Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 106

The two of them have kissed like this before, how many times have they kissed? Lyn has already lost count how many times they have kissed; she stopped counting when she figured that Kazuya would always kiss her whenever they met. "Even before they started dating," but then again, those kisses weren"t on her mouth.

He quickly overwhelmed her with his commanding presence, sweeping her away with every movement of his lips as his grip tightened about her waist. Kazuya nipped her bottom lip playfully before he pulled away, his eyes glinting with amus.e.m.e.nt, "Just because I"ve been away doesn"t mean you can bully my cute Lyn, right?" he winked at her.

Lyn shyly nodded, and Kazuya beamed happily.

"d.a.m.n you, Kazuya," Rhys cursed, "You didn"t stop that stupid fiance of hers, why me?"

"Isn"t it obvious who the wolf is here?"

Ah, so Kazuya must have been watching her from the start. Lyn stared at him curiously, after all that happened two days ago. Isn"t he acting like normal with her? It"s not like she wanted things to be awkward between them. But after she said those words, she saw his gaze turn dark and while he laughed weakly and said it was okay. Lyn knew she hurt him, and yet why? Why is he acting so normal now? Still, she"s really missed him. Lyn didn"t realize exactly how much she missed him until she saw him again just now.

"It"s a different sort of feeling to the one she had when she saw with Allen just now," Lyn buried her face in his arms, a familiar warmth and scent. Kazuya gently ran his hand through her hair, "But really Rhys, this isn"t the time, don"t you think?"

"You found something?"

"Of course."

Rhys deeply sighed, "I guess it can"t be helped. I"ll call the others for a meeting," she hears Rhys get closer to her and Lyn kept her face buried in Kazuya"s arms, "Kazuya, make sure Lyn takes her medicine."

"Will do."

With those words said, she hears Rhys fading footsteps. A revealed sigh pa.s.sed her lips; she doesn"t want to deal with suck awkward situations anymore. Now that Kazuya is back, things will be okay, won"t they?

Sumire was flus.h.i.+ng brightly on her cheeks that she looked down at the tatami floor after they pulled slightly away to breathe. Her own breath was ragged, but she could hear Aoi"s rougher, which caused her to get even more embarra.s.sed.

Kazuya gently cupped her cheeks. "Not enough?"

"I-I think it is," she stammered. He saw right through her lie and kissed her again. Lyn s.h.i.+vered. It was not fair how gentle and pa.s.sionate his kisses were. It was so unlike the usual him, "Usually, his kisses are just gentle alone," while they"ve shared pa.s.sionate kisses before, normally it retains the sweet feeling. But there is something different here, it feels like he is trying to devour her, and that made her feel incredibly embarra.s.sed.

"W-Wait," she tried to say, but Kazuya kept kissing her, making her forget what she was going to say. He had so much built up pa.s.sion that he couldn"t stop kissing her and not just on her lips but on her cheeks, on her neck, and shoulders. Lyn is utterly speechless at this point; she didn"t know what to say or do.

Her face felt like it was exploding; it was burning as hot as lava. It was so new to her that she was afraid. But, she wanted more. She finally got to see him after this long time period, "Kazuya, Kazuya," Lyn repeated in a trance.

"Hm, you should see yourself right now."

She s.h.i.+vered as he nipped her earlobe gently and pushed his chest to get him to stop, "Kazuya, your embarra.s.sing me," she"s never seen this side of him before. What is she supposed to think?

"After our little talk, I thought it through and concluded," Kazuya paused, "That I should just be more bold with you."

Wait; what? That"s the conclusion he comes up with? This whole time she was worried about him, and yet here he comes up with a stupid suggestion.

"What"s wrong, Lyn?"

"I was thinking Kazuya, were you flirting with girls these last two days?"

Kazuya sweat fell, "Has Rhys corrupted you? Why would I be hanging around with girls?"

"But there"s a red-light district here."

A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips, "I have you, Lyn, I don"t need other women."

Then what about her sister? Lyn still doesn"t understand what"s between the two. Kazuya keeps saying it"s nothing, but her sister, who usually sees the majority of men as filthy beings - is very attached to Kazuya. Lyn shook her head; she needs to stop thinking about it, "You were investigating this whole time?"

"Yeah, I found some clues. Trailing that haughty Prince was worth it."

Her eyes widened, "Ah? You mean you were following Prince Ereland around?"

Kazuya grinned, "Yeah, I coincidentally spotted him when I was giving our horses away."

Coincidence it may be, but Kazuya"s always had good luck. A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips, "to think she was worried about him," while hearing this news should alarm her more since it meant he was in danger. Lyn knew how strong Kazuya was. His strength is something she can"t measure. Usually, she had useful insights and could tell who is stronger, just by looking at their abilities once.

However, with Kazuya, she couldn"t tell if he was stronger than Mother or not. A mere sixteen-year-old, in contrast to somebody who is much older. Typically, one would not need to question who would win. Experience shape another person, after all. Yet Kazuya"s t.i.tle as the strongest person in the Sound Kingdom gives him equal footing in terms of strength with her Mother.

If it"s Kazuya, it"s possible, isn"t it? Lyn hugged him tightly, and he smiled, "I really am sorry, Lyn. Even though I said, I wouldn"t make you feel lonely anymore."

"Ah, I knew you wouldn"t keep your promise."

"You did?" Kazuya raised his eyebrows.

That"s right; she knew he wouldn"t keep it, not because she didn"t trust him or anything. No, it"s the complete opposite. It"s because she trusts him so much that she knew he wouldn"t be able to keep it. "Once you have somebody important in your life, it isn"t all fun and games, you have to be prepared for them to betray you," is what her mentor told her.

Kazuya probably didn"t understand what she was thinking but held her tightly, "I really have missed you, things will be hectic for a while. But, we will be together, so don"t worry anymore okay?"

"He will not ask?" Lyn thought. Of course, he wouldn"t. Kazuya is not the type of man who pries; he is a good listener; he waits until the person in question is ready to open up. What a kind person, Lyn said nothing and leaned into his embrace. She feels safe; when she is with this person, she feels safe. But Lyn wondered how much longer this would continue, with shadows laying in every corner.