Poison Physician Consort

Chapter 484

When Pei Qingfeng saw Bai Luochu checking for traps by knocking on the walls, he knew that she was acting cautiously in case they were caught by surprise.

The moment Pei Qingfeng told her that there were no more traps, she withdrew her hand and followed him deeper into the tunnel.

When they neared the palace, Pei Rumo"s crowning ceremony had just ended. He was currently lost in his own thoughts when he realized that there were some movements coming from under him. He drew his sword in case anything happened.

However, his worries were unfounded. When he saw the people who caused the disturbance, a look of joy appeared on his face.

“Pei Qingfeng? Luo Chu? It"s actually the two of you!” Pei Rumo was pleasantly surprised. Back when they had been trapped in the Desolate Region, he had faith that they would return safely. However, as the time pa.s.sed, he started losing faith and gave up waiting. Who would have thought that he would reunite with them on this very day. A brilliant smile lit up his face.

“I never expected to see the two of you! Let"s talk somewhere else instead.” Pei Rumo led them to the side hall before continuing his conversation with the two of them. He then started to recount his experience after leaving the Desolate Region. 

“It"s a good thing that Your Highness cherishes your relations.h.i.+p with Luo Chu, but can you explain to me why you have crowned my fiancee the empress of the Cloud Water Nation?” Pei Qingfeng wasn"t really interested in hearing what Pei Rumo had been up to in the past two years. The only thing he cared about was the reason behind Pei Rumo"s actions.

Seeing that Bai Luochu didn"t deny what Pei Qingfeng said, he knew that they were already a couple.

“So you choose him in the end...” Pei Rumo said as a forced smile appeared on his face.

Bai Luochu shook her head and smiled, “Rather than saying it was me who chose him, he was the one who chose me. If it weren"t for him, I"m afraid that I wouldn"t be able to walk out of the Desolate Region alive.” 

Pei Rumo realized that there was no way for him to feel better about himself. After a long while, he pleaded with Pei Qingfeng and humbly requested, “Can you let me spend this afternoon with Luo Chu? Consider it my way of ending things with her.” 

Pei Qingfeng felt alarm bells go off in his head as he was afraid that Pei Rumo would go back on his words by s.n.a.t.c.hing her away.

Knowing his worries, Bai Luochu rested her hand on his shoulders and rea.s.sured him, “It"s going to be fine. Even if he wants to s.n.a.t.c.h me away, he wouldn"t have done it so openly. Don"t worry, everything will be fine.”

Pei Qingfeng took a last look at her and grumbled softly before leaving the two of them alone.

After Pei Qingfeng had left, Pei Rumo didn"t rush to talk to Bai Luochu. Instead, he merely stared at her in silence.

The more he looked at her, the more he realized that she had changed since two years ago. Maybe it was because she had grown to become a lady, or perhaps it was because she had given up on her obsession. Now, she looked even more lively than ever before. Just like he had expected. She was the happiest when she was with Pei Qingfeng.

It was time for him to let go and move on. 

“When you are together with him, are you happy?” Even though he already knew the answer to his question, he wanted to hear her say it for herself.

Bai Luochu neither denied nor admitted. Instead, she gave an answer that he wasn"t able to make any sense of. “I feel comfortable when I"m with him. I can finally be myself.” 

Maybe that was the difference between him and Pei Qingfeng. Pei Qingfeng was willing to give up everything for Bai Luochu, but he couldn"t. He suddenly felt that maybe it wasn"t so bad even if he didn"t end up together with her. After all, she would have to live out her life shackled down if she got together with him.

“I had to make you my consort in order not to turn you into the laughing stock of the capital after returning from the Desolate Region. As for crowning you as the empress, it was due to my selfish desires.”

His plan was to marry her, and satisfy his selfish desire to possess her.

However, he knew that it was impossible for him to accomplish his goal as he couldn"t bring her back to life. He could only use this method in order to fulfill his inner desire. 

“I will find a way to undo this. You do not need to worry about that.” When he considered that Bai Luochu would still have to marry Pei Qingfeng in the future, he knew that it was impossible for him to hold on to her any longer. 

“As long as you provide me with an ident.i.ty that allows me to openly marry Pei Qingfeng, I won"t have much objection to anything else you want to do.”

Even though she had originally wanted to cut off his longing for her, she knew that it was enough as long as she could marry Pei Qingfeng. Nothing else really mattered.

Pei Rumo"s eyes sparkled as he had thought that she would have asked him to give up on her. Who would have thought that things would take a turn for the better?

Pei Rumo agreed before she could change her mind, “There"s no problem with issuing you a new ident.i.ty. The minister in charge of it is my subordinate and he has tight lips. No one will know about it.”

Bai Luochu then nodded her head after receiving his reaffirmation. Not long after, silence descended between the two of them. 

Just as she was able to break the awkward silence and leave, Pei Rumo said hesitantly, “Luo Chu … “

Only after a long time did he complete his sentence, “I wish you all the best and happiness in everything you do.”

His final blessing for her left his lips.

When Pei Qingfeng failed to hear anything coming from inside the room, he prepared to rush in. Too bad Pei Rumo had already antic.i.p.ated his move and he opened the door only to cause Pei Qingfeng to trip over his own feet.

“You can"t even wait for a little while?” Pei Rumo narrowed his eyes and mocked. 

Glancing past Pei Rumo, he saw that Bai Luochu was safe and sound. The rock in his heart disappeared.