Plain Facts for Old and Young

Chapter 6

If parents would stop a moment to consider the momentous responsibilities involved in the act of bringing into existence a human being; if they would reflect that the qualities imparted to the new being will affect its character to all eternity; if they would recall the fact that they are about to produce a mirror in which will be reflected their own characters divested of all the flimsy fabrics which deceive their fellow-men, revealing even the secret imaginings of their hearts,--there would surely be far less of sin, disease, and misery born into the world than at the preset day; but we dare not hope for such a reform. To effect it, would require such a revolution in the customs of society, such a radical reform in the habits and characters of individuals, as nothing short of a temporal millennium would be able to effect.

It is quite probable that some writers have greatly exaggerated the possible results which may be attained by proper attention to the laws under consideration. All cannot be equally beautiful; every child cannot be a genius; the influence of six thousand years of transgression cannot be effaced in a single generation; but persevering, conscientious efforts to comply with every requirement of health, purity, morality, and the laws of nature, will accomplish wonders in securing healthy children with good dispositions, brilliant intellects, and beautiful bodies.

This is not the proper place to describe in detail a plan to be pursued; but the few hints given, if rightly appreciated, may enable those interested in the subject to plan for themselves a proper course. In concluding the subject, we may summarize its chief points as follows, for the purpose of impressing them more fully upon the mind:--

1. If a child is begotten in l.u.s.t, its lower pa.s.sions will as certainly be abnormally developed as peas will produce peas, or potatoes produce potatoes. If the child does not become a rake or a prost.i.tute, it will be because of uncommonly fortunate surroundings, or a miracle of divine grace. But even then, what terrible struggles with sin and vice, with foul thoughts and lewd imaginations--the product of a naturally abnormal mind--must such an individual suffer! If he is unsuccessful in the conflict, is he alone to blame? Society, his fellow-men, will censure him alone; but He who knoweth all the secrets of human life will pa.s.s a more lenient judgment on the erring one, and mete out punishment where it most belongs.

2. The same remarks apply with equal force to the transmission of other qualities. If the interest of the parents is only for self, with no thought for the well-being of the one whose destiny is in their hands, they can expect naught but a selfish character, a sordid, greedy disposition, in the child.

3. The influence of the father is, at the outset, as great as that of the mother. The unhappy or immoral thoughts of one alone at the critical moment when life is imparted, may fix for eternity a foul blot upon a character yet unformed.

4. If during gestation the mother is fretful, complaining, and exacting; if she requires to be petted and waited upon; if she gratifies every idle whim and indulges every depraved desire and perverted appet.i.te--as thousands of mothers do--the result will surely be a peevish, fretful child, that will develop into a morose and irritable man or woman, imperious, unthankful, disobedient, willful, gluttonous, and vicious.

If such undesirable results would be avoided, the following suggestions should be regarded:--

1. For the beginning of a new life, select the most favorable time, which will be when the bodily health is at its height; when the mind is free from care and anxiety; when the heart is joyous, cheerful, and filled with hope, love, high aspirations, pure and beautiful thoughts.

If, as one writer says, it is the duty of every human pair engaging in the reproductive act to bring into existence the most perfect specimen of the race of which they are capable, then it becomes a monstrous crime to enter into relations which may produce a contrary result. This may be a truth hard to accept, but who is prepared to dispute it on logical or moral grounds?

2. If a child has been properly conceived, the duty then devolves upon the mother to secure its proper development. Is beauty desired, let the mother be surrounded with beautiful objects; and let her mind dwell upon such objects. If an active mind and brilliant intellect are required, the mother should devote considerable time to study and mental labor of a pleasant nature. The moral nature should be carefully cultivated, to insure a lovely disposition. No angry words or unhappy feelings should be tolerated. Purity of heart and life should be maintained. The husband should do his part by supplying favorable surroundings, suggesting cheerful thoughts, and aiding mental culture.

3. After birth, the mother still possesses a molding influence upon the development of her child through the lacteal secretion. Every mother knows how speedily the child will suffer if nursed when she is exhausted by physical labor or when suffering from nervous excitement, as anger or grief. These facts show the influence which the mental states of the mother exert upon the child even when the act of nursing is the only physical bond between them.

