Please Be More Serious

Chapter 53 - Let"s take a long walk...

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Chapter 53 - Let"s take a long walk...


inally, Yin Ting was carried awaybecause the bride personally came and made her come out of hiding. Before she was taken,she solemnly gave the bouquet to Zhengqing, which made everyone boo.

Yin Shi eventually went to joinZhengqing. The man held the bouquet nonchalantly, as though the lead in the ‘drama’was not him.

When they returned to their seats,everyone’s interest in Zhenqing was piqued. The men began to talk to him andwere curious about his background. Zhengqing was very polite, and answeredeveryone’s question; personal and work related without haughtiness. Sogradually the table talk ended up being about business.

It really became a meeting room,ah! Yin Shi thought despairing.

Yin Shi sat quietly next toZhenqgqing while crying in his heart; Sister, you said I should take care ofZhengqing because he would be lonely, but you didn’t say how brother in lawshould take care of me when I am lonely.

At this party, Zhengqing made somefriends. He has glad to have met people he could have good discussions aboutbusiness with. They exchanged contacts and suggested Zhengqing go out drinkingwith them soon.

Yin Ting was finally released bythe girls, but she was smiling as she put her hand on the crook of his arm.

‘Your friends?’ he asked.

‘They know, but are not familiar. Butthey are very happy you came and talked with them,’ she replied with a smiled,‘this could be considered a successful entry into my friends’ circle.’

Yin Shi, who was standing near,coughed. He could guess that her friends knew every detail of theirrelationship, that his sister had in her hand a high flying Vice President andin addition, that very public show of love. Sister, you must succeed inmarrying him, ah! Or else, all those friends of yours will gossip and make funof you and your brother!

Zhengqing and Yin Ting wereobviously not thinking about such things so far ahead (Zuben: Nope). She took asniff of the bouquet and very happily said, ‘Next is; I enter your friends’circle.’

‘My friend circle?’ Zhengqingasked. He didn’t have many personal friends, most people he knew were workrelated.

‘Well, for example, what is yoursecretary’s name?’ Yin Ting asked sweetly.

Zhengqing raised an eyebrow andlooked down at her. Yin Ting laughed.

Yin Shi coughed, breaking theirbubble, ‘Shall we go home now?’ he asked Yin Ting. As they are brother andsister, they could go back home together.

‘I will take her home,’ Zhengqingsaid. Yin Ting nodded vigorously. (Zuben: They want to play kissy face)

Yin Shi was aghast. Was this right?You’re taking her, why not take me too? He bemoaned. He had had some alcohol, so he would have to find someoneelse to drop him at home.

Yin Ting looked a bit sheepish,‘Our place is on his way home.’ 

Yeah right, Yin Shi thought, but he did not say anything. He only shook his head and went to find someone who would drive him home. 

‘It is on the way, isn"t it?’ she askedZhenqing.

‘Correct, it is.’ Zhengqing repliedsoberly. If they went back to his house, it would suit him very well.

Zhengqing and Yin Ting got into hiscar; he turned to her and asked, ‘Shall we go for a drive?’

‘Yes,’ she replied with a smile.

He drove around for a while and itwas quiet in the car. The two sat in a comfortable silence. After while, heturned the car in the direction of Yin Ting’s home. She was not his wife yet,so he always had to take her come. (Zuben: You could always “live in sin”, butwriter-sama wants you guys to be all proper about it). As they got closer, hewas reluctant to let her go, so he asked, ‘The weather is very good, shall wetake a walk?’

‘Alright,’ Yin Ting replied with asmile.

He found somewhere to park and thetwo of them walked in the night hand in hand.

‘Are you working tomorrow?’ sheasked.


‘My dad isn’t working tomorrow, heis very tired from the journey, so he’s going to rest. So I’m not going intomorrow. I plan on going to the orphanage to see everyone and confirm the oldlady’s situation. And then, to see Yu Fei to help, since I am her maid ofhonour.’

‘It sounds like you have a busyday.’

