Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 98

This chapter is sponsored by Shar! φ(*⌒▽⌒)ノ

After giving her farewell, she turned and left.

As she approached the door, a sudden urgent sound came from behind her.

“Wait a minute.”

Su Yutan turned around and saw Sha Jun looking up and looking down at her.

Sha Jun looked at her with a more complex look than before.

He hesitated for a while before he whispered, “I… can we exchange contact information?”

Su Yutan shook her head and said with irony, “Two drowning people can"t rescue each other. They will only drag each other down and drown faster. We are not suitable as friends, or we each bear our own fate and life.”

She turned and walked out again, without stopping or turning back.

She went to the personnel department to complete the resignation procedures and went to bid farewell to Tang En.

Finally, she opened her own locker, packed her personal belongings in that small box, carried the box, walked out of the second department of social workers, and went into the underground disk parking s.p.a.ce.

When the flying saucer flew out of the disc parking s.p.a.ce and merged into the spectacular disc stream over the new sea, Su Yutan looked back at the office building of the Social Affairs Bureau.

She felt sadness looming over her heart.

After being rescued that year, she had been helped by many people.

She wanted to give back to society in the same way, to help children younger than her, and to let them inherit that morality and responsibility.

But now, since this society doesn"t need her to do that, she would just sit quietly in her world!

From now on, she would live only for herself and for those she loved.

Su Yutan looked at Xinhai City under the sun, and the sadness in her heart gradually faded.

Frustration would happen sooner or later, and accidents are bound to happen… Life is such a tortured affair.

What could she do about this?

She could only get up after falling, pat the dust on her body, smile and curse, and then continue to move forward.

As she said to Sha Jun; don"t blame the heavens and others, don"t give up on yourself, and rise up with the courage to head against the wind in the hardships.

Back in Sunshine City, Su Yutan just got out of the elevator when she heard Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s grieving voice, “You are really cruel! Even if you don"t want to see me, won"t you at least even see the little Dove?”

She turned around and saw Qiao w.a.n.gchuan leaning on the door frame of his door, looking at her resentfully.

He stood relaxed as if not really complaining, but…

Su Yutan shook her head and said, “Mr. Qiao, you are a successful person, please don"t speak in such a grudgeful tone. I got gooseb.u.mps all over.”

“Gooseb.u.mps?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan left the door frame and walked towards her enchantingly, “Where? Let me see.”

As he walked, his gaze slipped around Su Yutan"s neck.

Su Yutan smiled, turned and walked towards her home, leaving him facing her back.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan followed up and said to her as she walked, “I have a gift for you to celebrate your return.”

Su Yutan asked casually, “What gift?”

“A chair.”

“What chair?”

“Turn around and see.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan teased with a smile.

Su Yutan reluctantly stopped and turned around to look.

Behind Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, his robot butler named Aries was carrying a wooden rocking chair and came out of his house. That chair was old and it was somewhat oddly familiar to her…

Su Yutan"s eyes widened when she realized what she was looking at. Stepping on high heels, she hurriedly dashed, and rushed forward to grab the rocking chair for a closer look.

She found a very familiar logo behind a chair that was not too eye-catching! This was her father"s logo! This was a rocking chair made by her father!

There was no need to doubt the authenticity of this rocking chair, because she was familiar with this style. And her father was just an ordinary craftsman, not an artist, so no one would copy his handmade goods.

So, this must have been made by her father himself!

Su Yutan stroked the rocking chair with great excitement.

“This is the best gift I have received in the recent years! Thank you!” she exclaimed.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her with a deep smile on his eyes and asked softly, “Do you like it?”

“I like it! I truly like it!”

After expressing her love without any concealment, Su Yutan, who was excited, directed Aries with great excitement, “Come in! Come in! Come to my studio!”

Su Yutan couldn"t help but hold the chair, and walked into her home with Aries. She led him upstairs, and moved the rocking chair into the studio next to her bedroom.

In the studio, in addition to various painting tools and her paintings, there was another relic of his father— a reclining chair that she and her adoptive mother pulled out from the thrift market.

Su Yutan asked Aries to keep the two chairs side by side, walked around them, touched this one, and looked at that one. She was overjoyed. “It"s a natural pair!”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, who walked into her studio for the first time, looked at her surroundings and turned his attention back to her.

After hearing her say “born in a pair”, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan grinned happily and proposed, “Why not give them a name? The rocking chair I got would be called Little C. Your original reclining chair would be called Little T.”

“Why are you calling them Little C and Little T?”

“C is the first initial of the Chuan word, which represents me; T is the initial of the Tan word, which represents you.”

“Little C, Little T…” Su Yutan said it casually, and accepted the two names happily, “Yes, let"s call them Little C and Little T.”

She didn"t take off Qiao w.a.n.gchuan as an outsider at all, walked barefoot in front of “Little C”, and carefully sat down in the chair, shaking comfortably.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked around with interest, smiling like a fool.

Su Yutan hummed the song for a while and asked Qiao w.a.n.gchuan while pointing at “Little T”, “Why don"t you sit?”

“I"m afraid you"ll feel bad if I sit down.”

Su Yutan proudly said, “Relax! The chair made by my dad is very strong, and you are not a fat man, it won"t be so easy to break it down.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan sat down on “Little T” besides Su Yutan.

He turned his head to look at Su Yutan, who was humming with closed eyes and shaking on the chair. He couldn"t help humming with her.

The so-called time feels good, was that it?

“How did you find this rocking chair?” Su Yutan happily enquired about the story behind the gift.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan answered, “I have made a small program to help me. This small program could keep an eye on the major thrift markets on the Internet 24 hours a day. When someone sells a product with that logo, it will be bought automatically.”

Su Yutan laughed and praised him, “This program is mighty."

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter