Petite Mother Of Four Big Shots

Chapter 4: It Is Time For Mom To Stand Up For Her Sake Of Her So Part 4

Edited by : Harriet98

 Chapter 4: It Is Time For Mom To Stand Up For Her Sake Of Her So Part 4

Zhou Zhou? What the h.e.l.l! Did she name that dog after Erbao? How dare she?

Gu Yuanyuan"s face instantly went black at the realization.

"Doctor Gu, our Zhou Zhou always listens to you, even more than it listens to me." The woman stood up in a refined manner like nothing just happened. She already regained her previous demeanor and apparently accustomed to these kind things. "Thank you for your help just now. I deeply appreciated it. If it were not for you, my dog wouldn"t have stopped being aggressive."

Gu Yuanyuan: "…"

She looked down on the woman"s small waist and on her wide iron-like b.u.t.tocks. Gu Yuanyuan mused. It was frantically dragged down on the ground, fiercely shoved and all, but it still didn"t hurt? Hmm… In actuality, this kind thing provoked a deeper thought.

And there"s one word that perfectly described it. Talent.

The woman tightly clutched the lease of her dog and s.h.i.+fted her eyes to Gu Yuanyuan, at the same time, revealing the famous pretentious smile. "This is…?"

If it weren"t for seeing this young and beautiful girl beside Dr. Gu, she wouldn"t have recovered from the momentary loss that happened to her, when she didn"t hold the lease properly. Furthermore, she would have let Zhou Zhou ran off and continued to drag her if she didn"t regain back her awareness.

The woman secretly gnashed her teeth as she looked at Gu Yuanyuan with hostility in her eyes.

She was Gu Yizhou"s neighbor and she just moved here in this area not too long ago. She was somewhat stunned to see Gu Yizhou coming back from work this early, especially that there"s a girl with him.

If there"s someone that possessed these three things: the money, the face, and the talent; you need to act faster and pursue that person. But, you ought to remember the keyword, whether that person was still single or not. And, if you didn"t immediately go after the man that meets all these qualities, isn"t that a great waste?

Since then, the womenfolk had begun to launch an a.s.sertive attack.

She"s nowhere different from these women as she was also the same. Thus, she felt that it would not be long before she could attack such a fine man using her own beauty. 

However, no matter how much she tried her best, it was still to no avail. The man, she"s offering her amorous feeling of affection, couldn"t understand it at all. He would even completely ignore her, making her unable to use any means.

But, she didn"t mind it, for her, it was just a part of the challenge. She didn"t believe that she could not achieve her goals. Therefore, she bought a dog and intentionally named it Zhou Zhou as a token of her feelings, regardless of its behavior. 

Gu Yuanyuan had seen too many of these looks particularly, from the women. Although they were kind of similar, this woman in front of her still didn"t have the necessary skills that were as high as Shen Xinrou"s.

Looking at Gu Yizhou again, he still remained his indifferent att.i.tude while his eyes were showing a hint of unhappiness.

As a man, even though his irritated with this present occurrence, he could hardly say anything about it.

It is time for mom to stand up for the sake of her son.

Gu Yuanyuan decided to step forward and took hold of Gu Yizhou"s arm. Then, she snuggled up to him while saying: "h.e.l.lo sister. I"m Yizhou"s girlfriend."

Gu Yizhou: "…"

The smile on the woman"s face turned stiff, somehow couldn"t maintain it.

Gu Yuanyuan innocently blinked her clear bright eyes and curiously asked: "Sister, you have a quite large dog. Just now, when you were dragged down by it, sister, did you get hurt? I think sister should go to a clinic and check it out, in case there were any hidden injuries." 

"Sister, we will go ahead as we do not want to disturb your walking with your dog. So, goodbye."

Both Gu Yuanyuan and Gu Yizhou walked into the elevator. She felt very pleased and glad when the elevator closed its door, completely blocking the woman"s nasty face.

With the smile still on her face, Gu Yuanyuan suddenly felt that something was wrong. So, she slowly raised up her head, and there she saw the emotionless expression of Gu Yizhou"s cold eyes. He dimly asked: "Can you let go now?"
End of Chapter