Petite Mother Of Four Big Shots

Chapter 11: Looking For Erbao (2)

Edited by: Supaaawokaa

Chapter 11: Looking For Erbao (2)

“Man An, you don"t have to speak up for her all the time. You"ve been wronged.”

Cheng Man An only stared back at him with a clever smile.

Dang! Dang!

After a while, a noise came from the stairs. The three people looked up, only to see Gu Yuanyuan dragging a small suitcase. She had casually packed some clothes. She thought of bringing the photo of Gu Lingxiang inside, but she also wanted to put it in a place to frighten the mother and daughter, who wanted to oppose her.

She glanced at the stairs. Dragging the suitcase down the stairs wasn"t that easy to do. With her new and delicate body, any damage would hurt.

Therefore, Gu Yuanyuan gave a slight push and the suitcase rolled all the way to the first floor. Finally, with a “thud”, it landed perfectly.

"Gu Yuanyuan!” Cheng Zhenhua hit the table angrily.

Gu Yuanyuan innocently said: “Sorry, my hand slipped.”

She went downstairs and pulled up the suitcase. The quality was very high. After rolling down some stairs, the photo wasn"t even damaged.  

Cheng Zhenhua asked, “What are you going to do?!”

Gu Yuanyuan reached out her hand and said: “Give me the money. You can give it or not.” She turned to Chen Yun, “Aunt Chen, as my stepmother, now I want some money from you, and I won"t waste it away.”

“How much do you want?” Chen Yun subconsciously said.

Gu Yuanyuan deeply pondered.

While Gu Yuanyuan quietly pocketed a big sum of money from the Cheng Family at this moment, Gu Yizhou had arrived at the hospital and headed straight to his office. Xiao Li, the nurse who called him to the director"s office yesterday, knocked at the door and came in. 

“Doctor Gu, I want to tell you something.”

Gu Yizhou nodded at her to continue.

Xiao Li took out a portrait and handed it over: “Yesterday, there were many men in black. They showed this photo to everyone, asking if they had seen this girl. They said she"s their boss"s sister, that she"s in poor health and has mental problems. If she runs out alone, she may be in danger.”

The girl in the photo was Gu Yuanyuan, with her hair hanging loose and a small white face. She stared at the camera almost expressionlessly. Even so, she still looked so beautiful that people couldn"t take their eyes off her.

Gu Yizhou did not speak. 

Xiao Li said: “The patient was wounded by her and ran away. They tried to locate the patient who ran away from her relative, but no one found her… However…”

She said nothing. When she called Gu Yizhou to the director"s office yesterday, the girl in front of him looked down, but she still saw half of her face. It looked very much like the one in the photo.

Gu Yizhou"s presence in the hospital was like a deity to the female doctors and nurses. Xiao Li said worriedly: “Those people are not easy to handle. Doctor Gu, you must be careful.”

Her purpose was to remind that the relations.h.i.+p between doctors and patients has always been relatively tense. They can"t predict what the family will do.

“Thank you.” Gu Yizhou asked, “Is that family member still in the hospital?”

Xiao Li understood: “I heard the head nurse say that the ident.i.ty of that person doesn"t seem to be simple. Yesterday you toured the room but once you went home, the director took your place. The family member was seriously injured in the back of the head. He had a slight concussion and was being observed in the room. ”  

“I understand.” 

When Xiao Li left, Gu Yizhou changed his clothes, took the case folder, and headed for VIP ward no 9, room 3. 

Gu Yuanyuan got out of the taxi and stood blankly on the street while holding her suitcase.

This is not good!

After all, although she had been to Erbao"s house, she didn"t know the specific address of Erbao"s house nor could she ask anyone around.


The process of leaving the Cheng Family went smoothly, which surprised her a bit. She borrowed the usual method of Cheng Man An"s mother and daughter, pretending to be pushed over and “be suffering” because of Chen Yun.

With the delicate composition of her body, her elbow easily broke a layer of skin. Although this was a deliberate trick, the pain was doubled.

When she cried, all three of them, including Cheng Zhenhua, froze. Because the original owner was stubborn, no matter how much she suffered at home, she would never cry.  

She didn"t know what went through Cheng Zhenhua"s mind, but he angrily threw a card at her and told her to leave.

Gu Yuanyuan wept bitterly and pulled the suitcase away joyfully. 

Cheng Man An"s aim was to find Gu Yuanyuan and bring her back. But just as she was about to speak, Cheng Zhenhua"s voice frightened her back: “If she wants to leave, let her go and never come back.”

With her ident.i.ty certificate and money, she hadn"t had much money in Chakkari yet. The top priority was to find a foothold. Gu Yuanyuan"s first reaction was to find the community where Erbao lived. 

It would be nice to rent a room in Erbao"s community. She could be Erbao"s neighbor and take care of him secretly.

Gu Yuanyuan took out her mobile phone. Erbao still didn"t add her on WeChat, but Sanbao did.     

After some hesitation, Gu Yuanyuan dialed Sanbao"s number. She decided to learn the address of Erbao from Sanbao and surprise Erbao.

A moment later-

【Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service.】  

Gu Yuanyuan:"???"

End Of Chapter

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