‘Yes, but I will endeavour to be atyours by half past six.’

‘Good,’ he said with a laugh.

‘Are you going to work overtimetomorrow?’

‘No,’ he must fight to get homeearly.

Yin Ting also laughed, satisfied.She did not tell him about her cooking lessons or her driving lessons. Shewanted it to be a surprise. She was very busy.

‘Shall we go shopping this comingweekend?’ she asked.

‘Yes.’ They hadn’t bought the itemsthey needed for their diary.

‘Do you get annual leave?’ sheasked.

Zhengqing hesitated. Yes he did,but he never took a break. There were too many public holidays, there was noneed.

‘Why?’ he asked cautiously.

‘No reason. I just wanted toconfirm your schedule for the Spring Festival.’

‘I am resting during the SpringFestival.’ He did not care for annual leave, for him to put in vacation timeduring a normal working day was unbearable for him.

‘My friends were talking aboutgoing away for the Spring festival, but now I wonder if you would like to go?’She asked. ‘You’d probably need to take annual leave for the day before and theday after the Festival.’

Zhengqing’s first thought was hedid not want to go. Spending money and time for nothing was a very inefficient idea to him.For him, travel was not interesting. (Zuben: Can she go by herself then?)

If he was to go abroad, he’d go forbusiness. He did not like to travel and he did not think it was interesting,but also to use annual leave. His work would be held back.

When Zhengqing did not sayanything, Yin Ting understood. So she said offhandedly, ‘It’s not set in stone,so we can think about it again.’

‘Alright,’ Zhengqing repliedrelieved although he did not want her to be unhappy.

‘We can go to a new restaurant thatjust opened. The online reviews were very good, and I would like to go and tryit.’

‘Okay,’ he replied in relief. Heheld her hand tightly, and she turned and smiled at him. Zhengqing’s brainshort-circuited. He was suddenly pulling her to the dark door of a shop, hegently tucked her into a corner and kissed her.

Truthfully, there were too manyholidays. He did not want to go anywhere. He just wanted to be at home with herand play with Miao-dada, make a nest on the sofa and watch TV. Even if therewas nothing good on TV, even if they didn’t talk, just being lazy together feltvery good to him.

Yin Ting’s heart beat fast in herchest. Ambiguous words were not said, the atmosphere was a littleembarra.s.sing and now he was suddenly heated up. This man was really yellow.Even when he was serious he was yellow. But she liked his pa.s.sion for her.

Yin Shi returned home. Their fatherwas watching TV in the living room when he entered. When he heard the door heswept a glance in Yin Shi’s direction. When he saw only his son come home, heasked,

‘Where’s Xiaoting?’

‘She’s out on a date with herboyfriend.’ He answered honestly.

Guohao frowned, looking unhappy.Yin Shi bowed low, the old man was harsh to him and he was not like his sisterwho could coax him out of a bad mood. He knew their dad was really eccentric, but like their mother beforethem, his sister was really patient with him. The Printing Factory was soboring, but she insisted on going with their father every day. He could not doit. But he didn’t understand why this old man would account for his sister’sdoings on his own head.

Like now…

‘How come you didn’t come backtogether? It’s so late, it is not safe outside,’

‘She is with Qiu Zhengqing, she’sfine.’ Yin Shi replied with an exasperated sigh.

His father did not speak for atime, so Yin Shi said, ‘I’m going to my room,’

‘Ah,’ he replied. As Yin Shi wentpast him, he said, ‘Give your sister a call, tell her to come home early. It iscold outside.’

‘Alright, alright.’ Yin Shi said ashe went to his room. He undressed, intending to take a shower and then maybegive his sister a call. He didn’t want to call his sister, but his fatherwanted him to take the blame of beating apart the mandarin ducks.

Yin Shi took a very long bath, solong the bathroom became a sauna. When he came out, he was met with hisfather’s resentful face,

‘Yes yes, I will call her rightaway. I’ll just put on some clothes first then call her.’

He went to his room, dried off andput on fresh clothes. He checked the time, it had been nearly an hour since hearrived, he thought it should suffice. So he decided to call her,

‘Is father making you do this?’ sheasked directly.

‘You know him well. Come back andsave your gege, your only brother in the whole world.’ He said in anexaggerated manner.

‘You should appease him.’

‘How do you want me to do that?Hold his arm and say, “Our little sister is so hateful, she didn’t come backhome early. I will scold her when she returns”’ he said mimicking the waycoaxing tone Yin Ting would take on when she tried to appease the old man.(Zuben: LOL)

‘If I tried it, he would kick medown the stairs!’

Yin Ting laughed, ‘Alright, holdthe fort. I’ll be back soon.’

‘Good, hurry back.’ He said.

Twenty minutes later, Yin Ting camehome, holding the bouquet, smiling brightly – looking sweet. Even a blindperson could see she was in love.

Yin Guohao had no expression, kepthis gaze on the TV. Yin Ting came over and sat beside him,

‘I’m back!’ she said.

‘Welcome home,’ he said gruffly.Yin Ting was tired of her father’s ‘ice-cream’ face (Zuben: Google), so sheshowed off the bouquet brightly,’See, I caught Arlene’s bouquet!’

Yin Shi was in the dining area,pretending to pour himself a gla.s.s of water while he eavesdropped and watchedhis sister’s coaxing drama. Some tricks one cannot learn, you had to have thetalent. Yin Shi was surprised to that Xiaoting was saying she s.n.a.t.c.hed theflowers. He supposed she could not tell her dad a whole big man like herboyfriend caught the bouquet for her.

‘Just flowers…’ her father saiddisdainfully.

Yin Ting did not mind, she giggled,‘This is a happy bouquet.’

Guohao’s face relaxed a bit at hisdaughter’s tone.

‘They’re travelling abroad for thewedding, it will be simple and comfortable.’ (Zuben: Someone obviously hasn’thad to organise a wedding in another country.)

‘Where is it good? You should begetting married and having a banquet at home with your friends and family.’Guohao said. He was an elder, who had old-fashioned ideas.

‘Arlene’s father isn’t happy aboutit, but his darling daughter insisted. I’m warning the both of you, none ofthis travelling abroad nonsense.’ He said also looking and Yin Shi at thedining table. Yin Shi gave him a wide eyed look. He was only here to get agla.s.s of water, why was he being implicated, ah! He didn’t even have agirlfriend.

‘If you marry w.i.l.l.y-nilly, I willcut off your legs.’

‘You can cut off my legs, but YinShi-gege will have to make money to support the family,’ she said in a pitifulvoice.

‘Silly…’Guohao replied tapping herhead.

‘Dad? We’re not visiting relativesthis Spring Festival right?’

‘Hm.’ Guohao was still rather tiredfrom the last trip. He wasn’t very strong these days.

‘So it’s all set then. Can QiuZhengqing come for dinner? He doesn’t have any family, so it would be nice ifhe had a family meal, what do you think?’

Yin Shi was choked, he hadn’t expectedthis. He poured himself another gla.s.s of water.

Guohao did not speak.

Yin Ting was nervous, he knewZhengqing did not want to go away for vacation. Although, she didn’t agree withit, she understood and respected his wishes. She knew that if she wanted to bewith him for a long time, she would have to make concessions like these. So shedecided to take the opportunity to get him and her dad together.

If her father did not agree now,there was still time till the festival, she would think of another way. But itwas better if this kind of thing was scheduled well in advance.

Yin Shi was nervous for Yin Ting,and Zhengqing. Their father’s att.i.tude could be really cold.

‘That’s fine,’ Guohao said finally,‘There is a lot of food to go around. Let him come.’

Yin Ting was relieved. This oldfellow really was not cute at all.

Brother and sister shared a look.Yin Ting was secretly pleased. She could not wait to  tell the good news; her father had agreed tosee Zhengqing!

I forgot where this pic came from. I did not create it. 

