Potatoes Are the Only Thing That’s Needed in This World!

Chapter 27 Part 2

Chapter 27 Part 2

Hold on? Isn"t this the best time for me to escape? 

Right now, the remaining people that were left in the square were all chatting in an extremely relaxed manner. Dairo seemed to have gotten himself in a quarrel with Lambert once again as he brought out his flintlock and fired a few shots at Lambert. Meanwhile, Lambert was cowering on the ground, and using his armor to block his weak points from being shot at. His appearance currently completely coincided with the image of a hermit crab.

All right! The time is now! The opportunity is fleeting! It"s time to escape from here… Hmm?

Just as I began to act on my plan of escaping from this place, I suddenly realised  a man was standing behind me with aura befitting of an emperor. He was using his mighty sight to look towards the horizon whilst his fingers were stroking the corners of his slightly curved up mouth.

I"m not sure whether if it was because I was looking up at him from an angle below, but his posture looked much more magnificent than it was from the usual. Though he was old, his eyes looked extremely sharp. I trembled under his awe-inspiring aura of righteousness, and surrendered myself to his feet.

Oh, the previous village chief… What are your orders?

“Though the tortoise blessed with magic powers lives long, its days have their allotted span; though winged serpents ride high on the mist, they turn to dust and ashes at the last; An old war-horse may be stabled, yet still it longs to gallop a thousand li; And a n.o.ble hearted man though advanced in years never abandons his proud aspirations.
Man"s span of life , whether long or short, depends not on Heaven alone;
One who eats well and keeps cheerful can live to a great old age.
And so , with joy in my heart, I hum this song.”

Agreed, what you said is right.

I"ll be on my way now, please carry on.

Village chief~ Where are you? Your father has once again run out from the house and is acting cute! Hurry up and catch him back!

As I got up from the ground and was ready to escape from this crazy old man beside me, I felt a faint tug pulling at my sleeve.

“Who Is it?! Why do you guys keep looking for me…!!!” The acc.u.mulation of anger that I had for these past days, condensed together at this moment, and finally broke out. I gnashed my teeth to the person who was holding my sleeve with anger, but…


“Ouwah!” The person holding my sleeve was the quivering squirrel Kaiser who was about to burst into tears.

So pitiful! But, at the same time, she is so adorable!

Who is it? Who is the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that dares to make my Kaiser who is the second favorite of my entire world, cry?! I"m going to tie dynamite onto myself and detonate the bomb to kill you if I had to!

Who is the person who doesn"t know how to behave like a potato! Let me teach will what is a real potato!

“So…Sorry! Can I help you?” Just an instance ago, I could suddenly and clearly feel the terrifying stares of the lolicons around me, hence in a panic, I inquired her politely on what was the matter.

These creepy Lolicons are real disgusting, aren"t they, Kaiser?

“Erm… owo… I just wanted to ask… Why… ouahh… Rei had suddenly disappeared. Do you know where she went?” Holding back her tears, Kaiser asked about where Rei had gone.


Now that she mentioned it… Rei still hasn"t come back?

I patted my shoulders, and realised that the “removable attachment” was really not on my shoulder. It"s been some time since I had heard the sweet and playful voice of hers as well.

She"s been gone for almost 30 minutes already though. This village is not that big. A search around the village should not take so much time, right?

Could it be… something unexpected happened?