Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1466: 1466

Chapter 1466: 1466

Chapter 1466 - The Battle to Achieve the Martial G.o.d Realm

Currently, in the deepest part of the Battle Tribe . . .

After two years, the battle intent in the stone palace and the surroundings had depleted .

From today onward, the place would no longer be considered a prohibited area .


A formidable aura rose fiercely, causing the entire palace to tremble as giant cracks like dragons spread rapidly on the walls .

Qin Nan"s eyes sprang open .

After cultivating in seclusion for more than two years, he had refined the battle intent into ten wisps of Divine Battle Force through the Divine Battle Spirit .

Although the ten wisps of Divine Battle Force were incomparable with the Divine Battle Force he had acquired in the Nine Heavens, their strength was still remarkable enough to evolve the monarch force in his body after the two forces were merged .

Together with the armor that the sacred corpse had turned into, he would not have any problem defeating a sixth-layer Martial G.o.d .

"Seniors, I"m done, what"s the situation like?"

Qin Nan picked up his badge and transmitted his thoughts .

"Qin Nan, the cultivators of the Anti-Heaven Alliance have all gathered . Senior Seven Luminaries and the others and the experts of the Battle Tribe are ready too," The Dragon Emperor"s voice was the first to respond, "Based on the rare phenomena at the Land of the Deceased G.o.ds, the G.o.d Horoscope Contest will take place around noon tomorrow . "

“Tomorrow at noon?"

Qin Nan"s gaze gradually became sharp .

Wisps of magnificent battle intent burst out from him .

Although he had achieved the Martial G.o.d Realm in the Nine Heavens and killed many Human G.o.d Realm experts, he had only been using someone else"s body . Achieving the Martial G.o.d Realm in the Canglan Continent was what really mattered .

Besides that, the significance of the upcoming battle to achieve the Martial G.o.d Realm was completely different .

"I"m on my way . "

A few dozen breaths later, Qin Nan transmitted this thought and quickly vanished as he flew toward the Seven Luminaries Flying Sword deep inside the Battle Tribe .



Inside a place of succession in the Lost Herb Garden . . .

G.o.dly rays pierced the sky and shone upon a towering, ancient tower before turning into several figures .

These figures were Martial G.o.d Tang Mu and the rest of the top experts of the Lost Herb Garden .

The experts were staring at the entrance with solemn and nervous expressions .

They had lost contact with Princess Miao Miao after she had gone inside the tower . They had no idea if she had managed to acquire the succession or had fallen in it .

Most importantly, the G.o.d Horoscope Contest was about to begin . If Princess Miao Miao did not come out soon, it would be meaningless even if she had acquired the succession .

After all, the path that Princess Miao Miao had chosen was different than the other genius Martial Monarchs . She needed to achieve the Martial G.o.d Realm straight away when she was still a Martial Progenitor .

If she missed the chance, it would be meaningless to wait another few hundred years .

"Chief Tang Mu, we still need quite some time to make the preparations . If we activate it now, I"m afraid it won"t be as effective during the G.o.d Horoscope Contest . . . "

An ancient Martial G.o.d could not help but break the silence .

"Activate it now . "

Martial G.o.d Tang Mu said decisively .

"But . . . "

Many Martial G.o.ds were shocked . If they opened the tower now, if Princess Miao Miao did not show up in time or had fallen inside, it would be a great loss to the Lost Herb Garden .

"Mm, not bad, since when did you old folks begin to learn the capabilities of the Heavenly Fortune Tribe? How did you know I would be coming out today?"

A pleasant voice said at that instant .

The door of the giant tower slowly opened, from which a glamorous figure walked out . Even though she was not unleas.h.i.+ng any aura, her formidable presence surged in all directions .

"The Princess made it? Is that a Three-Spirited Immortal Flesh? No, it"s . . . "

The Martial G.o.ds were first overjoyed before they were dumbfounded as they soon realized something .

"Seven-Spirited Immortal Flesh?"



Early next morning . . .

The atmosphere in the entire half-G.o.d region and the Middle Continent intensified . Even though many cultivators did not plan to go to the Land of the Deceased G.o.ds, they still placed their attention on the G.o.d Horoscope Contest .

"The news just came, the Blood Tribe, Flame Tribe, and Lightning Tribe have moved out . "

"Tsk tsk, and considering the South-Heaven Sacred Ground and the other seven factions have already made their move . "

"We still did not receive any news about the Anti-Heaven Alliance, maybe they went in advance and are currently hiding somewhere?"

"Humph, I bet Qin Nan isn"t going at all . Under the current circ.u.mstances, he is simply going to get himself killed if he comes . "

"Get myself killed? Hehe, why are you so sure about that?"

As more news came, the cultivators clearly sensed the approaching of a great storm .

They were all focusing on Qin Nan .

Some treated him with disdain, some were uttering hollow laughs, but most of the cultivators actually had a slight feeling of antic.i.p.ation for him .

Time gradually pa.s.sed and the G.o.d Beast Forbidden Ground, Wretched Disaster Forest, Undead Tribe, Ocean Tribe, and the rest of the factions took turns to depart for the Land of the Deceased G.o.ds .

The Lost Herb Garden and the Battle Tribe were the last two factions to make their moves .

Meanwhile, if anyone was observing the place from high above, they would discover that the factions were gathering toward the place from all directions like long dragons .

The battle—the confrontation—would become one of the greatest events in history .

Noon finally arrived . The rare phenomena taking place at the Land of the Deceased G.o.ds collapsed instantly, turning into countless golden dragons and fiery phoenixes that flew in all directions .

The vast land began to tremble, as rays of strange black light burst out from deep inside the place . The rays rose and formed enormous black dojos with G.o.dly glows .

More than ten thousand platforms were constructed in the blink of an eye, like layers of mountains, or sacred dojos that everyone had the urge to treat with utter respect .

Whoosh whoosh whoos.h.!.+

G.o.dly rays descended from the end of the sky and changed rapidly into figures in white-golden robes with chaotic auras .

These figures were the G.o.d Envoys .

"All cultivators on the G.o.d Ranking—be they Martial Monarch or Martial Progenitors—are required to head to the Land of the Deceased G.o.ds within an hour . Otherwise, you"ll be considered to have forfeited the G.o.d Horoscope Contest . " An imperious voice echoed in the minds of the cultivators, "In an hour . . .

"The G.o.d Horoscope Contest will begin!"

The words were like a great clap of thunder, making the hearts of many experts shudder .

Translator: XephiZ

Editor: DOCuinn