Please Be More Serious

Chapter 55 Outsmarting Father In Law

Happy New Year everyone. Wishing you happiness, peace of mind, and I hope you achieve everything you want from life this year!

Chapter 55 Outsmarting Father In Law

Zhengqing’s gifts were two poundsof tea and a hand crafted besopke tea set. The tea was said to be organic, andit was only produced in small quant.i.ties; three thousand pounds at the maximum.The teapot was from a famous potter that Yin Ting’s father long admired. Shehad asked a friend to find it for a her, he had taken a long time to get it.She had originally intended to gift it to her father on her birthday, butsacrificed such a good present for Zhengqing.

The gift totalled up to thirtythousand yuan. Zhengqing felt it was too extravagant. Tea is just for drinking,put it in a tea cup with hot water and go for it. Would the tea be morefragrant from the special pot, would it magically taste better? But he mademade no outward comment, and he insisted on paying for everything. For hisfuture Yue Zhang, he had to pay; it was a man’s pride.

So the eve of the Lunar New Year,he carried the precious gift box and presented himself at Yin Ting’s familyhome.

When he entered, Yin Guohaowelcomed him with a smile. Zhengqing and Yin Ting greeted each other with alook and a smile. They were all very happy.

Zhengqing handed Guohao his gift.He nodded his thanks after being told what it was, ‘Let’s have a cup of teatogether after dinner.’

Yin Ting took the tea set with asmile, ‘I’ll take this to the kitchen and get it ready,’ she said.

Zhengqing and Yin Ting had gone to learn how to brew tea specially. Zhengqing sat with Guohao andtalked about tea, but Guohao did not say much, he seemed that he wasuninterested. Zhengqing became nervous.

Fortunately, Yin Ting returned. Thefamily chatted and laughed. Soon it was time for dinner, and the family movedto the table.

The table seated for; Guohao sat atthe head, Yin Ting sat to his right and Yin Shi to his left. Zhengqing satacross from Guohao.

Though there were only four people,there were eight dishes; very luxurious, Zhengqing thought.

Yin Ting served red wine, first herfather, then her brother then Zhengqing.

Guohao raised his gla.s.s for atoast, ‘I wish my children a happy new year.’

Yin Ting took Zhengqing’s hand andthey rose, with a wide smile she toasted, ‘Wishing father a happy new year, ofgood health and good luck in everything.’ Zhengqing bowed. Yin Shi also roseand said, ‘Dad, the same goes for me.’

Guohao did not pick on his son forbeing lazy, but looked at Zhengqing and said, ‘I wish you the best in the newyear,’ with a smile. Zhengqing got nervous, was there a hidden meaning there.

The meal continued with Yin Tingmaking jokes and everyone chatting. It was such a warm atmosphere thatZhengqing almost cried.

He had not eaten a family meal likethis in years.

He truly wished that he couldfreeze time in this moment; this moment of such a simple happiness.

Zhengqing felt the emotion becometoo much for him to surpress excused himself from the table and asked for thebathroom. There, he tried to calm his emotions.

He truly hoped this family becamehis family. (Zuben: *sniffle)

When he came out Yin Ting waswaiting outside with a look of concern,

‘What happened?’ she asked softy,‘Are you feeling uncomformtable?’

Zhengqing did not reply, but pulledher into his arms and held her there. She gave him a pat on the back, andkissed him, ‘You’re like my dad, you both like to be spoiled.’

Zhengqing gave her a scepticallook, where did he like being spoiled? He never threw a tantrum to be spoiled.He only ever knew hard work ever since he was young. He didn’t grow up in anenvironment where he could have been spoiled. He really was spoiled. But hereally liked the way she spoiled him. He found her so cute, he hoped she wouldlike being spoiled by him.

There was a cough behind them. Itwas Yin Shi,

‘If you two lovebirds don’t mind, Iwould really like to use the toilet. I can’t hold it any longer. So can youleave the path to the bathroom clear and find somewhere else to be intimate.’

Yin Ting blushed and swatted athim. Yin Shi jumped out of the way and pushed them aside as he entered thebathroom. Yin Ting managed to land a punch as he entered. He gave a yelp andclosed the door,

‘Don’t stand here you two,otherwise I would be embarra.s.sed that you will hear.’

Zhengqing laughed and pulled YinTing away.

