Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 99

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A small nose, a small mouth, big eyes, black eyes, long lashes and white skin, this was… small Dove! Her child!

Su Yutan was sitting next to the crib, and when she saw the little dove lying on the bed, she felt that her heart was going to burst with love.

Little Dove was playing a game of tongue out.

Her little mouth opened slightly, and her pink tongue moved in and out between her lips, very flexible and a little naughty.

Little Dove was obviously very skilled in this game because she was watching Su Yutan intently while playing the game.

Her eyes were extremely clear, with a little curiosity in it as if asking, who are you?

When meeting her for the first time, Su Yutan introduced herself politely, “I am your biological mother. You can call me mom or you can call me something else. How about calling me Tan Tan? Nice isn"t?”

When she laughed, the little Dove grinned and made a few giggles unique to babies.

“Are you laughing? Do you also think that Tan Tan Tan isn"t good?” Su Yutan talked to Xiao Dove.

Of course, it was too early to discuss this issue. It would take at least ten months for the little Dove to start learning to speak!

Su Yutan just sat next to the crib and happily chatted with the little Dove.

Even until the little Dove was tired and had fallen asleep, she was still reluctant to leave. Sitting there and watching the dove"s quiet sleeping face, as if she was looking at some kind of rare treasure.

At dinner, she was still reluctant to leave, so she asked Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, “Can I get Milo to bring my dinner here? Let"s have dinner together.”

“Okay!” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, who had been standing next to her, agreed without hesitation.

They were in Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s kitchen, having dinner together and sharing each other"s food.

The baby"s crib is right next to the dining table. Su Yutan took a few sips of her drink and took a look at the baby. It was as if she was taking her meal absentmindedly.

After supper, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan suddenly said to Su Yutan, “I want to discuss something with you.”

Su Yutan asked in a good mood, “What is it?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan said slowly and carefully, “I have a few friends who I met when I was looking for my mother in the Misty Stars. They recently arrived on Earth and want to do something here. I plan to let them live in my house, but my room is not enough. There are two rooms in your house that are empty. Can you help me accommodate two ladies?”

Su Yutan frowned at him, a little embarra.s.sed, and felt a little weird.

“Why don"t you let them stay in a hotel, or rent one or two short-term rentals directly for them? You don"t lack money.” Su Yutan asked doubtfully.

She didn"t like receiving strangers at home. Why did Qiao w.a.n.gchuan ask her for this? It didn"t look like he was acting! He was not like someone who likes to trouble others.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan said simply, “It is not very convenient.”

“What"s inconvenient in that arrangement?” Su Yutan felt weird even more.

After she showed obvious rejection, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan didn"t say a word even if it was inconvenient.

He so strongly wanted his friend to come to her house, why?

For her simple question, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan opened his mouth, but he did not speak a word.

“It"s so difficult for you to open your mouth. It seems to be really inconvenient!” Su Yutan"s brows frowned even more, “Will this "inconvenience" affect the safety of the young Dove?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan raised his head and sighed, said extremely helplessly, “Can"t you be a little stupid? Can"t you simply accept my arrangement?”

Su Yutan grinned, “I remember your love letter saying that you don"t have any feelings for a ‘stupid" woman. Tell me! What happened?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan shook his head with a bitter smile and looked at her and said, “After Flora"s death, you were guilty first, and then troubled by the lawsuit. I"m afraid I didn"t have the energy to think about one thing. The accident that caused Flora"s death, was it really just an accident?”

Su Yutan stared at him with wide eyes and took a deep breath.

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in her mind that split the fog in the night, and her thinking suddenly became clear.

Yes indeed! Why was it so coincidental?

Why did the crashed flying saucer just hit her and Flora?

Although there were always accidents in this world, the probability of accidents happening to a certain person was actually not high.

Few people could illegally modify flying saucers. It was even less likely that an illegally modified flying saucer happened to pa.s.s over her. The owner of the flying saucer suddenly went stupid, and it was even less likely that he would switch from automatic driving to manual driving over her.

Driving a flying saucer manually causes an accident, and this probability was relatively large. But how small was the probability that the accidental flying saucer would just hit her and Flora?

This extremely unlikely event that happened to her and Flora, had only two explanations.

First, she or Flora was possessed by both the G.o.d of death; second, it was not an accident, but a well-designed murder.

Another question came again; if it was murder, then who was the target of the murderer, was it her or Flora?

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her with a look of anxiety, “I don"t believe there is such a coincidence. So after you were discharged, I used my connections and got all the information about the accident. You can see it yourself on the recovery simulation of the accident.”

He operated his smart.w.a.tch and the imaging equipment around the house began to project a holographic simulation of the accident.

It only took fifteen seconds from the flying saucer to deviate from the channel until it hit her and Flora.

However, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan played the accident at a low speed, and was also equipped with graphics and data a.n.a.lysis, allowing Su Yutan to see the entire accident process clearly.

The flying path of Mao Zhuang"s flying saucer was originally at a horizontal distance of 57 meters from her and Flora"s position.

That flying saucer suddenly changed the flight line and speed. This was the first change of its course. After hitting a flying saucer on another channel, this was the second change of its course. Then it hit the wall of a building, thus a third change of course occurred. Only then did it hit her and Flora on the last change.

After the third lane change, Mao"s c.o.c.kpit was ejected, but the c.o.c.kpit lid was not closed. The front of the c.o.c.kpit hit an acute corner of a building and Mao Zhuang died on the spot.

In addition to the flying saucer lines, this simulation chart also a.n.a.lyzes her and Flora"s moving lines and speed.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan said, “Have you noticed that? Three seconds before the accident, in order to remove a catkin on Flora"s hair, you paused for a little while. If you did not stop you would also be hit by the flying saucer…”

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