Please Be More Serious

Chapter 14

“Your cat?”     “Sort of.” Yin Ting nods, looking a little sad. “It’s a stray cat. Sometimes when I walk around the neighbourhood, I would see stray cats rummaging the garbage for food. So I tried to learn from others and try to feed them. I ended up buying cat food and feeding them regularly, but these few days none of them showed up except for this one.”   She is baiting cats now?


Qiu Zheng Qing refuses to speak his opinion. No comment.   “Then this one start showing every day, eventually it even stays here. It’s very close to me, it will even rub against my legs and play with me. When I come home, it will run to meet at the entrance of the neighbourhood. But my dad has quite a serious fur allergy, so I can’t take it home. None of our family members have a pet since I’m young. I want to help Da Da find a family but there’s no luck there. I posted on Weibo but no one is willing to keep it. Since Da Da’s tail is curved, some complain it’s not pretty, some complain it’s unlucky. There’s an uncle who wanted to keep Da Da in his factory to hunt for mice. I ask him how he’s going to feed it. But he said, if Da Da is hungry, only then will it be persistent in hunting for mice. So I didn’t give it to him. He even scolded me! Afterwards I found a family who has had cats before, I thought it’d be appropriate. But then I saw the family bragging that they have another cat on Weibo, someone commented asking if they forgot what happened to their last. They didn’t install fences, causing their previous cat to fall to their death. I contacted that person, and he told me that he also once gave his cat away to that family. Not only did the family not install the fence, they even fed the cat food of the lowest grade. The cat ended up dying from a fall. Now, they are even keeping another one. After hearing this, of course I am very worried and immediately went and pick up Da Da. They scolded me again, saying what’s the big deal with a little cat with a curved tail.”   He wants to pat her head to comfort her. He couldn’t resist the temptation and ends up really patting her head, only to flinch a second later. He doesn’t want to frighten or upset Yin Ting. Luckily the Heartless and Thoughtless G.o.d is still tightly embracing Yin Ting. She looks up and smiles at him, thanking him for comforting her.   This is when he realizes he has been overthinking it. This girl has no sense of propriety between females and males at all. But thinking it this way makes him feel depressed, she couldn’t be this careless when dealing with other guys, could she? He sits down beside Yin Ting and patiently waits for her to continue.   “I have quite a lot of Weibo followers, so there are quite a few people who contacted me about the cat. At first I’m really happy, thinking that it’ll be easy to find Da Da a home. But after that two incidents, I’m a little shocked and become very cautious. I even asked those pet rescue volunteers for guidance. Afterwards there is a family who wants Da Da. Their qualifications seem decent, so I’m very happy, but they ended up returning it to me because it is not compatible with their cat. Afterwards, I give it to a girl but she returned to me saying that his boyfriend doesn’t like Da Da and even got into a fight with her about it. Either way, none of it went well. In the end I just deleted the Weibo post. Those people online are not reliable at all. I begin to ask my friends if they want to keep Da Da and even asked around at those pet shelters. But they already have a lot of cats and dogs that needs to be adopted, Da Da still needs to wait for its turn. So I feed it here. After eating, Da Da will play around in the neighbourhood, its life is quite good. I think if we wait patiently, eventually we’ll be able to find a good family for it. But now I can’t wait anymore.”   “Why?”   “There are complaints from people in this neighbourhood, saying that there are too many stray cats affecting the neighbourhood. They even ask who will be responsible if the stray cats attack people? There’s even a family who says that their daughter-in-law is pregnant and cats will cause miscarriage. They demand the property management company to deal with the problem. I tried explaining to them but they’re not listening to me. I ask for more time to find Da Da a home, but early this morning that family took brooms to hit Da Da and even made a fuss at the property management company. They even took away its bowl and told me that the next time I see Da Da, I must chase it away. So I took this container with me and waited for it to appear. After a long time, I finally found it.”   