Chapter 54: Gaining points


hengqing was surprised to hear thenews. There was a sense of trepidation, was it a little - was it a lot, he couldnot tell. Just that it was there.

‘When is the Spring Festival thisyear?’

‘February 18th.’ Shereplied.

‘A little over a month from now.’He said,

‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘enough time toprepare.’

Zhengqing was suddenly overcome; onthe evening of February the eighteenth, he was going to have dinner with hisfuture in laws.

‘What should I buy?’

‘My dad likes to drink tea. I’llhelp you find out what good ones are out there. We’ll get a nice tea set aswell, wrap it nicely…’

‘Fine, sounds good.’ Zhengqing saidin agreement. He only knew how to capture the customer’s experience, he didknow much about how to woo father-in-laws. He felt listening to Ying Ting wasthe right thing to do. (Zuben: Hmmm…)

‘We’ll get you something nice towear as well. You have to look good.’


‘And a haircut. I will remind youcloser to the time.’

What was wrong with his hair cut;it was a normal workplace standard thrity-seven. Not trendy or trendless, notlong or short, just a normal office workers haircut. He really shouldn’t thinktoo deeply about it, and just listen to Xiaoting, ‘Good,’ he said.

‘What to do, serious, I am a bitnervous.’ She said with a slight tremor in her voice.

‘Shouldn’t I be the nervous onehere? You can’t join in…’ Zhengqing said seriously.

‘You don’t sound nervous at all.’

‘Then you don’t need to benervous,’ he said.

‘Right." She said then she asked, "Do you play chess?’ 




‘What did you do as a child?’ YinTing asked, she did not expect much from him since he wasn’t a playful adult.He probably just went to school and studied a lot in his free time.

‘When I was young…?’ He made aneffort to recall. It was a long time ago, when his father was alive. He used tohelp with the farm work. Then they lost their farm, so his father went to workin the city. He decided to work hard in his studies so that he could make hisparents’ lives comfortable when he grew up. What did he do as a child…?

‘Ah! Kill rabbits, feed chickens,made pickle…’

‘Not work - play.’ She cut him off.Listening to all that made her head hurt.

‘Play!  Yeah, kicking sandbags, riding my bicyclearound the town, stealing fish from the fish pond, skipping rocks…’ he pausedthen asked, ‘Are these alright?’

‘My dad likes fishing. Do you knowhow to use a fishing rod?’ she asked.


Yin Ting sighed, ‘Never mind, we’llthink of something. This time we have would be used as remedial time. We canarrange some activities so you can spend time with my dad and score somepoints.’

‘Alright,’ he replied quietly. Hewasn’t really confident about how well things would go. He really didn’t knowthe first thing about entertaining an elder, he hadn’t done something like thatin years. In addition, he could not play the games Yin Ting had mentionedearlier. Could he really be brought up to scratch in one month?

‘You need to be more confident.’She said, ‘Although, it will possibly be hard work and you may not enjoy it, but weneed to be prepared. As long as the first impression is good, the rest willfall into place. Maybe we should get you to spend time together over theholidays. Actually, that may work. His impression of you may be high, since QinShu likes you and wanted you to be his son-in-law. My dad has a high regard forQin Shu. They must have the same thought process.’

‘Maybe,’ he replied. I hope so, hethought to himself. He really wanted to marry Yin Ting, he hoped her fathercould see that.

But in the following days,Zhangqing and Yin Ting were very busy.

Zhengqing was very busy at workwith the end of year details. But due to ‘house rules’, he could not workovertime every day. But as time went on, Zhengqing slipped, Yin Ting was verystrict about her punishment; he didn’t turn up on time for dinner, she didn’t come thenext day. At first Zhengqing felt guilty, but with so much work to do, he wasgrateful for the chances to work overtime.

He also felt Yin Ting was alsousing this time to do her own things. Yu Fei’s wedding was on the fourteenth ofFebruary, and it was approaching quickly. Since Yin Ting and Yu Fei werebest girl friends, Yin Ting was deeply involved in wedding preparations.