It would be a happy day for the race which should witness the recognition of the fact that infants, even human beings in embryo, possess rights which are as sacred as those of adult human beings.

Circ.u.mcision.--The fold of integument called the prepuce, which has been previously described, has upon its inner surface a large number of glands which produce a peculiar secretion. Under certain circ.u.mstances, and from inattention to personal cleanliness, this secretion may acc.u.mulate, and then often becomes the cause of irritation and serious disease. To prevent such disorders, and to insure cleanliness, the Jewish law required the removal of the prepuce, which const.i.tuted the rite of circ.u.mcision. The same practice is followed by several modern nations dwelling in tropical climates; and it can scarcely be doubted that it is a very salutary one, and has contributed very materially to the maintenance of that proverbial national health for which the Jews are celebrated. Eminent physicians have expressed the opinion that the practice would be a salutary one for all men. The maintenance of scrupulous cleanliness, by daily cleansing, is at least an imperative duty.

In some countries, females are also circ.u.mcised by removal of the nymphae. The object is the same as that of circ.u.mcision in the male.

The same evils result from inattention to local cleanliness, and the same measure of prevention, daily cleansing, is necessitated by a similar secretion. Local cleanliness is greatly neglected by both s.e.xes.

Daily washing should begin with infancy and continue through life, and will prevent much disease.

Castration.--This operation consists in the removal of the testes of the male. It does not at once obliterate the s.e.xual sense, especially if performed after p.u.b.erty, but of course renders the individual impotent, or incapable of reproduction. Persons upon whom it has been performed are called eunuchs. It was a very common custom in ancient times, being usually prompted by the jealousy of rulers, who allowed no males but eunuchs to a.s.sociate with their wives and concubines. The effect upon the male is to render him effeminate in appearance and weak in mind. If performed before p.u.b.erty, the growth of the beard is scanty, and the voice never acquires that deepness of tone natural to the masculine voice.

An a.n.a.logous operation, termed _spaying_, is performed upon females, consisting in the removal of the ovaries; effects similar to those in the male, _sterility_ without entire immediate loss of s.e.xual sense, being the usual result. Spaying is much more rarely performed than castration. Both operations are now quite rare, seldom being resorted to except in surgical cases. Castration is still practiced in some Eastern countries.


Just in proportion as the perpetuation of the race is more important than the existence of any single individual, the organs of reproduction may in a certain sense be said to rank higher than any other organs of the human frame, since to them is intrusted the important duty of performing that most marvelous of all vital processes, the production of human beings. That this high rank in the vital economy is recognized by nature, is shown by the fact that she has attached to the abuse of the generative function the most terrible penalties which can be inflicted upon a living being. The power of abuse seems to be almost exclusively confined to man; hence, we find him the only one of all living creatures subject to the awful penalties of s.e.xual transgression.

The _use_ of the reproductive function is perhaps the highest physical act of which man is capable; its _abuse_ is certainly one of the most grievous outrages against nature which it is possible for him to perpetrate. No observing person can doubt that the s.e.xual relations of men and women determine in a great degree their happiness or misery in life. This subject, then, deserves due attention and careful consideration. It is of no use to scout it; for it will inevitably obtrude itself upon us, no matter now sedulously we attempt to avoid it. It can be rightly considered only with the most perfect candor, with the mind unbiased by pa.s.sion, and prayerfully anxious to know and _do_ what is right.

In the following paragraphs of this section are considered some of the evils out of which grows much of the s.e.xual suffering of men and women:--

s.e.xual Precocity.--There are two periods in human life when the s.e.xual instincts should be totally dormant; and they are so when nature is not perverted. The first is the period reaching from infancy to p.u.b.erty.

The second is the period reached in advanced age.

If raised strictly in accordance with natural law, children would have no s.e.xual notions or feelings before the occurrence of p.u.b.erty. No prurient speculation about s.e.xual matters would enter their heads.

Until that period, the reproductive system should lie dormant in its undeveloped state. No other feeling should be exhibited between the s.e.xes than that brotherly and sisterly affection which is so admirable and becoming.

