Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 94

Therefore, the Earth Alliance Traffic Safety Law prohibited anyone from manually driving a flying saucer within the city limits.

When a flying saucer was flying over the city, the pa.s.senger could not switch the flying saucer from the automatic driving state to the manual driving state unless he or she had illegally modified the flying saucer.

Mao Zhuang illegally modified his flying saucer, and added a back door to it"s control system that could be switched to manual driving at any time.

On the day of the accident, they did not know for whatever reason, Mao Zhuang used this control of the back door, forcibly switched the flying saucer from an automatic driving state to a manual driving state.

At that time, the flying saucer was too fast, and he failed to control it in time, which led to the accident.

In the accident, three flying saucers were affected, two buildings below the accident airs.p.a.ce were hit by the flying saucers, the offices of four companies were damaged, and four buses were damaged in the streets and squares.

Two people died and 17 were injured in the accident. One of the two dead was Mao Zhuang, and the other was Flora.

This loss could be said to be quite heavy.

However, because the flying saucer has been illegally modified, the flying saucer manufacturing company was not liable for compensation.

Because Mao Zhuang had switched the flying saucer from automatic driving to manual driving at the time of the accident, the global transportation network did not a.s.sume liability for compensation.

Therefore, the only person responsible for this serious traffic accident was Mao Zhuang.

However, Mao Zhuang had already died in the accident. The little legacy he left behind was not enough to compensate for the accidental loss.

If the victim has bought accident insurance or property insurance, he could get a little compensation from the insurance company.

If the victim had not bought the corresponding insurance, basically he could only bear the loss himself.

Unexpectedly, Bandy could find another way to claim compensation from the hospital and the Social Affairs Bureau.

The director of the Social Affairs Bureau was named Sun. He asked the Chief of the Legal Affairs Department, Zhou, “We have all seen Xiao Su"s work video just now. She took the child"s mother"s consent before taking the child out of the hospital. Why did the court want to take this case?”

Director Zhou was a gray-haired lady who looked very smart.

She explained, “This involved a controversial issue. After getting the consent of the child"s mother, was it necessary to obtain the consent of the child"s father?”

“In terms of human relationships and habits, whether it is to go to the hospital for surgery, to go to school to enroll their children or whatever, it only requires the consent of a parent. This is a convention.”

“However, in the current marriage and family law, spousalism is a fundamental proposition. Jurisprudentially speaking, it can be determined that before divorce, the rights of parents to guard their children are equal and independent.”

“Although Bandy and Rathley divorced on the day of Flora"s funeral. When the accident happened, they were still married.”

“In this case, Xiao Su only sought the consent of the child"s mother and did not seek the consent of Bandy, which means that Bandy"s custody of the child was indeed ignored. Bandy accused us and argued that compensation is not untenable. This is why the court accepted the case.”

The people in the conference room were struck dumb.

Su Yutan also paused. She thought that she had been cautious enough in her usual time, but did not expect that there would be such a big pit waiting for her.

“Then what is the chance that we will win the case?”

Director Zhou shook her head and said with some anxiety, “Although there is no specific jurisprudence to refer to, I estimate that we are more likely to lose.”

“Why?” Director Sun frowned, his face full of doubts, “Is there no law in this issue? Is there no law for our social workers? Why do we lose the case?”

Some other people in the conference room were also very confused.

Director Zhou replied, “If the law is not explicitly provided, it is based on custom and legal principles. But whether to follow” customs “or” legal principles” has been debated in the legal profession for hundreds of years. In recent decades, it has been ‘First according to law", concept that had prevailed.”

“29 years ago, there was a PK of jurisprudence and customs. That time, jurisprudence won. This time, I guess that jurisprudence will prevail.”

Director Sun paused, and then asked, “Can you seek reconciliation out of the court?”

Director Zhou shook her head again, “I"m afraid it"s difficult. Because we went to the magistrate"s court to accuse Bandy and his ex-wife and won the case, making Bandy"s reputation in the lawyers world worse.

“He sued us this time, with obvious intent to retaliate, and the possibility of agreeing to reconciliation is very low, unless we pay him huge compensation. Although I don"t agree with paying a huge compensation to settle with him.”

“Why don"t you agree?”

Director Zhou replied, “The first reason; in this case, whether we have made a mistake is open to question. Even if we actually lose the lawsuit in the end, we may not lose with the hearts of the people. There will certainly be many people supporting us.”

“The second reason; our money is financial allocation. If there is a large amount of compensation, we need to explain it to the taxpayer. If we do not fight for it, we will directly compensate, which will have a greater and worse impact on our reputation.”

Director Sun thought for a while and asked the others in the conference room, “What do you think?”

Several chiefs in the conference room all agreed to a lawsuit with Bandy.

Su Yutan was just a small shrimp. She didn"t get a chance to speak, but he also strongly agreed to hold a lawsuit.

She wondered whether or not the judge and the public would think she was wrong.

“Then let"s bring a lawsuit with him.” the director decided.

After making a decision, Director Sun started to arrange a lawsuit and discussed with the people in the public relations office about external publicity.

In the end, he said to Su Yutan, “Xiao Su, although I don"t think you have done wrong, now that you have this lawsuit, you are on the cusp. According to the rules, we have to suspend your duties. This… do you understand?”

Su Yutan only smiled bitterly, “I understand.”

“That"s good.” Director Sun smiled and comforted her, “Don"t be overburdened with thoughts. Just as Director Zhou said, even if we lose the lawsuit, we must not lose our hearts. At this time, you should be fine. Take a break, walk around and relax.”

Su Yutan could only thank the leaders for their concern.

After the meeting, Tang En comforted Su Yutan and left in a hurry.

Cindy was still in the isolation ward. It was originally Su Yutan who took the work on behalf of Cindy. But now Su Yutan can"t replace her. Cindy"s clients had to be shared equally with the others in the group. Everyone had to work overtime again.

Su Yutan looked at the departing back of Tang En, and was very confused.

She felt that her career as a social worker was really a disaster. Why did she catch up with her? Was it Shui Ni or did she rush into this business?

She grabbed Avril and asked, “How long will this case take?”

Avril gave her a soothing smile and said softly, “One or two months. Don"t think too much, maybe things are not as serious as Director Zhou said.”

Su Yutan hugged Avril and expressed her grat.i.tude silently.

Avril, busy with the case, caught up with Director Zhou and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Su Yutan stood alone outside the conference room for a while, then slowly walked into the underground disc parking, got into her own flying saucer, and felt depressed.

She just wants to be a good social worker and do something for the children who had been treated unfairly. Why was she always facing such troubles?

She was preparing to go home for a while, when Qiao w.a.n.gchuan suddenly made a video call.

He seemed to have just come out of the laboratory, and while taking off his lab coat, he said to her, “I"ll come to you right away. Are you still in the underground parking of the Social Affairs Bureau? Just wait for me there.”

Su Yutan could not help but smile bitterly, “Did you hear anything?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan nodded, “Yes! Miss Avril told me the situation. Don"t worry, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side.”

Su Yutan sighed, “Thank you! However, you don"t have to leave your job to come over, I"m fine.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan immediately said without hesitation, “No matter what, you need emotional support today. I don"t want to see you acc.u.mulate more negative emotions in your heart, that will not do you any good.”

Su Yutan was silent and no longer objected, she replied, “You don"t have to come over here. I"m preparing to go home anyways, just come to my house.”

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