Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 101

"You don"t have to worry so much," Lyn said.

Hearing her soft voice so close to him, Rhys finally realized that she got closer to him. d.a.m.n this woman, she"s really not making this easy for him.

Rhys scratched his face and sighed, "I"m not used to it, so I apologize for hurting you," he doesn"t want her lecturing him or anything. Still, he must have hurt her. They"d been walking for a good ten minutes before Lyn spoke up. He reached over and ran his hand through the girl"s hair, gently caressing it in the process.

"Rhys, your kind aren"t you? You remind me of a Big brother at times."

His eyes twitched in annoyance at that comparison. Brother? h.e.l.lo woman, didn"t he confess his feelings? Rhys shook his head, don"t get too worked up about it.

"As far as I know, none of your big brothers treat you this way."

Lyn laughed, "Actually, I was thinking of Eldest Brother. Sometimes you remind me of him, especially during training. When you go all spartan mode on me."

That doesn"t make him happy at all. Out of all the people, she compares him with; it"s that man of all people? Then again, just having a moment with her like this is good enough. Rhys wonders if she will wear the lipstick again, it looked terrific on her. While she ended up accepting it, he hasn"t seen the girl wear it since then so he was slightly concerned.

"I"ll be less of a spartan," Rhys murmured. He doesn"t want to be compared to her brother again, especially when he is trying to seduce her.

Lyn laughed, "Aha, I know, let me treat you for once."

Rhys raised his eyebrows, "She"s even laughing and smiling at him today," Rhys thought. Is she the kind of person who changes their behavior towards another person, simply because she fights with another man? "You"re suddenly acting kind to me because your fighting with Kazuya?" Rhys voiced out.

Lyn looked down at her feet, "That"s not it, and I"m not fighting with him," yeah she could have fooled him. Lyn played with her fingers, "Rhys, I"ll tell you, so can we get something to eat?"

In the end, they found a cheap noodle stand and decided to eat there. While there were other and far better places to eat, Rhys had seen the way people were looking at them and decided that they ought to lay low. Do they stand out that much? Him and Kazuya may stand out in luxurious places like the Mist Kingdom main town. But in villages like this, where there"s an equal mix of eastern and western, they shouldn"t stand out. No, it"s not him and Kazuya, but Lyn isn"t it?

He thought so before, but there is something about this girl. The aura around her seems to attract other people.

"So, what"s with you and Kazuya?"

"It"s just," Lyn took a deep breath, "He asked me to marry him."

"Didn"t he bring that up before? Why are you getting all fl.u.s.tered and worked up about it?" that"s it? He thought it was something more serious.

"It may be nothing to you Rhys, but it"s serious for me. Also, yes, he mentioned something similar before but nothing this direct."

Rhys deeply sighed, "Don"t get mad at me. I"m not the one who brought out marriage when you"re still engaged."

"I know, I"m sorry... But it"s just; I don"t know what to think about it."

"You"ve never imagined it? A future with Kazuya?" Rhys asked. Right as he said that, two bowls of fresh noodles were placed in front of them. Rhys thanked the server and pa.s.sed the chopsticks to Lyn but paused, "Can you use these? Or should I ask for a spoon or fork?"

"I can use them; father taught me how too."

"Here you go then," Rhys asked as he pa.s.sed the chopsticks to Lyn. In the process their hands briefly brushed against each other, "Her hands are soft," Rhys thought. Even though she"s increased her training, and there are visible injuries and marks now. He quickly shook his head, quit acting like some love-struck idiot. If he acts like Kazuya and word gets round to the Sound Kingdom elders, then things will be bad.

It"s not like he has to worry about that though, he hand selected the team that would come to the Mist Kingdom. So, there"s no danger of there being a spy. Then again, even if there is a spy, he would quickly root them out. There is no way he is letting anybody know of his feelings for her.

"Rhys, can you quit looking at me like that?"

Seeing her fidget nervously, he murmured quietly, "Too adorable."

"Rhys, really, it"s hard for me to eat when you"re looking at me."

"My bad," he usually wouldn"t apologize. But it seems like things aren"t exactly going to plan today, "So, you and Kazuya.."

"I"m not angry at him, how can I? He"s brought me so much happiness, but," Lyn trailed off, "I just want some s.p.a.ce for a bit, I need to think things through. I love him, and he"s so precious to me, but that"s exactly why I want to think about this properly. I want to be with him forever, but there are things I have to settle first."

"With your fiance? When was the last time you two spoke?"

Lyn laughed weakly, "Well, it"s been quite some time. I"ve seen him around,"

"Since the banquet?"


That"s quite some time ago, huh. Well, it"s a good thing for him. Rhys wondered if Kazuya noticed it. Whenever Lyn is around her fiance, she acts like a Princess. A Princess that they cannot reach. He reached over for the bottle of alcohol. He really needs a drink, lately - no since they went on this journey he"s been acting very strange. Is it because he confessed his feelings to Lyn? Is that why he can"t keep calm around her anymore?

His thoughts broke off when he felt her hand on his forehead, "What"s wrong, Rhys? Your sweating a lot?"

It can"t be that he"s fallen for her to this extent. Falling in love with her is one thing. But for his whole att.i.tude and behavior to change because of it? How stupid.

"I think I need to lie down, let"s look for an inn."



"I hope Kazuya can find us here, maybe I should send a message," Lyn muttered. His gaze drifted onto the woman pacing back and forth the room. "She"s still thinking of Kazuya," Rhys thought to himself. But that"s to be expected; they didn"t really fight with each other.

The moment they arrived in the inn and got a room, he ended up collapsing on the bed. His entire body felt heavy for some reason, is he sick? Now of all times? Maybe it"s just fatigue; he feels drained these days. Feeling Lyn"s hand on his forehead again, Rhys looked at her. The girl was looking at him with a concerned expression on her perfect face.

Rhys reached over and caressed her cheeks, "Because you"re dear to me, I don"t want you to worry so much,"


d.a.m.n, he really is acting strangely. So much for watching over Kazuya. He ought to keep a lid on his own emotions first.