Picked Up In Winter

Chapter 22

NSFW content ahead, the specific part is pointed out by ***

Translator: Ranka

Editor/TLC: Barb

Picked Up In Winter <22>

Clack… Clack… Clack.

Hearing the gradually approaching footsteps, I felt hopeless.

What to do…… What should I do?

I felt my mind slowly clearing up. Reason began to return to my brain which had gone blank moments ago. With Jun Hyung laying atop me and my shirt rolled up. A face and body covered in saliva, and most importantly, a very excited body.…… It was a dire crisis. Jun Hyung was also surprised, but he remained still.

Bthump… Bthump

My heart was seriously beating like crazy.

"d.a.m.n it……."

I was startled to hear him curse near my ear. Jun Hyung relaxed the strength in his arms that was supporting him and just lied atop of me. I was surprised at the sudden closeness between our bodies. But above all, the reason I was surprised was the hot and hard feeling I felt from in between my thighs. I was rooted to the spot.

"As expected, that was pushing it……."

He mumbled once again. I still hadn"t moved. This brief moment felt like an eternity. In the meantime, the footsteps got closer.

What to do…….

We cannot show this image. If his family saw this scene, how shocked would they be? They might even faint. But what can you do, when you can"t even move your own body…….

"It"s okay, Happy."

He murmured as if he had felt the slight tremor from my body. Then with a great force, he pulled out the blanket underneath. He held me in his arms and covered us with the blanket just as the approaching footsteps stopped at the door. As the door opened, Jun Hyung whispered.

"… Pretend to sleep."

I closed my eyes in a hurry.

"What is going on, Jun Hyung? It seemed like Happy yelled just now….…"

At last, the voice of the main character entered my ears, it was Seon Hyung-nuna. I buried my face in his chest and closed my eyes tightly. Fortunately, the blanket which Jun Hyung covered us with, just reached till our eyes. My eyelashes quivered a bit due to nervousness but they were probably hidden by Jun Hyung"s body and couldn"t be seen.

"It"s nothing."

Jun Hyung replied in a calm voice. But then, thanks to me, what is that hard and hot thing I am feeling on my thighs right now…… I wanted to question.

"Really? Happy is…… sleeping?"


"That"s weird. Didn"t Happy just yell "Stop"?

In that instant my heart sank, I wanted to appeal my existence.

I gripped his arm tightly with a trembling hand under the blanket. Due to the tension, my body began to shiver more and more noticeably. He wriggled his arm that wasn"t gripped by me and stealthily grabbed my hand. It was probably to rea.s.sure me, but I got scared out of my wits because of it. Fortunately, I was so surprised by that move that I turned stiff.



"Happy was sleep-talking."

"…… Ho… Really? What a surprise…. Normally it"s so quiet that it"s scary…… You mean he sleep-talks that loudly?"


"That"s interesting……."

Soon, I could feel a stinging gaze on my forehead. I was ashamed but closed my eyes tightly and diligently pretended to be asleep. If possible, I would"ve turned around and "woof"-ed in a loud voice.

I was impressed with Jun Hyung"s composure and guts…….

"Okay, sorry to interrupt your sleep. I was just wondering if something happened…… But Jun Hyung, stop accompanying Happy to bed. We even bought the bunk bed. If you continue to annoy him, Happy won"t be able to sleep well."

"I"m not annoying him."

"Alright, I get it. I"ll go. … Huh? But why are you sleeping with lights on?"

I was frightened once again. But as expected, Jun Hyung brazenly responded with a calm voice.

"Nuna, please turn it off when you go out."

"All right…… Good night."



As the door closed, my body simultaneously relaxed. And at once, I sighed "Haaa" in relief. The tension had prevented me from breathing properly. He snickered when he felt me breathe loudly in his embrace.

Suddenly it got dark in the room so I couldn"t see anything at all. When vision fails you, other senses become more sensitive. For example, the thing I could feel on my thighs, his low laugh next to my ears…….

“You are really bad.”

He suddenly muttered. I was shocked inwardly but didn"t display any sign outside.

"I"m still hard, Happy isn"t.

He seemed to be talking about the other me which was completely cooled down by the tension and fright. But his was still firmly erect, I could feel it on my thighs.


"So, help me…… a little, Happy……."


I cried inside but didn"t let anything show on the outside.

However, to ask for help in this situation could only mean one thing. My body once again tensed. While I was inwardly grumbling about not being able to be at ease even a bit, his hand slowly reached out and grabbed my wrist. And unsurprisingly, he put my hand on his jeans, over his p.e.n.i.s.

I was startled, but the unpleasant incident a while ago made it impossible to let out any sound.


A sluggish sigh escaped from his lips. That sound which entered my ears was overly faint in the darkness. As if in a dream, I couldn"t distinguish it from reality. Another question arose in my mind. From the beginning till the end, there was only one word that came to mind. ─Why……. Only that word replayed in my mind indefinitely.


He whispered again as if he was calling the name of the loveliest thing in the world. However, my heart hurt the moment I heard that name. The name that was yet wasn"t mine. When I heard that name, it was as if the object he was l.u.s.ting after, wasn"t me, but rather some other who wasn"t here.  


Slowly patting over, he finally unzipped his jeans. The sound resonated very clearly in the dark room. I was a little scared and amazed.

"Eus…… haaa."

In the end, his jeans and underwear went down and his hot bare skin touched my hand. At the same time, he let out a short cry and buried his face into my neck. I had become rock stiff, too stunned to move. I just stayed unmoving as he continued his moves.

"Haaa…… Ha… ppy….. Uu…uh……"

When he slowly began to move my hand, a low moan flowed from his mouth. Maybe because he was conscious of the people outside, his restrained moans were unbearably erotic. I was completely stiffened by the sounds ringing right beside my ear. I closed my eyes shut and just waited for this deed to end. Every time he groaned, his breath that spread on my neck was so hot that it felt like that place was being burned.

"Haaa…… Oh!"

He climaxed and hugged me at the same time. Soon the slippery liquid spilt on my hand. I didn"t know what to do with the awkwardness of getting someone else off by my hand. Jun Hyung soon roughly breathed, "haa haa", then got up to get tissue papers. I didn"t know when my eyes opened in the darkness, as I stared at him from the bed.


"Come on, Happy… Hand."

Jun Hyung came next to me, who was unmoving, and while grumbling about my stubborn att.i.tude, he took my hand. He then thoroughly wiped even between my fingers, and also cleaned himself appropriately and then changed his pants. I was still stuck in the same position when Jun Hyung climbed into the bed again and lied down next to me.

"Let"s sleep now."

With that said and all the desire satisfied, Jun Hyung soon really fell asleep. Looking at him falling asleep in a blink of an eye, I couldn"t help but be aggravated. Even my eyes wouldn"t close. The leftover scent of s.e.m.e.n bewildered me even more.

"Sleep, Happy……."

His last murmur suddenly came to mind.

… That"s not it.
…… I was not Happy.

That night, like a child playing with fire, I had to suffer from anxiety and excitement throughout.

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