Please Be More Serious

Chapter 40

Chapter 40



hengqing thought to himself, in this project, he probablywas no match for Yin Ting, so he told her, ‘I’m going to the meeting. In mystudy desk second drawer, there is a small red box, it’s a gift for you.’

Yin Ting laughed, and said she’d look for it. Zhengqing rangoff.

Yin Ting ran to the study to find the gift, ‘Now I think thephotos I was going to give him are a bit lazy. Mr Zheng, you’re big oh,’

She found the gift box. It was very nice looking, before sheopened it, she decided to guess what was in the box. Thinking about the kind ofperson Zhengqing was; it would probably be a silk handkerchief or a brooch. Itmost likely would be a proper traditional gift.

She opened it to find an ornament.

It was similar to a snow globe, but it rather than flurries,it was raining.

Inside the sphere is a small forest scene; trees, gra.s.s andflowers incredibly detailed. A careful slosh of water was dripping, it wasslightly hazy.

Yin Ting rested her chin on the desk, looking at the rainglobe. Should she give him points for a gift out of the ordinary? But the giftwas a bit sad.

Yin Ting sat up in the chair, and pretended to thinkseriously.

‘First point: I like you.’ She giggled at this, ‘the blahblah blah (Zuben: hehe), twelfth point, if you also like me, you can have aboyfriend for Christmas. Here have this gift.’ She pushed the rain globeforward. She imagined Zhengqing doing this, and it made her laugh.

‘What does Mr Zheng mean with this gift?’ she said thoughtfully.Her thoughts went to the silly chicken soup she made for him – but why days ofrain? She felt that this gift must be related to the chicken soup.

So she text him, ‘I know you’re in a meeting and won’t beable to answer, but why a rain globe?’

Zhengqing did not see the text till later that night afterseveral hours of meetings. He’d turned down the other managers’ offer of supperafter, every one worked hard, but he was too tired to try and make small talkover dinner.

There was a noodle shop near the hotel he was staying, so hewent there for dinner. He ordered his food, and remembered he hadn’t looked athis phone for a while. His secretary must have sent him lots of emails. He sawYin Ting’s message, it made him smile. He called her but she didn’t answer. Hewas disappointed. He continued to eat. A few minutes later, his phone rang, itwas Yin Ting returning his call. He quickly answered.

‘I was in the bathroom; I didn’t hear your call earlier.’She said in greeting.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ she was speaking to him now.

‘Then ask me if how I quickly returned your call?’ (Zuben:This part confused me. Why?)

He smiled and asked obediently.

‘Because I was waiting for your call,’ she said, ‘I’ve beenchecking to see if you’d called.’


‘…’ Yin Ting was disgruntled, ‘I wanted you to be touched.’

Zhengqing smiled, ‘I am truly touched.’

No sincerity. But, Yin Ting decided not to get hung up onit, ‘Quickly tell me the answer, I have been left waiting too long.’

‘When I see you…’

Yin Ting made a moue of displeasure, she was disappointed,‘Why do I have to wait so long?’ 

(Zuben: Yes Zhengqing, why do we have to waitso long?)

‘Well, I don’t have much inspiration when it comes topresents. I thought of the most interesting chicken soup I’ve ever had in my wholelife. So random. Therefore, you got a random present.’

Yin Ting was quiet for a few seconds, then she muttered intothe mouthpiece, ‘I didn’t realise “stupid” could be replaced with “limitedinspiration”. Next time, whoever calls me stupid would be told I am not stupid,I just have limited inspiration.’

Zhengqing laughed, she was too interesting. Why was she socute? He really want to see her.

‘What are you doing now?’ She asked.

‘Eating noodles.’

‘By yourself?’


‘Do you have side dishes.’


‘You should have side dishes.’

‘Didn’t know what to get.’ He hadn’t been in the mood, andhe had been tired. So he just ordered a bowl of beef noodles.

‘Read the menu to me.’ She said. Zhengqing read the menu out toher and realised there was something he could have gotten. Yin Ting helped himtwo side dishes,

‘Will that do?’

‘They would do.’ He replied, as he called the waitress andordered.

Yin Ting smiled happily, her boyfriend was quite clever, shelikes, ‘You eat your noodles quickly and get some rest,’ she said intending toring off.

‘Don’t hang up, we can still talk.’

‘Alright,’ Yin Ting said her voice sweet as honey.

‘When I get back to the hotel, I have a lot of work waitingfor me. I won’t be able to talk to you, so doing so right now while eating isefficient.’ Zhengqing explained as he ate.

‘…’ Yin Ting was quiet.

‘What"s up?’ he asked.

‘I just wondering which part of your cells were beingkilled, I was contemplating.’

‘Are you teasing?’ Zhengqing asked not understanding.

‘Ah.’ Yin Yin said mimicking his serious tone.

Zhengqing laughed. He didn’t get jokes, but her voice whenshe said “Ah” was amusing. He ate some more then he asked, ‘What did you meananyway?’