He liked Yin Shi, he thought. Whenthey returned to the table, it was only Guohao there. He decided he liked hisfuture father in law too. When they had chatted at the wedding, he had beenvery polite and did not put on any airs. He really liked family.

After dinner, the family moved tothe living room. Yin Shi cut up some fruit while Yin Ting served the tea, thenthey sat to watch TV,

Guohao watched the New Year show onTV for a little while then turned to his children and said, ‘Tomorrow, we’ll goto the cemetery to see your mother,’ he paused then turned to Zhengqing, ‘Wouldyou like to go together? Your parents are there too.’

‘I had intended on going, so itwould be nice to go together. Thank you.’ He and Yin Ting shared a look and shewinked at him. He was also very happy, it looked to be that his relationshipwith Yin Ting was no acknowledged by her father. Guohao was willing to invitehim along to visit their desceased. It seemed that he was being regared as amember of their family.

It was hard for Zhengqing not tosmile foolishly.

‘We’ll visit out loved ones, andthen go for a stroll in the park. The New Year’s celebrations should belively.’

‘Lovely!’ Yin Ting said, ‘We shouldgo together. Why don’t Zhengqing drive us? His car is big enough for all of us.Would be very convenient.’

‘I have no objection to that,’Zhengqing quickly replied.

Guohao also did not have anyobjections, so their plans were decided.

After the night watch ended aftermidnight on the Lunar New year, Zhengqing made to return home. Guohao told himto drive home carefully and Zhengqing took his leave and bade him goodbye. YinTing saw him off to the gate.

‘Very good, very good,’ she saidvery excitedly. ‘It looks as though my father doesn’t have any problems withyou. He likes you. I know it!’

They both laughed foolishly.

Later that night, Zhengqing lyingon his bed could not sleep due to excitement. He thought of the first half ofhis life,  the poverty, the ups and downs,but he had worked diligently and hard, and G.o.d saw his efforts and this was hisreward. He had his successful enterprise, and now has his love.

Oh right! And fat Miao.

Zhengqing held out his hand, andMiao-dada came over and lay next to him. The fat cat had recently had hissterilisation surgery. It has gone well and the cat recovered well. Butafterwards, Miao-dada began acting clingy, always wanting cuddles. WhenZhengqing got him, he came up to sit near him. Even when it came to sleeping,the cat slept on the bed with him. Zhengqing loved the cat dearly and let itsleep but the result was the cat was now accustomed to sleeping on the bed.

Zhengqing stroked Miao’s soft furand said, ‘When I marry Xiaoting, you can’t sleep on the bed you know? Good, veryclever Miao.’ (Zuben: That’s what you think, bub)

He couldn’t wait to marry Xiaoting.He smiled at the thought. He wanted to have a family; Xiaoting’s family. If YinGuohao did not want to give her up, he was willing to live with his father inlaw. Although, it would be more comfortable just the two of them, but he can beobliging to his father in law moods. He could see that Guohao relied very muchon Yin Ting, so then, he would not be happy to have her married and away fromhome. That would not be good, he thought as he continued to stroke Miao’s fur.But didn’t father in law have a cat allergy? He remembered Yin Ting sayingsomething like that; then they couldn’t live together. Good, then it would bejust the two of them (Zuben: And the cat)

Although, Zhengqing knew it was toosoon to be thinking about such things, but the expectations of a happy futuremade him very happy.

The next day, Zhengqing told hisparents of the happenings in his life. He had come with Yin Ting before; sothey knew her. How he had been invited to dinner with Yin Ting and her family,and how he had been accepted well. He told his parents to be rest a.s.sured; hewas doing well.

Guohao took flowers to his wife’sgrave and was there a long time. They gave him privacy to speak to his deadwife.

Afterwards, they joined otherpeople going to the park to see the park to see to New Year’s day celebrations.

Zhengqing had never been before sohe got lost until Yin Ting gave him proper directions.

The park was very lively, the thecelebrations was bright and extravagant; far beyond Zhengqing’s imaginations.Zhengqing had trouble adjusting to the manic atmosphere, but Yin Ting was inher element; getting water and food for the group, pulling Zhengqing to go withher on the amusment rides. Guohao watched his daughter’s antics fondly.Zhengqing was tired out very quickly, so Yin Shi went along with her. Zhengqingsat with Guohao.