Fortunate, indeed, would it be for humanity if this natural state always existed; but it is a lamentable fact that it is rarely seen in modern homes. Not infrequently, evidences of s.e.xual pa.s.sion are manifested before the child has hardly learned to walk. It has been suggested that this precocity is nothing remarkable or unnatural, since it is often seen in little lambs and other young animals. To this it is only necessary to reply that the development of the s.e.xual instincts perfectly corresponds with the longevity of the animal; if short-lived, like the sheep, only a short period intervenes between birth and the attainment of the s.e.xual appet.i.te and virility. If the animal is intended for long life, as is the case with man, these manifestations are delayed until a much later period, or should be. Certain insects perform the s.e.xual act as soon as they acquire their perfect form; but they perish as soon as the act is completed.

Astonishing Ignorance.--It is astonishing how ignorant and indifferent the majority of people are upon this subject. A friend related to us an incident which fairly ill.u.s.trates the terrible apathy which prevails among parents. While teaching a country school, he learned that a large number of children, boys and girls, of ages varying from eight to twelve and fourteen years, were in the habit of collecting together in barns and other secluded places, and in a state of nudity imitating the "Black Crook" with all possible additional nastiness. Horrified at such a monstrous evil, he hastened to inform the parents of the corruption in their midst. Imagine his astonishment when he was met with an indifferent laugh and the response, "Pooh! it"s only natural; perfectly harmless; _just like little pigs!_" As though pigs were models for human beings!

It is not pleasant to consider what must have been the moral status of parents who could hold such views; and it is no wonder that they should produce such children. Doubtless they learned, too late, that those "natural" manifestations were the outgrowth of incipient vices, planted and fostered by themselves, which in later years destroyed shame and gave loose rein to l.u.s.t.

Often the manifestation of s.e.xual precocity is less gross, but almost equally fraught with danger, nevertheless. Dr. Acton, a distinguished English surgeon whom we shall frequently quote, makes the following excellent remarks upon this subject:--

"Slight signs are sufficient to indicate when a boy has this unfortunate tendency. He shows marked preferences. You will see him single out one girl, and evidently derive an unusual pleasure (for a boy) in her society. His _penchant_ does not take the ordinary form of a boy"s good nature, but little attentions that are generally reserved for a later period prove that his feeling is different, and sadly premature. He may be apparently healthy, and fond of playing with other boys; still there are slight, but ominous, indications of propensities fraught with danger to himself. His play with the girl is different from his play with his brothers. His kindness to her is a little too ardent. He follows her, he does not know why. He fondles her with a tenderness painfully suggestive of a vague dawning of pa.s.sion. No one can find fault with him. He does nothing wrong. Parents and friends are delighted at his gentleness and politeness, and not a little amused at the early flirtation. If they were wise, they would rather feel profound anxiety; and he would be an unfaithful or unwise medical friend who did not, if an opportunity occurred, warn them that such a boy, unsuspicious and innocent as he is, ought to be carefully watched and removed from every influence calculated to foster his abnormal propensities.

"The premature development of the s.e.xual inclination is not alone repugnant to all we a.s.sociate with the term childhood, but is also fraught with danger to dawning manhood. On the judicious treatment of a case such as has been sketched, it probably depends whether the dangerous propensity shall be so kept in check as to preserve the boy"s health and innocence, or whether one more shattered const.i.tution and wounded conscience shall be added to the victims of s.e.xual precocity and careless training. It ought not to be forgotten that in such cases a quasi-s.e.xual power often accompanies these premature s.e.xual inclinations. Few, perhaps, except medical men, know how early in life a mere infant may experience erections. Frequently it may be noticed that a little child, on being taken out of bed in the morning, cannot make water at once. It would be well if it were recognized by parents and nurses that this often depends upon a more or less complete erection."

We have been not more disgusted than shocked to see parents, whose intelligence ought to teach them better, not only winking at, but actually encouraging, these premature manifestations of pa.s.sion in their children. They may yet learn, by bitter experience, the folly of their course, unless they make the discovery in time to avert the calamitous results which threaten the future of their children, by careful reformatory training.

Inherited Pa.s.sion.--It is important to inquire the cause of this precocity. Said a father of our acquaintance, when remonstrated with for encouraging his infant son in a ridiculous flirtation, "I did just so when I was of his age." In this case the cause was evident. The child was only acting out the disposition bequeathed him by his parent. How often do the secret follies of parents stand out in bold relief in their children. Such a legacy is nothing to be proud of.