‘Beg me to tell you.’

‘Please,’ he said,

Yin Ting sighed, she couldn’t expect much from him, ‘I wasthinking that your romantic cells were atrophied.’

‘…’ He could not refute that.

His side dishes were served, ‘You keep eating, I will nothang up.’

‘Good,’ he said. As he ate, Yin Ting told him about being inthe hospital with her father. As she spent time with him here, keeping himcalm, she got to know about other patients in the hospital many of whom who hadunfortunate lives.

Zhengqing smiled, his Xiao Ting was such an angel.

 She also told himthat Huizhu had sent over the doc.u.ments for her accountants and lawyers to gothrough, and has started the company registration process. Wu Fei has left hisformer workplace and has begun to work with Huizhu in her company. They all haddinner together.

‘And that’s all I know…’

Huizhu wasn’t worried about things, she was more settled inher plans now. The contract was drawn up, it was just waiting for Zhengqing tolook through it and authorise. But Huizhu hadn’t been curious aboutdevelopments in their relationship (Zuben: She won’t ask you, little girl, she’llask Zhengqing)

Yin Ting talked on as he finished his meal, and accompaniedhim as he returned to his hotel room. When he was situated, he told her he hadto go; work called.

‘Don’t work too hard. Sleep soon.’

‘Alright, goodnight.’ Zhengqing said, as he opened his workemail to see a large list waiting for him. He sighed.

A few minutes later, he got a text from Yin Ting, ‘Read myblog tomorrow. Rest early. Goodnight.’

Zhengqing replied, ‘Alright.’

Yin Ting grimaced as she read the reply. He was so staid. Itwas her first day as his girlfriend, and it had come to an interactiveconclusion. If she’d heard about someone like Zhengqing from a girl friend, shewould have thought him ultra-stuffy and boring.

Yin Ting threw herself back on her holding the phone andlaughed. Zhengqing was also a tad spoilt; he didn’t let her hang up, made heraccompany him while he ate. It was just that his expression was more subtle, sheunderstood. He needed her, and she was satisfied.


The next morning, Zhengqing went unto Yin Ting’s micro-blog,there was a new post put up early in the morning. It was a picture ofsunflowers - it was a pretty picture. It was captioned: Why do sunflowers turn towardsthe sun? Answer: Because, it is saying I miss you. Though not seeing you isdisappointing, it doesn’t matter. We will meet in the new day. (Zuben vomitsrainbows)

Zhengqing texted Yin Ting, ‘I miss you, too.’

‘Wow, my boyfriend said something romantic!’ she replied.

Just after, Yin Tin called and told him about her plans forthe day; going to the orphanage to visit the children, accompanying her father,then off to his house to feed Miao-dada, and the she would like to talk to herboyfriend that night.

‘Sounds like you’re as busy as I am,’ he said.

‘Are you working overtime on the weekend?’ she asked

‘Yes, it’s quite chaotic here. There is a lot to sort out.’He did not want to say he was working overtime to ensure he was home with heron Christmas. He really couldn’t say such sappy things out loud. Maybe he shouldtext; he seemed to be more romantic if he wrote.

‘Okay, work hard. I have to go.’ Yin Ting said cheerfully.Zhengqing would like to listen to it all day.

‘Let’s speak in the evening.’ He said.

‘Yes, alright.’ Yin Ting was happy which in turn madeZhengqing happy.

The day pa.s.sed quickly. At night, they talked. But on thevideo chat, Yin Ting was showing a contrite expression.

‘I’m really sorry. Blame me. I was playing hide and seek inthe living room with Miao-dada using the sofa as the home base. Miao dada likedthe feel of the sofa and started to scratch it!’ (Zuben: Time for a scratchingpost then.)

Zhengqing did not know what to say. As home, he’d noticed Miaohad been scratching things up a lot, so he bought it a lot of scratch boardsand placed them around the house. It was good, not scratching up furniture. Nowhe hadn’t been at home for a few days, his cat was being presumptuous andmisbehaving? (Zuben: Disregard my previous statement.)

‘Its fine,’ he couldn’t blame Miao it was a small animal, nosense of right and wrong.

‘It’s quite bad though.’ Yin Ting said still looking sorry.

‘…’ Zhengqing dared not think too much and asked, ‘How badis it?’

‘I do not dare tell you,’ she said. Zhengzing feared for hissofa. ‘I went to your study to play an online game, and did not notice thatMiao-dada’s door was open, by the time I went back, I found scratching the upholstery,its worn it so thin!’

‘…’ He opened the door? He was away for a few days and thecat has learned a new skill? ‘Its okay…’

‘I’ll buy you a new couch.’

‘You don’t need to.’

‘Let me,’ Yin Ting said, ‘I’ll buy the most comfortable sofaever, and won’t let Miao touch a swatch,’

‘It’s a small matter, when you’re playing with Miao justmake sure you’re watching it carefully so that it doesn’t do somethingtroublesome.’

