Plagiarism In Another World

Chapter 46

Mu was walking towards the next kingdom when the abyss asked.

;)Where exactly are you going to put all your stolen s.h.i.t?

Mu thought for a bit before asking the voice,"Could I keep it with you?"


"Well you live in the abyss right just put it somewhere near you and don"t let it float away," Mu thought to the voice.

;)No I"m not gonna be your storage facility you a.s.shole.

"Well where else do you want me to put it they could be stolen back if I leave them on this world," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Oh no your stolen goods will be stolen..if you care that much just make your own dimension.

"I can do that?" Mu asked the voice.

;)Yea just give yourself the ability "Dimension Builder" or whatever name you want to give it.

"Alright," Mu thought to the voice before trying it out.

Dementia Constructor 3:00:00

;)That"s a s.h.i.t joke.

"Get it cause..I misspelled dimension and instead gave myself the ability to make dementia," Mu thought to the voice while laughing.

;)Yea it"s peak comedy Mu but can we get on with this.

Mu stopped laughing at his joke and said,"Yeah sure."

Dimension Constructor 3:00:00

;)Why didn"t you call it "Dimension Builder"

"Uhh because f.u.c.k you also your banned from my dimension," Mu thought to the voice.

;)What why?

"Because it will be my place of peace," Mu said while winking.

;)oh you wanna Ja.. ok well there"s no problem then.

Mu made a infinite grey s.p.a.ce with which had the ability to store and recall anything he put in it.

Mu put the gateway to this place on a tiny piece of metal which he then molded into his forearm.

;)Quick question what"s the name of this kingdom we"re going too.

"Let me see it says Carl"s Thiefdom, oh wait no it"s it"s Susan"s Thiefdom," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Oh great a Thiefdom how convenient.

"What is that?" Mu asked the voice.

;)Its exactly as it sounds whatever thief has stolen the crown gets to be the king or queen until it gets stolen from them.

"That sounds like a terrible way to do government," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Oh yea it"s complete anarchy but n.o.body will try to take them over because n.o.body wants them as citizens.

"I can"t believe my luck to be going to a Thiefdom when I wanna be a thief," Mu thought to the voice while smiling.
