Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 92

When Su Yutan woke up, she found herself lying in a hospital bed.
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan sat by her bed, his eyes flushed and his face completely lost his usual calm and elegance.
“How are you feeling?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan held her right hand with his right hand and gently plucked her hair from her forehead with his left hand.
Su Yutan felt her body carefully, and felt that the entire left side of her was uncomfortable, numb, itchy, and painful, like countless ants were crawling and biting it.
Although she studied clinical psychiatry, she still had some basic knowledge about trauma treatment.
This occurrence indicated that her left body had just undergone extensive neurological repair or even reconstruction.
“What happened?” Su Yutan didn"t answer Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s query, but instead asked a question. Why did she get hurt so much?
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan replied, “A flying saucer accident occurred over Xinghe Square. You were hit and injured by a crashed flying saucer."
In Su Yu"s head, she finally remembered what happened before she lost consciousness. Something hit her fiercely.
“How"s Flora?” Su Yutan asked anxiously, her heart almost jumping to her throat.
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan hesitated, and smiled reluctantly, “Don"t worry, Flora is in another place.”
Su Yutan caught the hesitation on his face. The panic and anxiety in her heart continued to increase. “Where is she? Don"t lie to me!”
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan hesitated again, sighing after all, and said to her, “Flora… has gone to heaven.”
Su Yutan glared at him, and her heart sank quickly.
How come? How was this possible?
At the last moment, Flora was talking about Gamma cheerfully, and was still looking forward to Gamma"s birthday party and private video.
But now Flora was gone?
Su Yutan"s mind became blank, unwilling to believe Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s words.
But intellectually, she knew very well that Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s words could not be false, because he couldn"t tell a lie.
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan clenched her hand and comforted her, “A"Tan, don"t be sad! This is not your fault. It was just an accident.”
Su Yu lay dumbly on the bed, her head was full of Flora"s face and her memories of her.
That child… is gone…
From now on, she would never truly see Flora"s face again, and never hear her voice again.
From now on, there would no longer be a pale, weak girl, sitting in a wheelchair or a hospital bed, and discussing “Wandering All Stars” with her cheerfully.
That little child no longer existed in this world.
The only traces of her existence were only some video materials and a tombstone that would be erected.
Su Yutan was able to accept Flora"s death, because she was well prepared.
What she couldn"t accept was that Flora left in such a way.
What makes her even more uncomfortable was that at that moment, she brought Flora to that place, so Flora"s life ended a bit earlier.
Flora may not even have the opportunity to say her last words and the opportunity to fulfill her wish in life.
Su Yutan never resisted and never feared death.
But she felt that death should be done in peace.
If death was unavoidable, then when one was ready psychologically, with a little bit of beauty, with a little relief, and leave without concern or regret, then it could be regarded as a successful conclusion of one"s life.
Thinking of Flora"s sudden and cruel death, Su Yutan had a huge hole in her heart.
The dull pain in the hollow made her feel suffocated.
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her with great anxiety, grasped her hand tighter, and kept rubbing on her face.
“A"Tan, if you feel uncomfortable, just cry! If you cry, you will feel better.” He said with great eagerness and heartache.
Su Yutan glanced at him indifferently, trying to raise her left hand, but her left hand did not listen at all.
She had to pull her right hand out of his palm. She wiped her fingers under her eyes, and there were no water stains on her fingertips.
She did not cry.
Her heart was so uncomfortable, but even a tear did not flow. This… this was really a monster"s reaction.
With a sigh, she waved at Qiao w.a.n.gchuan and said tiredly, “I"m fine. I don"t cry.”
Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her, his eyes were more worried.
There was a successive knock on the door of the ward then it was pushed open and Qiao Dongfeng, wearing a white coat, came in.
He checked Su Yutan"s hand, and said, “Your left shoulder, left arm and left hand are too heavily injured, the amount of cells and nerves repaired is too much. Today you will feel some itch and tingling. By tomorrow, this feeling will subside. In a day or two, your left hand function will be fully restored.”
While in the hospital, Su Yutan"s ward had visitors who came and went.
Avril Lavigne and Chen Ruoshui came over to hang with her whenever they were free. Lu Xiaozhi kept visiting her twice a day and observed her mental condition along the way. The Qiao family set out to visit her together. Her boss Tang En and her colleague Bobby also visited her on behalf of their colleagues.
Su Yutan stayed in the hospital for three days.
After her left hand function was fully recovered, she was discharged from the hospital with the approval of Dr. Qiao.
The first thing she did after she was discharged was to call Flora"s mother and ask about Flora"s funeral time.
As she failed to deliver Flora safely to Gamma"s birthday party as agreed, she should at least say sorry to Flora. So she wanted to go to Flora"s funeral.
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