‘The park has changed a lot fromlast year,’ the older man said to him, ‘the flowers and decorations were addedfor the Spring Festival.’

Was that so? Zhengqing thought. Hehad been in this city for so long, he had not know about this park. There hadnever been any time.

Guohao looked at him and asked,‘Haven’t you ever been here?’

Zhengqing shook his head.

‘When you and Xiaoting are ondates, where do you go?’ (Zuben: Prepping for bedroom movements)

‘Um…shopping and eating.’ Zhengqingreplied nervously. Most of their time together spent at his place together.

‘Where do you go to eat?’ he fatherasked.

‘Er…’ Zhengqing racked his brainsto remember the the restaurants they had eaten at.

Guohao nodded with a smile.

Zhengqing breathed a sigh of reliefthinking the questions were over, but Guohao asked, ‘Don’t you do to themovies?’

‘Er…’ He’d never been. But wasGuohao’s question about doing naughty things in a dark theatre?

‘Never been.’ He repliedtruthfully.

Guohao smiled and nodded.

Was he satisfied with his answer?

Then Guohao asked, ‘Are you busytomorrow?’

What was this question about?Zhengqing wondered. He tried hard to think of something interesting he could bedoing instead of being at home. Yin Ting was on the pirate ship ride and couldnot save him.

Guohao pulled out his phone, ‘Ahlittle cousin. It’s me Uncle Hao! Is there a free room in your club’s karaoke?…Give Uncle.’

Zhengqing was dumbfounded.

‘Hao! That’s good. We’ll go in theafternoon and have dinner there. It doesn’t matter…You greet the manager forme…When I come, I will come to say h.e.l.lo…Good….Happy new year.’

We they going to sing at a karaokebar? How come the elderly were trendy these days? Zhengqing felt like he wasgoing to die.

He…no…He will sing! (Zuben: It’stime to lip sync for your life!)

The Taking of Tiger Mountain - 56 Father In Law Is Like The Sky 

When Yin Ting returned, Zhengqingquietly told her of her father’s arrangement.

‘Karaoke?’ Yin Ting askedsurprised. She had not expected her dad to bring out this move. Completely outof their expertise, ah! ‘Which songs to do know?’ she asked, thinking of how tohelp him.

Zhengqing looked thoughtful, but YiTing understood from his expression,

‘Nothing, huh?’

‘Does the national anthem count?’he asked trying to salvage his pride. Actually, he couldn’t sing the nationalanthem in its entirety either. (Zuben: Live life in the next 24 hours)

Yin Ting frowned and said, ‘Fine, Iunderstand.’

‘I listen to music,’ Zhengqing saidtrying to fight for his points, but though he listened to music, they weren’tmusic with words.

Yin Ting gave him a helpless lookand began to call her friends to see if anyone was free for a karaoke evening,so that Zhengqing could hide in the crown and not be embarra.s.sed. Butunfortunately due to the holidays, everyone had prior plans. Yin Ting pattedhis shoulder in encouragement. He could only rely on himself.

That evening, Zhengqing joined YinTing’s family for dinner at a restaurant. Yin Ting decided ‘who ever strikesthe first blow was the victor’, there would be singing tomorrow there wasnothing that could be done about it, but maybe a shift in activities might tipthe balance in their favour.

‘Right father, during the vacationwould you be going fishing?’


‘Zhengqing like fishing,’ she saidtrying to lobby on zhengqing’s behalf, ‘Zhengqing and I went a few weeks ago,even though it is cold, the fish were biting. You guys can do and compare yourbig catches.’ They had been practicing this project so they knew what toexpect, but her father said,

‘The fish may be active, butsitting in the cold is not good for my old bones.’

Yin Ting chuckled and gave herfather a look, she didn’t expose that he had gone fishing only just last monthwith his friend and it wasn’t colder at this time than then.

‘Young people should do morevigorous activities, sitting around fishing is depressing. Why not go hiking,get your body moving then you won’t be cold.’

Hiking? Yin Ting glanced atZhengqing, there shouldn’t be any issue with this activity, ‘Hiking sounds fun.Let’s do that.’

Yin Ting thought that this might begood; her father must think that Zhengqing was too stuffy and wanted to lookfor a suitable activity for young people. Yin Ting thought her father must loveher dearly, ‘Hiking is fine, but are you physically up to it?’