Yin Ting feels more depressed the more she speaks. Qiu Zheng Qing desperately tries to contain himself and refrain from touching her again, even if it’s to comfort her. It’s ungentlemanly to try and take advantage in such situations, he must not take advantage of her when she is feeling upset.   “I brought Da Da to the vet for check-up.” She points at a vet not far away from where they are sitting. “Da Da is fine, it’s just a little shocked. The vet said it’s really not easy for me to find it back after it has run off. I was thinking that Da Da and I are rather fated. I put out cat food to feed the other stray cats but none showed up except it. I know Da Da wants a home but it’s my bad, I can’t give it one.” When Yin Ting is saying this, her eyes begin to water.   “It knows that you have tried your best,” he comforts her. He really wants to give her a hug.   “It’s already winter, I really need to find Da Da a home soon. I originally planned for it to stay at the vet, but who knows there’s a really fierce dog there. Da Da is supposed stay next to it, its entire body is shaking. So I called the pet rescue centre, but they told me that there’s an outbreak of cat plague at their place. All the cats are being transferred away and they can’t keep Da Da. I spent the entire day today calling my friends to see if any of them can keep Da Da for some time.”   So, as it turns out, every time he calls her, she is calling someone else. This is too coincidental. He is similar to the cat then. He has no luck trying to ask Yin Ting out while the cat has failed to get adopted each time.   “Have you found any?” he asks. He has finally lucked out and found YinTing. This cat Da Da would definitely also have the same luck.   “Nope.” Yin Ting looks depressed. “There are friends who have went outstation, and inconvenient for others. Yu Fei is afraid of cats, she also lives with her family. Originally Gu Ying Jie’s place is suitable, he also likes cats but he says he always stays over at Yu Fei’s place so it’s not convenient. He also has his own cat but his cat cannot stand other cats, so that’s a cross. Xu Yan Chang that brat, he lives alone, isn’t afraid of cats, isn’t allergic but he says that he’s currently courting a girl and what if he finally gets the girl but when she comes home to a place messed up by a cat, she will deduct marks of him?” Yin Ting pursues her lips. “I really want to complain to the female boss, or not just ask her if she minds having a cat at her boyfriend’s house.”   He bursts out laughing. The female boss will probably be dumbstruck and Xu Yan Chang mad with fury.   “Great Director Qiu, do you have any friends who can keep Da Da? It’s fine if they can’t keep it permanently, I will keep on looking a proper home for it. I only need them to keep Da Da for the moment, I can pay them if they want. I’ll also pay for the food and whatever necessities for Da Da.” Her entire face is glowing with hope. She has already asked most of her friends but none of them has given her any news.   He shakes his head. He really has no idea who among the people he knows that can keep Da Da. When he talks to his colleagues, he never talks about anything personal. “Let me think,” he says.   Yin Ting stares at him, blinking. Does he mean ‘no’ by shaking his head? Then why does he need to think about it? “The cat has its own litter so it won’t dirty the place. They only need to change the sand in the litter every day. I will prepare a cat scratching board so Da Da won’t want to scratch the furniture. If it really does that, then I’ll compensate the furniture and buy new ones. Is that okay?”   He is still quiet. After waiting for a few seconds, Yin Ting couldn’t help but ask, “Have you thought of anyone?”   “No, but I’m thinking that I have s.p.a.ce in my house but I don’t stay at home for long. And that, if you can’t find a home for Da Da, I might as well adopt it. You know how it is, it’s not good to throw away something you have welcomed in,” he says. Before he does anything, he will weigh the pros and cons. Once he has determined the consequences are worth it, then he will do it. That is how his principle.   This chance in front of him is a good one. If Da Da the cat stays at his place, then Yin Ting would definitely come and visit. The cat would be his and her intersection point. It will his best chance at approaching her. But if in the end he fails and Yin Ting falls for someone else, then he must ask himself honestly if he is still willing to keep Da Da alone. Yet it is still a precious little life, he must be responsible for it.   Yin Ting immediately gets overexcited. “I, I guarantee that I will settle Da Da in properly! It’s okay if you’re not at home, you just have to feed it before you go to work, and feed it again when you return. It’s okay as long Da Da doesn’t starve. If not, there’s an automated feeding machine, I’ll buy one. You don’t have to bring the cat anywhere, it can stay in the house. Anything’s fine as long as Da Da has shelter.”   “I have never owned any pets,” he confesses.   “Me too, me too,” Yin Ting eagerly replies. “But it’s really easy to keep a cat. It’s only after meeting Da Da that I learn how to take care of a cat online. It’s really not difficult. I’ll be responsible for everything, you just have to allow the cat to stay in your place. Really, really, I will work hard to find a home for it. Who knows I’ll be able to find one soon, then I won’t have to trouble Director Qiu anymore.”   “Then, okay.” He makes his promise. It’s only a cat. Furthermore, it’s quite similar to him. They are both low on their luck. Then let’s just have him give it some good luck.   “This is too good.” Yin Ting’s eyes are actually wet. She is so excited that she hugs Qiu Zheng Qing. “Please-be-more-serious, you’re really too nice. I’ll thank you on behalf of Da Da.”   “En, you’re welcome.” If he takes advantage of the situation and returns her hug, it’s not too much right? But the moment he wants to extend his hand, Yin Ting already releases him. Pulling his arm, she takes him to whether the animal container is. “Come, let Da Da get to know you.”   Qiu Zheng Qing squats in front of the container, meeting the eye of the cat inside.   It’s a regular cat of Maine c.o.o.n breed, brown in colour. Its eyes are clear, its body decorated with stripes. It looks rather bright. It recoils a little, watching him warily.   “Hi.” He greets the cat. He pokes a finger beyond the lattice, playing with it.   Da Da the cat looks at him, then puts out its paw. It taps at his finger then retreats again.   “It likes you,” Yin Ting announces.   “Does it?” He doesn’t believe her. It is obviously hitting him earlier.     “It doesn’t use its claw, instead it uses the soft pad on its paw to pat you. It doesn’t want to hurt you,” Yin Ting tries to defend Da Da. “It receives a lot of shock today, but it never uses its claw. You see, it’s very obedient.”

He laughs heartily. “Don’t worry. I won’t go back on my promise to take care of it.”   Yin Ting lets out a sigh of relief. “Try blinking at  Da Da. In cat language, that means to kiss. It will understand.”   He doesn’t think that the cat will understand but he does it anyway. Da Da the cat doesn’t seem to react, it only stares at him without blinking. He turns to Yin Ting and notices that she is standing really close to him. She is also blinking her eyes at Da Da, stirring his mirth.   “Do we leave now? Is there anything else to prepare?” he asks.   “Ah, right!” She gets up with a jump. “We need to go to the vet to buy something for Da Da. Oh right, are you going anywhere? Is there anything you need to do? Is it convenient for Da Da to go to your place now?”   “Uh, um, I just happened to drive past this place. I’m not doing anything and, uh, it’s convenient.” Of course he is too embarra.s.sed to admit that he is so agitated that he has to come all the way to her house to look for her.   “That’s good.” She is very happy to hear that. Picking up the container and Da Da in it, she walks in the direction of the vet. He takes over the container and says, “Let me carry it.” Weighing the container, he comments, “This little thing is not light.”   She smiles sweetly, happy at the thought that Da Da has a new temporary owner. “It eats well every day, so it’s quite st.u.r.dy.”   They arrive at the vet. The people there recognise Yin Ting and are very concerned about the cat’s condition. She happily tells them, “I found a friend who can take care of Da Da. We’re here to buy something.” Qiu Zheng Qing stands on one side. Watching her vibrant and joyful expression, he feels glad that he has run out to look for her today.   “You’re lucky today,” he tells the cat inside the container. Da Da the cat is extremely nervous at the vet, huddling at one corner of the container. The fierce dog is barking non-stop, Qiu Zheng Qing can’t help but glare at it.   Yin Ting buys quite a few things at the pet necessities corner: a big sack of cat litter, teaser cat toy, as well as five cans. Seeing that she has bought quite a lot of stuff, he leaves to get his car. Parking in front of the vet, he helps her unload the stuff into the car. They then leave for Yin Ting’s place. He waits in the car for Yin Ting to grab all the things she has bought for the cat, including cat food, blankets, etc. Only then, do they drive to Qiu Zheng Qing’s place.   After a day full of trials, the two of them and the cat finally settles down.   “Your house is quite big, not bad, not bad.” She takes a look around the house as soon as she steps in.   He takes all the things she has bought and puts them inside one of the rooms. “Is this room okay?”   “Of course.” Yin Ting doesn’t care to criticize anything at all. Even though she feels that if Da Da the cat can have an even bigger s.p.a.ce to walk around freely, then that would be better. But now that it is in someone else’s place, it is already very, very good. She is content and very grateful with the arrangement.   The room is completely empty with no furniture at all. She closes the door and unlocks the container. Da Da doesn’t come out immediately, it’s still in the container carefully evaluating its surroundings. Yin Ting doesn’t force it and leaves it alone. Instead she carefully lays out its feeding bowl in the corner of the room and fills cat food in it. Then she sets up its cat litter. Qiu Zheng Qing comes over to help her, she secretly glances at him.   He seems to know what she’s thinking about and says, “I once told my mom that I will buy a big house, but now I’m the sole occupant of this house. There are two empty rooms, so I didn’t bother buying any furniture for it.”   She nods, feeling that he sounds a little lonely. “When you’re lonely, you can play with Da Da.”   He smiles. He would rather talk to her. “Are you hungry? Have you eaten?”   She shakes her head, the nods. “I’m hungry. I haven’t even have my lunch.”   He frowns. Calling for takeout would take a long time. “Is instant noodles okay?” The only things edible at his place are instant noodles. She nods. He stands up and says, “Then I’ll go prepare some. When I’m done, I’ll call you.”   When he leaves, she continues her business of setting up the cat litter. Da Da the cat finally and slowly leaves its container, pacing around the room. Then it sneaks up to Yin Ting.   Yin Ting rubs its head and says, “Da Da, you finally have a place to stay in. You won’t have to suffer others’ beatings anymore. Great Director Qiu is very nice, right? Even though he’s a little serious, but he’s a good person. He’s a very warm person. You must treat him nicely, okay.”   Da Da looks around the room with careful, watchful eyes. Yin Ting takes out its blanket and lays it on the floor. “This is your nest now. Don’t be scared, Da Da. I won’t abandon you.”   Qiu Zheng Qing is cooking the instant noodles in the kitchen. He doesn’t know much about cooking, he doesn’t even use his kitchen that often. Usually he depends on frozen dumplings, instant noodles, stuff like this. He has finished his stock of frozen dumplings yesterday. He feels a little regretful, if he knows this earlier, he would have saved some for Yin Ting. Dumplings are better than instant noodles.   The water is already boiling, the vapour warming his face. His heart also feels warm. Yin Ting is in his house and he is making her a meal. Such feeling is really good, today is his lucky day.   The frozen meatb.a.l.l.s are finally done. He puts them in along with the luncheon meat. He breaks an egg in, put in some chopped onion and seasoning and it is done. He turns around, ready to call Yin Ting when he sees that she is sitting at the dining table, smiling at him. She salutes him and says, “Report. I have washed my hands.”   Very cute. His cheeks seem to heat up at the sight of her smile. “The noodles are ready.”   He takes out two bowls, one for her, one for him. Seeing her joyful expression really makes his heart warm. He’s really happy, he didn’t expect that the first time they would have dinner together, it would be at his house.   “Eh, why isn’t there any meat in your portion,” she says with surprise. She puts some of the meatb.a.l.l.s and luncheon meat from her bowl into his.   His face is entirely red. He simply wants her to eat a little better, eat a little more. Too bad there is nothing good in his refrigerator.   “Ah, your face is red.” She notices again.   His face seems to burn even more furiously after hearing her words. He struggles to keep a straight face.   “Even when you keep a straight face, it’s still red.” She mercilessly points out.   He couldn’t help himself. “Miss Radish, can’t you leave some face for this gentleman?”   She purses her lips. Qiu Zheng Qing ignores her and lowers his head to eat his noodles. He stuffs himself with the luncheon meat she gives him, it’s really good. He has been eating this brand of luncheon meat for a long time but today is the day he discovers just how delicious it really is.   Yin Ting feels even more like laughing. He would be embarra.s.sed even when he is treating someone kindly. When she thinks about it, he really is rather kind to her. Even though he is serious and strict, he really does treat people nicely, even secretly giving her all the meat. Yin Ting suddenly feels her face reddening as well.   She steals a glance at Qiu Zheng Qing. He is completely focused on eating the noodles and not looking at her. He’s really quite cute. So serious, but so shy.