Please Be More Serious

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Beautiful Thoughts. At that evening’s “seminar”, Yin Ting talked more, because she had met with Yufei and knew more about her state of mind.‘Yufei is not going to break up with you, that is what she told me.’Yingjie let out a breath he’d been holding. Zhengqing raised his eyebrows, why was a love issue making him so tired, there was no dignity in this, why do people fall in love again?‘You know she had been making a lot of mistakes at work because of this,’ he said critically‘Un-romantic!’ Yingjie and Yin Ting said in unison.‘This is a serious test of love,’ Yin Ting said seriously.(Zuben: I’m sorry; I’m with Zhengqing on this one. Compartmentalise. If she wasn’t the boss but an employee, would they be saying the same thing?)Yingjie was moved, his eyes were watery as he said, ‘Xiaoting, you’re really an angel.’Yin Ting looked depressed, ‘This angel can’t find a boyfriend, this angel is unhappy.’Yingjie nodded and said, ‘When this is settled, I will introduce you to many guys until you find the one you are satisfied with.’‘I will hold you to that,’ Yin Ting looked very happy,Zhengqing frowned, ‘Are we here to solve Yufei’s emotional issues or are we here to solve Yin Ting’s boyfriend problem?’‘I will not delay,’ Ying Ting said as she continued, ‘Yufei added that Zhengqing would not gossip.’Zhengqing raised his eyebrows, ‘What does this have to do with me?’‘She said she wanted you to tell her father about her and Yingjie, but you were being discreet, however you freely told me. She is very upset with you.’ She said despite listening wholeheartedly to the gossip.‘What did you tell her?’ Zhengqing was somewhat nervous. He never gossiped and this proved that he should not.‘I repaid her by telling her of your gossip. About your matter with May Shen and Zoe Mao and how I had to take the children away because they were afraid of three people at the table. You’re welcome,’Zhengqing was speechless, he did not thank her! And they person running away was her, the gossip they had to follow.‘We gossiped so her mood would be better,’(Zuben: Did you know the character for gossip also translates to 8 Diagrams?!)Zhengqing thought something was wrong with this scene; three people at a dinner table. The first time it was he, Huizhu and Yin Ting, next it was he, Huizhu and Jiaqi, not it was him, Yingjie and Yin Ting.Everything, this ‘angel’ was present!This was scary, ah!Yin Ting told them that Yufei was concerned about Yingjie’s ex-girlfriend who had not given up on Yingjie. Yingjie was still friends with this person. Yufei was very affectionate, but wanted absolute loyalty from her man, and she was very sensitive about this issue. Despite Yingjie’s repeated a.s.surances, Yufei still had no confidence. (Zuben: I don tire oh)Yin Ting and Yingjie talked a lot about what to do. Then they turned to Zhengqing, hoping that he had ideas,‘Goodwill has been damaged,’ he said, ‘If you want to re-establish goodwill, you have to make some sacrifices, sell some benefits, and be willing to work out more severe contractual constraints,’ (Zuben: Eh?)Yin Ting and Yingjie stared blankly at him.Zhengqing stared back.Yingjie and Yin Ting went back to their discussion. Yingjie understo

od Zhengqing’s point (Zuben: Oh good), but he had no benefits to sell; he gave her gifts, she did not accept; he apologized, she did not listen; he made promises, she wouldn’t trust in. What else could he do? (Zuben: Leave her alone)‘The worst case scenario is that I would have to pursue her all over again. I did not give up the last time; therefore, I would have patience and persevere.’‘Good, do not be discouraged. You will win her over.’ Yin Ting said to cheer him on.Yingjie looked grateful, he’d talked to a lot of people but he thought Yin Ting was the most lovely, really an angel, ‘Xiaoting,’ Yingjie said, ‘I will surely introduce you to nice guys,’‘Very good. I am in your care,’ Yin Ting said smiling.Zhengqing looked at the both of them; he really did not know what was making so good about this. This Yin Ting girl seemed to have a skill in turning her unsuccessful pursuits into friendship, ah. How was she so familiar with everyone?‘Your thoughts are too beautiful,’ Zhengqing could not help but say, ‘The success of a pursuit not just with patience and will, but whether you have what the other person wants. It is not love either. You don’t lack anything, but love is not shining on you now. How long you have persevered does not result in someone caring about you.’Yingjie and Yin Ting stared at him.Was this person here to help or discourage? (Zuben: Well you knew what kind of person he was and you asked him to a love solution meeting)‘Qiu Zhengqing, your love values are definitely a problem.’ Yin Ting said‘Thank you for your review.’ He said as he thought that she and he were vastly different people. Love exists in the romantic world, the Angel Xiaoting’s world. But he resided in reality; all he needed were his work and his life. But marriage was part of life; therefore he treated it as a project he had to undertake and complete.The meal and the admiration committee’s heated discussion finally came to an end. Zhengqing without thinking about it, walked with Yin Ting to his car.As he opened the door for her, he realised Yingjie did not offer to drive Yin Ting home. They had said goodbye to him, and walked to his car without thinking whether it was even appropriate. (Zuben: Isn’t it too late for that?)Yin Ting really had a skill for turning strangers into friends. Then he remembered the “eyes of the world” riddle she had put on her blog.‘Why are you smiling?’ she asked.‘What is the answer to the riddle?’Yin Ting smiled a somewhat self-satisfied smile. Just then Zhengqing’s phone buzzed, he checked; it was Huizhu.’‘Why don’t you park and answer?’He had thought to call her back when he got home, but since Yin Ting was okay with it, he parked and answered the call.   