Poison Physician Consort

Chapter 473

At this moment, Bai Luochu and Pei Qingfeng were basking in the heaven and earth laws while quietly waiting for the arrival of the lightning tribulation.

Tumbling dark clouds covered the sky above the entire ruins, and Ying Lan had no idea what was happening. He ran over as soon as he received the news.

Ying Lan might have been overly anxious and when Ling Xian"er saw how big of a rush Ying Lan was in, she followed behind him. The moment they arrived, the lightning had already descended.

Ling Xian"er wasn"t able to sit still, and she wanted to rush towards the lightning. It was fortunate that Ying Lan had quick reactions as he grabbed her before she could do anything stupid. 

"Are you crazy? That isn"t regular lighting! That"s lightning tribulation from the Nine Heavens! If you"re not at the Inaction Realm, rus.h.i.+ng into the lightning is the same as giving your life away! I have seen fearless people, but I haven"t seen anyone as fearless and crazy as you!”

Ying Lan felt that he had a rash personality, but it seemed as though the little la.s.s before him was even worse! 

Tears were falling from Ling Xian"er"s face and she cried out loud, "What are we supposed to do?! Are we going to do nothing?! Big brother Qingfeng is inside the ruins and so is your mistress! Are you going to watch them die?!”

This statement jabbed at Ying Lan"s sore spot. No one knew if she was still alive. Before she screamed at him, Ying Lan felt that the lightning tribulation had something to do with Bai Luochu"s cultivation. However, what if it wasn"t? 

Ying Lan remained silent and he stared at the ruins without moving a single muscle. Thoughts ran through his mind non-stop. "Just wait a little more, just wait a little more..."

Compared to the anxious pair waiting outside, Bai Luochu and Pei Qingfeng were extremely relaxed. They were basking in the laws of heaven and earth as they waited for the lightning tribulation to split the ruins open.

Despite waiting for a long time, nothing happened. Bai Luochu even suspected if her plan was off. “It"s not possible for the ruins to stop the lightning tribulations, right? If that"s the case, we"re in trouble!”

Bai Luochu"s worries were justified, If the lightning tribulation from their progression to the Inaction Realm failed to split open the ruins, it would be nigh impossible for them to leave. 

The moment the words left her lips, a frown formed on Pei Qingfeng"s face. However, he started to console her in order not to affect her mood during the progression. "Don"t worry, everything will be fine. We will definitely make it out. Trust me and trust yourself."

Bai Luochu"s heart finally started to calm down. Fortunately, the crackling of lightning entered her ears when Pei Qingfeng completed his speech. The two of them looked at each other and carefully observed the changes around them. They wrapped themselves in spirit qi in order to protect rocks from falling on them.

A crack eventually formed from the bombardment of the lightning tribulation.

After the crack appeared, the rest of the thunderbolts found their target and desperately tried to slam into Bai Luochu and Pei Qingfeng. The merciless lightning crashed into the crack again and again, and the ruins started to collapse. Fortunately for them, they had covered themselves in spirit qi. Otherwise, the falling rocks would have caused them some trouble.

The ruins started to crumble at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when they finally saw the sky above them, the tribulation clouds had already dispersed.

They turned to smile at each other as they soared through the sky above the ruins. Their hands were locked tightly together, and they landed on the ground outside.

They were immediately spotted by Ying Lan and a tremor ran through his heart. Even though their appearance didn"t change, Ying Lan could feel that the air around them was different.

Right now, their current qi field was much more reserved as compared to two years ago. People who didn"t know them might not even know that they were cultivators! Even someone like Ying Lan wasn"t able to detect their spirit qi! The spirit qi he had was nothing more than a tiny pebble when compared to the sea of spirit qi in their bodies. No matter how he tried to probe them, he failed to obtain any results.

As the golden rays of the sun landed on them, they looked as though they had descended from the high heavens.  

After reaching the Inaction Realm, Bai Luochu"s spiritual energy reached a terrifying new height. The moment she left the ruins, she detected Ying Lan and Ling Xian"er"s presence, She waved hre arm and sent a wave of spirit qi flying towards them. Of course, she held back and with Ying Lan"s quick reactions, he grabbed Ling Xian"er and dodged Bai Luochu"s attack. 

When they dodged, their figures were immediately exposed to Bai Luochu. It was obvious Bai Luochu didn"t expect Ying Lan to be waiting for her.

"Why are you here? What about the Palace of Brilliance Resurgence? If I remain in the ruins forever, are you going to wait here till the day you die?”

Bai Luochu felt a trace of warmth in her heart when she saw that Ying Lan was waiting for her, but she felt a trace of rage as well. She was angry at the fact that he was ready to sacrifice his great future in order to wait for her.

It was too bad Ying Lan felt that everything was worth it. Whatever the case, wasn"t she out? Not only had Bai Luochu emerged from the ruins, she had even reached the Inaction Realm! Her cultivation was finally at the half-deity state and he felt extremely happy for her.

Completely different from the reaction Ying Lan had, Ling Xian"er lunged into his embrace the moment he appeared. "Big Brother Qingfeng, you are finally out! Xian"er had waited a long time for you."

Pei Qingfeng wanted to rub Ling Xian"er"s head to console her, but he felt a chill running down his spine the moment he started to raise his arms. Two light coughs resounded through the air and he pulled Ling Xian"er off him. "Xian"er, you"re acting like a spoiled brat. How can a young lady like you jump on a man?”

Bai Luochu finally withdrew her dangerous qi presence. However, Ling Xian"er didn"t care about all that.

Ling Xian"er looked at Pei Qingfeng desperately winking at her and instantly understood what he meant. In order not to cause her elder brother"s hard earned wife leave in a fit of rage, she knew that she had to say something. "Sister-in-law, it has been hard on you for the last two years. Let"s return to the inn."

Bai Luochu was startled by the sudden realization. When Ling Xian"er called her "sister-in-law", she felt a heavy weight dropping from her heart.