‘I am fine. Don’t underestimate myold bones, but I will walk up till the café in the foot hills. You can go tothe summit, and help me get a talisman from the temple at the summit.’

“Don’t underestimate my old bones?”and “I’ll wait for you at the café?” Zhengqing did not comment.

‘Alright!’ Yin Ting replied hearingher father wanted a talisman.

‘So like today, Zhengqing just pickus up tomorrow and we go to karaoke, then the day after we rest and then afterwe go hiking in the hills.’

Yin Ting was very happy, they wouldbe able to rest on the third day, so she can go on a date with Zhengqing.Activities with her dad were only for the next few days, and then after she andZhengqing can go back to dating. She smiled at Zhengqing while thinking her dadreally liked Zhengqing, because he was thinking of activities that he mightenjoy.

Zhengqing returned her smile, butin his brain all he could think about was karaoke singing tomorrow. He decidedto be a waiter tomorrow; making sure everyone’s throats were well watered withtea, beer or water.

The next day, Zhengqing went tosing at the karaoke club.

Yin Ting entered the booth excited;she immediately hogged the microphone. Yin Shi selected a bunch of songs and sodid Yin Ting. She turned to Zhengqing and said,

‘Look after my dad,’ and she went‘centrestage’ with her brother to sing. Zhengqing happily complied, while YinTing sang several songs. Guohao eventually said,

‘You’re being selfish; don’t keepthe microphone to yourself. Let others sing.’

‘Don’t worry about it, she cansing,’

But Guohao pretended he didn’t hearthe younger man, ‘You can sing anything. Let Xiaoting choose for you.’

Zhengqing decided to bite thebullet and say, ‘I really cannot sing, so it’s okay if they sing.’

Yin Ting was about to defendZhengqing, but her father laughed, ‘If you don’t sing then I shall, I cannotlet them hog the limelight.’

 Zhengqing raised his eyebrows; this wholefamily seemed to be full of tyrants. As he watched, Guohao proudly said to YinShi, ‘Ah Shi, put on Taking Tiger Mountain for your dad.’

Yin Shi hurriedly put on the song,and Guohao took the mic and began to sing. The tone of the music was imposing,Zhengqing thought. Yin Ting came to sit beside him and ate a slice of fruit.

‘How does a karaoke have PekingOpera songs?’

‘The owner is dad’s old friend, theolder folks like Peking Operat songs. This is one of their best rooms.’

 Is that so? Zhengqing wondered. He didn’t knowwhat to say.

After the imposing song came to anend, Yin Shi and Guohao sang a duet, followed by a pop song and then anotheropera song. Yin Shi then sang Teresa Teng songs one after the other.

Yin Ting watched her father as she  told Zhengqing, ‘My mother loved Teresa Teng’ssongs. She used to listen to her songs without rest. After she died, dad wouldnot let me play Teresa’s songs.’

Yin Shi got tired of singing, YinTing rose and said, ‘Dad you rest I will sing a few songs.’

‘You sit down.’ He said to Yin Tingand did not let Yin Shi change over.

It seems dad was the King Tyrant,it wasn’t a disgrace to have lost to the older man. (Zuben: Heck knows why youwere bothering in the first place)

That evening, the family dinedtogether and Guohao asked Zhengqing about his family background and theircirc.u.mstances, Zhengqing answered his questions in his usual polite manner.While the spoke, the two siblings watched with interest, Yin Shi said to Yin Ting,‘This is normal father in law to son in law topic ah,’

Yin Ting thought so too. Shewatched her father listen to Zhengqing. His complexion was usual, he lookedamiable. She found it hard to conceal her happiness.

The next day, nothing muchhappened, the Yin family visited their relatives and friends during the day andin the evening Yin Ting went to see Zhengqing at his house. The two loverssnuggled in his couch giggling more than chatting,

‘Please be more serious, after theSpring Festival, let’s live well.’

‘The Spring Festival does not needto end for me to live well.’ He replied.

She gave him a smack, ‘I meant thatafter the Festival, we won’t be busy and we can cultivate our love life.’

‘When I was busy, I loved well.’ Heanswered, in his opinion even when he was working and busy, he held her in hisheart and loved her.