Huizhu just finished working overtime; she sounded tired, but asked if he wanted to grab a drink with her. Zhengqing thought she didn’t really need a drink just someone to talk to. It seems the matter at work was quite bad, so he agreed.When Zhengqing finished, Yin Ting asked, ‘Was that Zoe? You can go to her, I will take a taxi.’‘No need, I’ll get you home first, we aren’t far. She’s at a restaurant eating dinner. I am just going to accompany her.’ He said as he started the car and drove on.‘She’s really strong and hardworking.’Zhengqing nodded, this kind of strength was something girls like Yufei or Yin Ting could not achieve.‘My mother, when she was alive, was also very strong and capable.’ Yin Ting said quietly.Zhengqing was somewhat shocked; he had a.s.sumed her mother would have been a happy-go-lucky housewife quite like Yin Ting in character. He really couldn’t imagine Yin Ting as a strong high powered woman.‘My mother helped my father when he started his business, and helped him make a lot of money. My father always said that without my mother, the person he was now would not exist. That includes, my brother and I, his money, his family; everything was given to him by my mother.’Zhengqing held his breath, keeping silent. When Yin Ting spoke of her mother, her aura became fragile, so he felt he had to tread carefully.‘When my mother fell ill, my father blamed himself. He thought that if she hadn’t had to work so hard, she would not have fallen ill. He had only kept the printing factory, because that is the first business my mother and he acquired. He said he will leave the business to Uncle Wu; who had been a follower of my dad for many years.’‘He’s not leaving it to you?’ he blurted out accidentally‘I don’t want to manage it, neither does my brother. And dad says if we have no interest in doing something, don’t do it.’‘He doesn’t want me to have to work hard. My mother worked too hard, fell ill and left early. It isn’t worth it. He would rather not have much as long as my brother and I were happy.’Hearing those words made Zhengqing uncomfortable, Zhengqing frowned. (Zuben: Everyone is different, Zhengqing, would he be saying the same if they had remained poor?)‘I was born during the busiest time in their business. My father didn’t have time; my mother was also going all out. After my birth, my mother was weak, but I was also unwell. So she was taking care of me and running the business; never once stopping to take care of herself.’Yin Ting said, ‘My father said it was because of greed. At the time, they had enough. One child was enough, the money was also enough, but they wanted more. More children, a more successful business…more was better. Then my mother died, and it was all pointless.’Zhengqing had no appropriate comment to that.‘Therefore,’ she continued, ‘Work is work, do it diligently. But one must also take care of their health. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. I understand your dedication to work, it is the same as a hobby to you. Just like some people are happy playing mah-jong, some are happy travelling, some people like to sing, you like to work; it makes you happy. This is fine if you don’t overdo it, because there is no limit to success just like happiness. You cannot force yourself saying you want to be happier. You will go far chasing happiness, but never reaching it, and find yourself tired and unable to move ahead. So health is important, do not give yourself too much pressure. You and Miss Zoe are the same, ah!’Zhengqing nodded and said he’d heard. Her eyes were wide staring at him.Yin Ting laughed, ‘Actually, I know that you would not care. My brother said a reasonable person is most disliked, but I wanted to say what I must say. Do not mind.’‘I don’t mind, thank you.’ Zhengqing said feeling strange. A little anxious. He didn’t not think anything he said would be accepted.Yin Ting did not speak again but turned to her phone gently humming a song. The sound was light and soft. He concentrated on the drive.Soon he arrived at her neighbourhood. She alighted from the car, and said a cheery ‘Bye!’After she left, the anxious atmosphere relaxed. Zhengqing breathed a sigh of relief, and sat for a few seconds. He started the car again to head to Huizhu when there was a shadow at his window.Zhengqing jumped and stepped on the brake suddenly. He looked carefully, it was Yin Ting.Zhengqing flushed and opened the window, ‘Please do not do that again!’ he said sternly.Yin Ting was startled; her eyes were wide in surprise. She looked innocent‘What if I was driving off when you rushed at the window and you fell and hurt yourself or got hit?’‘Yes, I’m sorry,’ She said quietly, lowering her head looking contrite.Zhengqing stared at her silently for a long while; then asked, ‘Well, what did you want to say that you risked your life for?’‘I just suddenly thought of it. I was afraid I would get to you too late.’‘Well,’The angel pulled two lollipops from her bag,‘…’‘I was thinking, Zoe had worked hard today, so she will feel very pressured. If you guys had a sweet together, it would relax her. You will be happier. Coaxing a girl this way is very effective.’Zhengqing gave her a sceptical squint. How old was this person she wanted him to coax? He wasn’t going to coax Huizhu, they were going to have a serious business discussion.With a sweet? Miss Yin Ting, are you teasing me?‘Also don’t sit and drink and chat. Go for walk while you chat, it can ease the pressure and the atmosphere would be better. (Zuben: G.o.ds this writer is obsessed with atmosphere) The stars a bright today, a walk would be very good.’ She said as he put the sweets in his hand, ‘I’m going now. Drive safe.’Yin Ting went. Zhengqing was in a daze. The stars were bright? Taking a walk was good? Hadn’t he told her on several occasions that Huizhu wasn’t his girlfriend? They were adults!Sucking on sweets…Zhengqing really couldn’t imagine that picture.He heard her call ‘Big!’ in the distance.Big? Or Dada?It was a bit far to see. He looked in the rear-view mirror but could not see anyone. He looked at the sweets in his hand. That Yin Ting was really…Indescribable!