We again quote from Dr. Acton some observations on the causes of this disorder,--for a grave disorder it is,--as follows:--

"I should specify _hereditary_ predisposition as by no means the least common.... I believe that, as in body and mind, so also in the pa.s.sions, the sins of the father are frequently visited on the children. No man or woman, I am sure, can have habitually indulged the s.e.xual pa.s.sions ...

without, at least, running the risk of finding that a disposition to follow a similar career has been inherited by the offspring. It is in this way only that we can explain the early and apparently almost irresistible propensity in generation after generation indulging similar habits and feelings."

Various Causes of s.e.xual Precocity.--Another very powerful predisposing cause of s.e.xual precocity will be alluded to under the head of "Marital Excesses." The irritation caused by worms in the r.e.c.t.u.m, by local irritation or uncleanliness, or by irritation of the bladder, are exciting causes which are not infrequent. The latter cause is indicated by another symptom, the frequent wetting of the bed at night.

Such a symptom doubly demands immediate attention.

The juvenile parties so common now-a-days, at which little ones of both s.e.xes, of ages varying from four or five years to ten or twelve, with wonderful precocity and truthfulness imitate the conduct of their elders at fashionable dinners, cannot be too much deprecated. Such a.s.sociations of the s.e.xes have a strong tendency to develop prematurely the distinctive peculiarities of the s.e.xes. This is well evidenced by the fact that on such occasions one of the most common and popular entertainments is sham marriages. Parents greatly err in encouraging or allowing their children to engage in amus.e.m.e.nts of so dangerous a character. They are productive of no good, and are almost without exception productive of positive and serious injury.

Modern modes of life, improper clothing, the forcing system of cramming in schools, the immodest example of older persons, and especially the irritating, stimulating articles of diet which are daily set before children, as well as older people, undoubtedly have a powerful influence in stimulating the development of the s.e.xual pa.s.sions. This subject is again referred to under the heading, "Chast.i.ty."

Obscene books and papers, lewd pictures, and evil communications are telling causes which will be further noticed elsewhere.

Senile s.e.xuality.--As with childhood, old age is a period in which the reproductive functions are quiescent unless unnaturally stimulated.

s.e.xual life begins with p.u.b.erty, and, in the female, ends at about the age of forty-five years, the period known as the _menopause_, or _turn of life_. At this period, according to the plainest indications of nature, all functional activity should cease. If this law is disregarded, disease, premature decay, possibly local degenerations, will be sure to result. Nature cannot be abused with impunity.

The generative power of the male is retained somewhat longer than that of the female, and by stimulation may be indulged at quite an advanced age, but only at the expense of shortening life, and running the risk of sudden death. Says Parise, "One of the most important pieces of information which a man in years can attain is "to learn to become old betimes," if he wishes to attain old age. Cicero, we are told, was asked if he still indulged in the pleasures of love. "Heaven forbid," replied he, "I have forsworn it as I would a savage and a furious master.""

Some learned physicians place the proper limit of man"s functional activity at fifty years, if he would not render himself guilty of shortening his days by sensuality. Other reasons for this course will appear hereafter.

When the pa.s.sions have been indulged, and their diminishing vigor stimulated, a horrid disease, _satyriasis_, not infrequently seizes upon the imprudent individual, and drives him to the perpetration of the most loathsome crimes and excesses. Pa.s.sions cultivated and encouraged by gratification through life will thus sometimes a.s.sert a total supremacy in old age.

Marriage.--The scope and plan of this work will allow of but the briefest possible consideration of this subject upon which volumes have been written, much to no purpose other than the multiplication of books.

We shall devote no s.p.a.ce to consideration of the origin of the inst.i.tution, its expediency, or varied relations, as these topics are foreign to the character of this work.

The primary object of marriage was, undoubtedly, the preservation of the race, though there are other objects which, under special circ.u.mstances, may become paramount even to this. These latter we cannot consider, as only the relations of the reproductive functions in marriage come properly within our province.

The first physiological question to be considered is concerning the proper age for marriage.