Poison Physician Consort

Chapter 116

Publishedat 16th of May 2020 11:55:21 AM
Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Confrontation Again

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Bai Luochu spent the entire morning immersed in her spiritual energy cultivation . It was much more exhausting to cultivate spiritual energy than spirit qi . Right now, Bai Luochu was famished . She didn’t say anything else and started to devour her lunch .

Ying Lan saw that Bai Luochu didn’t object and made his way out of the room . He then prepared to ask someone to deliver the letter . However, after he thought about it, he realized that it was better for him to personally make the trip . He then pulled a waiter over and asked him to deliver a message to Bai Luochu .

“Young Lady, Commander Ying asked me to deliver a message for him . He said that the matter of cooperation is a serious matter and he has to make the trip personally . If Young Lady has other important matters after lunch, you don’t have to wait for Commander Ying to get back . . ” That waiter knocked on the door before entering to pa.s.s Bai Luochu Ying Lan’s message .

Bai Luochu was startled at first and she almost forgot to chew her food . But she suddenly realized something and it seemed as though she understood something . She then informed the waiter, “I understand, you can go back to work now . ”

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When the waiter saw that Bai Luochu had a deadpan expression on her face, he took his leave . He closed the door tightly and returned to the main hall to carry on working . After all, it was lunchtime and there were plenty of customers who were there for lunch .

When the waiter had walked far away, Bai Luochu let out a long sigh and thought that Ying Lan was becoming more and more like an old woman .

Bai Luochu understood that Ying Lan didn’t personally head over due to his anxiousness over the so-called ‘serious matter’ . She knew that with his cautious personality, he would head over and threaten the other party in order to force him to back off on his own accord . If he wasn’t able to do so, he wanted to beat up the silver-haired man to avoid malicious thoughts from appearing in his head .

Ying Lan was ultimately a servant who served Bai Luochu in her previous life and she was spot on when predicting Ying Lan’s actions . Ying Lan was currently heading towards the silver-haired man’s courtyard . A simple task of delivering a letter wasn’t something he was inclined to do personally . However, he had his plans . He was strolling slowly because he wanted to stall for time in order to think of a strategy . As he thought about how he was going to deal with the silver-haired man, a ball of anger started to well up in Ying Lan’s heart . He started to regret his actions . If he knew that this was going to happen, he wouldn’t have been so rash . He would have stopped himself from rus.h.i.+ng off before his mistress finished her lunch before coming up with a perfect strategy to deal with the silver-haired man .

Right now, he couldn’t return to the Remote Paddy Inn as his mistress was probably still eating . If he were to return now and run into Bai Luochu, she would definitely ask him about the situation with the silver-haired man . If that were to happen, there was no way he would be able to hide anything from her . First of all, he couldn’t hide anything from her due to his position as a secret guard . Secondly, he couldn’t lie as Bai Luochu knew him too well . The moment he lied, he would be exposed and would even end up angering Bai Luochu . He had painstakingly found his mistress after so long and he wouldn’t waste the chance he was given .

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His thoughts ran wild and before he knew it, he arrived at the entrance of the silver-haired man’s courtyard before he was able to think of a perfect strategy . He drew back his hand that was about to knock on the door several times . Just as Ying Lan was preparing to walk several rounds around the city before returning to the Remote Paddy Inn, the door suddenly opened from the inside .  

“Eh? Why are you standing in front of my entrance? Have you reported to your Master? Did he agree?” That silver-haired man looked at Ying Lan and asked intentionally . In fact, he already knew the answer to his question .

When Ying Lan saw that his hand was still stretched out with the intention to knock the door, he knew that he wasn’t going to escape this round of questioning . He was like a fully drawn bow, with no way out . He couldn’t do anything but to release the bowstring .

He braced himself and said, “My Master has great judgement and will never turn away masters of their trade . However…”

Ying Lan intentionally paused for a moment and wanted to observe the silver-haired man’s reaction . However, the silver-haired man had a deadpan expression on his face . In the end, Ying Lan felt discouraged and prepared to provoke the silver-haired man with his words .

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“My master says that he will only treat people if there is fate between them . If he doesn’t like your appearance, even if you are willing to take out a mountain of gold, he won’t treat you . Do you understand?” Ying Lan meant that even if the silver-haired man were to a.s.sist in the construction of the Palace of Brilliance Resurgence, there was a chance for his illness to go untreated . He felt that the silver-haired man would be unwilling to provide his a.s.sistance after his threat .

“It doesn’t matter . ” The silver-haired man couldn’t be bothered to waste more words with Ying Lan . Since Bai Luochu had already decided, Ying Lan who was a secret guard wouldn’t try to oppose her . Since the silver-haired man had already achieved his objective, he didn’t need to waste his efforts bickering with Ying Lan . Hence, he gave a polite and simple answer .

Ying Lan was rather surprised when he heard the words, ‘It doesn’t matter’ . He didn’t expect for the silver-haired man to ignore the fact that he might be left for dead . Ying Lan didn’t give up . He added, “There is something else . During the trip to the Falling Cloud Mountain Range, we cannot guarantee your safety . Do you still want to help us?”

This time, the silver-haired man didn’t even speak and merely nodded to express his agreement .

When Ying Lan saw that the silver-haired man wasn’t going to give up no matter what, he gave up his plan . He finally started to threaten the silver-haired man, “You better not come up with any weird ideas . If I discover that you are plotting against my Master, you should know what I am capable of . I hope that you will behave yourself . ”

The silver-haired man didn’t open his mouth and nodded silently . Right at this moment, Ying Lan looked at the silver-haired man and thought that he looked more like an immortal than a man . A thought suddenly appeared in his mind . ‘This person is trustworthy’ . Ying Lan naturally felt that his thoughts were ridiculous as he shook his head to get rid of them .

“You can head over to the Remote Paddy Inn tomorrow and we will head over to the mountain range together . If you don’t wish to look for me, you can head to the mountain range and wait for me there . Our destination is the mountain on the eastern outskirts of the capital city, the majestic mountain range that seems to extend without end . Our craftsmen will be working at the foot of the mountain and you just have to inform them that you are there on my orders . I still have important matters to take care of and I shall take my leave . ”

Ying Lan cupped his fists before leaving . The silver-haired man cupped his fists in response and walked towards the shops on the nearby street .

The entrance of the silver-haired man’s courtyard became tranquil again and it seemed as though nothing happened .

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