnormal.”
[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (´ェ`)っ旦~]
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