‘I will,’ Yin Ting said, her eyes shining with relief and happiness.Zhengqing did not blame her, she was happy.

Zhengqing also relaxed.

A few days pa.s.sed, Thursday evening rolled round and YinTing report was not a good one;

‘I have bad news!’


‘I wanted to learn how to cook, but father and brother werelaughing at me at home. There’s no one to see me at yours, so I went to practice there…"

‘Did you burn my house down?’ Are the person and catalright?

‘No no, I’m not that skilful, just the kitchen.’

‘…’ There is enough skill in burning the kitchen.

Zhengqing was relieved.

‘Just smashed the ceiling lighting, and the pipes…’ Yin Tingsaid looking very embarra.s.sed.

Zhengqing looked at her flabbergasted. He tried to imagine,how in the world a cooking disaster would lead to his ceiling lights blowing upand his pipes bursting, ‘How bad is it?’ He asked finally.

‘I’ve been very good, your kitchen is only a little hurt. Ihave contacted a decorating company to 

come and sort things out. We could notfind exactly the same fittings…’

‘Alright,’ If she could have found the exact same fittings,she would not have told him.

‘I didn’t want you to come back and find a different kitchen,so…’

Of course he’d wonder and ask. So she was being honest inadvance.

‘So, a new sink had to be put in as well as the counterschanged, and the cabinets were all connected. 

We decided to change the otherside so it wouldn’t look mismatched and ugly…’

‘…’ It as really difficult to find the same fittings, so shereplaced the entire kitchen?!

‘I am sorry, I promise to have it done fast.’

Quickly too! Zhengqing could not muster up anger, so hesimply told her, ‘Promise me one thing,’


‘Keep yourself and Miao-dada out of trouble!’

‘I will,’

‘And my house is still standing when I get home.’

‘Of course, I’m trying to make up for it.’

‘And my door is still intact.’

‘That is a.s.sured.’

‘So tell me, how did you destroy the ceiling and the pipesat the same time?’ When he decorated, he was told the materials were good, andwould not be damaged easily.

‘That…ah…well,’ she said in a contrite manner, she couldn’t reallytell him she did not like his interior décor, ‘I must tell you I did notrealise I had such destructive power. I have never destroyed anything at homebefore.’

‘Okay, so tell me how…?’

‘There was hot oil in the pot, I was cutting vegetables, thepot was on the heat too long so when I put the vegetables in, the oil caughtfire, I was scared trying to quench it, so I threw it into the sink. Itexploded…’ Yin Ying said honestly, although the sink was the only thing burntshe tried to douse the flames with a kitchen napkin and that caught fire too.But she did not tell him this.

Zhenqing rubbed his forehead, ‘And the ceiling light?’

‘Well I was holding a knife to cut the vegetables, and whenthe fire started…’ Her voice got smaller and smaller. She had been screaming,and tossed the knife, grabbing the pot and taking it to the sink had been verypainful.

‘Well it went flying…’

‘So you, the vegetable, the knife flew up and hit the lamp?!’

She lowered her head; there was had been a large dent in thelight fitting as well.

‘…’ Zhengqing was shocked. He could only thank whicheverdeity kept her and dada safe. He could not think about anything contrary tothat.

‘I wondered about just cleaning it up, but it was all toodamaged. Your new kitchen is going to be pretty and neat. I have ensured thatthe decorators would do a good job. Hope you’re not angry.’

‘I am not angry,’ Zhengqing wasn’t angry, he was moreshocked and heavy with worry.



‘We’re adding a thirteenth item,’

‘Don’t let me into the kitchen?’

‘Indeed,’ Zhengqing said nodding. She really wasintelligent.

Yin Ting was somewhat sad, ‘I am really telling the truth, I’venever been destructive before, it was really an accident.’ She’d called Yufeifor help and Yufei did not miss the opportunity to make fun of her saying she’dsaved up twenty-four years of destructive power to cope with Qiu Zhengzing.

‘I will come back as soon as possible,’ he said to her. It didn’tmatter, he just wanted to be back there with her, ‘Please promise my girlfriendwould be alive to see me.’

Yin Ting laughed at the exaggeration.

‘It’s not funny, I’m very serious.’

Yin Ting’s grin widened, even though he was being serious.She was so troublesome, but Zhengqing also could not help but smile, ‘I wouldbe back as soon as I can,’ he said rea.s.suring her.

‘Good, your girlfriend would be alive to see you. Youfinally got one with great difficulty, she is desperately living to see you,’

‘…’ was he being teased again?

She also has finally got a boyfriend after great difficulty,but he did not say that to her. It would be better if he tried to get back homefaster. Otherwise, his girlfriend and his cat were about to overturn theheavens!

Zuben: This was an amusing one. I did look through for typos, but I"m sure I"ve missed a couple. Please bear with me