So the two lovers who had plannedto meet every day, could not. It was either one to two times a week or on goodweeks up to three times, but they asked for leave frequently.

They got the chance to go to thecraft store to by the tools they needed to make the binding for their firstlove diary. Zhengqing personally created the binding, and the two, high on thesweetness of the day, promised to make the diary thick.

They promised to write about thingsthat touched them in their relationship. If the diary was light, they hadn’tseen each other in a long time. If there was nothing, they hadn’t done anythingat all.

It was consensus between both ofthem to nuture their love.

However, they hadn’t considered onething. The diary did not increase or decrease by much, because they hadn’t metmuch of late due to busy schedules. And even if they met for dinner, even touchingthings, if there are repeated everyday, became mundane.

Yin Ting was so busy withpreparations for Yu Fei’s wedding that she did not fill the diary. When shefinally got a chance to read through it, it was emptier than she imagined. Theyhad met many times, but there weren’t many entries. She sighed, though it hadseemed simple when she had the idea, in reality, it was not.

Yin Ting arrived home late onevening. She realised she hadn’t looked at her phone all day, so she fished itout of her bag. There was a message from Zhengqing

Zhengqing: I’ve got home. I will watch videoson fishing. (Zuben: hahah, dork)

 She replied: Study well. If the weather isgood, we can go out of town to fish this weekend.

Zhengqing called her back, ‘Are youhome yet?’

‘Yeah, I’m home.’

‘That’s good.’

They two of them did not know whatto say to each other. He had to be at work in the morning. She was picking upthe bride’s dress. This situation was not her ideal state of love. Two busypeople unable to keep their promise to each other.

‘It’s late, go to bed early.’ Hesaid.

After hanging up, she looked at thediary again. Nothing to report, she sighed and turned away.

That weekend, they both hadsometime to spend with each other so they went fishing. In the cold of winter,there were only a few people fishing. But they soon realised they found fishingboring. While fishing, Zhengqing answered work emails. Yin Ting was justunhappy but could not figure out why. Zhengqing had been very cooperative withher, so she could not be stingy, but even with that she felt depressed.

The situation continued until YuFei’s wedding on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.

Yu Fei and Yingjie’s wedding wassimple and warm. Yin Ting felt the happiness of the marriage from start tofinish, although, Yu Fei spent most of her wedding eating. Yingjie, regardlessof the scene, let his new wife eat as she wanted. So the bridemaids ran aroundto help.

Zhengqing was a guest at thewedding, but because he was only friends with the couple and not other people,he was sat at a table with Yin Shi. Yin Shi was again on duty looking after hisfuture brother-in-law. Guohao was sitting with Qin Wen Yi. But along the way,more Qin relatives arrived so Yin Guohao decided to go an sit with his son whowas sitting with Zhengqing.

Yin Shi was very nervous about thisdevelopment. d.a.m.n, how could this happen? He wondered. Sister isn’t here. If anythinghappened would she blame him?

Zhengqing was also nervous, hequickly reviewed the details Yin Ting had told him in his mind; what kind oftea he liked, his fishing skills, what television series he was watching. Stillhe struggled to bring up a topic of conversation.

As a result, the two did not speakdirectly to each other, but chatted to the people around their table.

‘Steady, don’t be nervous,’ Yin Shiwhispered to Zhengqing as he text Yin Ting.

Yin Shi: Dad has come to meet yourman at the table. Help!

Yin Ting: Hang tight, now is thetime to show your strength. Don’t be nervous!

Yin Shi’s expression darkened withtrepidation at the reply. He had no strength! He really needed help. He lookedat Zhengqing who looked back at him. He looked at his father, he was teasing afriend at the table.

‘Eat,’ he said to Zhengqing, ‘Justeat, even if you can’t.’