She smacked him again, ‘Seriously!’

‘I’m very serious.’

‘Oh, I called you so many times andyou didn’t even answer me. You’re too accustomed to me calling you by yournickname, but I can’t do that when we are among relatives or friends.’

‘You finally realised that givingme a nickname isn’t good,’ He said using his knuckles to rub her head gently,‘as well as teaching bad habits to children.’ Little stone also called himUncle please be more serious.

Yin Ting made a face, ‘But callingyou Qiu-zong is even more strange.’

‘You could just call me Zhengqinglike your dad and brother do.’

Yin Ting frowned, ‘Won’t it be abit weird?’ It was his name, but why did she feel weird or prefer to should“please be more serious”.

‘Hmm, or you can call me somethingelse?’ he said.



Yin Ting was silent as a blushstole over her face, ‘Cheeky,’ she said as be smacked him with a cushion.

‘I’m not wrong, ah.’ He saidlaughing.

‘Well…’ she replied staring at himas her face got redder, and her expression got more bashful. Zhengqing couldnot help but kiss her, making her blush even more. Zhengqing laughed.

Yin Ting sat up incensed, and gavehim more kisses on his lips saying, ‘Hurry up and blush too!’

Zhengqing laughed even harder, butshe kept kissing him and saying, ‘Hurry up; blush!’

He laughed till his stomach ached,and held Yin Ting so they fell back on the sofa together. Eventually theyquieted down,

‘I hope we can always be likethis,’


‘The way we are now; happytogether.’

‘Isnt that accomplished? We are alltogether.’ (Zuben: Don’t congratulate yourself until you marry the girl)

‘I’m so happy my dad likes you.’

Zhengqing was in agreement, he washappy about it too.

The next day; they went hiking.

Zhengqing had bought his gear forthe trip. He was full of joy wearing his new hiking bag and boots. (Zuben:Hopefully you’re wearing comfy socks or you gonna get blisters). He was happyabout his first hiking trip. Yin Ting, Yin Shi and Zhengqing were all windedwhen they got down from the mountain to meet Guohao who had been sitting at thecafé. When Zhengqing saw his smile, he wondered if this had been a test of hisphysical fitness, since he was a lot older than Yin Ting.

The next day, Guohao suddenlydecided that he wanted to go for a trip around an ancient town and stay for afew days, he asked Zhengqing if he would come. He should be back to work then, but Zhengqing could not refuse, so heemailed his secretary and asked her to sort out his leave for the day.

So once again Zhengqing was designateddriver and he drove them down to the old town. Yin Ting and her family hadvisited it before, so she played guide to Zhengqing as they stayed in the townfor three days.

The trip went without incident. Hebecame very familiar with Yin Shi and his manner and jokes. He understoodGuohao more, and he though that if he needed to pick a gift for the elder managain, he would have no problem.

Soon after the Spring Festivalvacation, Guohao contacted him, ‘I want to chat with you alone. Do not tellXiaoting.’ He said calmly.

Zhengqing consented, but therequest made him unsettled.

They made an appointment to meet atseven PM at a restaurant.

‘Tell Xiaoting that you won’t bemeeting her that evening, you need to work overtime visiting a client.’

Zhengqing agreed, but he thoughthimself a tad stupid. Maybe he was being stupid from nervousness.

On the day, Zhengqing had agrowning sence of unease. Yin Guohao’s sudden invitation sparking questions inhead and he could not talk to Yin Ting about it. He would have like to talk herso they could discuss it, but Guohao had told him not to tell her.

At six-fifty, Zhengqing arrived atthe restaurant to find Guohao already there; waiting for him. His uneasinessdeepened. He greeted the older man, and settled in his chair. They exchangedpleasantaries as they got drinks, and discussed mundane topics throught theirdinner.

After dinner, tea was ordered.Guohao took a sip of his tea and said, ‘Zhengqing, I appreciate you.’

‘Thank you, Uncle.’ He replied, hisheartrate rising.

‘From a businessman’s point ofview, you are a rare talent.’ Guohao said.

‘Thank you, Uncle.’ Zhengqingreplied with a mirthless laugh. Businessman? Shouldn’t he be another ident.i.tyin Yin Guohao’s eyes? A sense of trepidation crept up on Zhengqing. He wasnervous. Very nervous.