Zhengqing nodded;this was really rea.s.suring, ah! At the present moment, it was the only thing hecould do. His future father in law sat near him, he could not start talking toothers, he could be judged as arrogant. But he could not be quiet, he couldalso be judged as a different kind of arrogant. So eating was the only thing hecould do. He did not notice, Guohao had been studying him from the corner ofhis eye.

Some time after, Yin Ting came to their table.

Both Yin Shi and Zhenqing breathedsighs of relief. Yin Ting did not look at both of them as she pa.s.sed, she went directly toher father’s side and held his face her hands,

‘Dad, how come you’re here? I can’ttake care of you today, you know.’ She said with a laugh. (Zuben: There wassupposed to be a language pun here.)

Guohao laughed and said, ‘Don’tworry about me, you’re busy today.’

Yin Ting smiled and looked atZhengqing. He smiled at her.

‘Xiaoting ah, your boyfriend ishandsome, when are we going to attend your own happy occasion.’ Someone attheir table teased.

Yin Ting glanced at her father, buthis expression was still happy, so she calmed down and said, ‘About thisproblem, I am very shy.’ Everyone laughed including her father, Yin Shi andZhengqing.

‘I’d better get back to Yu Fei,’she said hugging her father.

Guohao waved her away, ‘Go, go.’ Hesaid. As Yin Ting left she pa.s.sed by Zhengqing, who held her hand for a quicksqueeze and let her go. Yin Ting’s face went sweetly red and she ran off.

Guohao noticed the exchange, butcontinued eating.

Not long after, Wen Yi and hisfriends were toasting the guests so they came to get Guohao to come along. YinShi and Zhengqing relaxed, but he wasn’t gone for long. When he came back, hemade Yin Shi move so he could sit beside Zhengqing.

Yin Shi gave up his seat in aflash. Zhengqing sat politely.

As he ate, Guohao began to talk toZhengqing about business. Zhengqing was relieved, this was a topic he was wellversed in. Zhengqing and Guohao talked about many things; from the changes in customerspending, to brands to new markets. Yin Shi watched the exchange, and sent atext to his sister to report

Yin Shi: Dad and your man have beenchatting for a while.

Yin Ting: Really?

Yin Shi: I’m not lying. If you don’tbelieve me ask Zhengqing later.

After the wedding, Yin Ting askedabout it and Zhengqing nodded. He was very happy about it, ‘We talked about alot of things, our views on business are very similar. So we were able to havea good conversation.’

This was an unexpectedly goodthing. He could feel Yin Guohao was beginning to regard him well, and it was byaccident. A man must work hard; strive to excel, in order to gain regard.(Zuben: You forgot ‘know how to get along with others outside of the workenviornment’)

So talented ah, to get futurefather in law"s regard.

Yin Ting was very happy, ‘This isgreat.’ She said, ‘You don’t have to be nervous when you come to my house forSpring Festival dinner.’

Zhengqing nodded. He also felt thatway.

Yin Ting snuggled deeper in hisarms and breathed a long sigh. She was particularly tired today but she washappy. Her best friend was married to the love of her life and she looked veryhappy. They were going to have babies which will bring them more happiness. Andto top it off, her dad got along well with the man she loved. She couldn"tpossibly be happier!

‘Please be more serious, I haven’t beengood to you recently. Because we were a little busy, we didn’t meet up asmuch.  After the end of the year, we mustfind time to rekindle our love.’

‘Why do we have to find time tofall in love?’ Zhengqing did not feel that way at all.

Yin Ting laughed, he could bereally slow and dense. It was a good thing she liked him so much, and now herdad liked him too.

‘Anyway, after the Spring Festival,I will be at yours to accompany you for dinner everyday. You won’t be busy, sono overtime.’

‘Very good.’

Four days later, on the eve of theChinese New Year, Zhengqing arrived at his Yin Ting’s home for dinner with agift for her father.

He was full of confidence, thinkingthat things had been fine at Yu Fei and Yingjie’s wedding, so there should beno problem with Yin Guohao.

Zuben: Will it be all okay? We shallsee.

❀ Chapter 55&56