Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 109

He wants Lyn to live a carefree life; he wants her to remain ignorant and not worry about anything. However, "Those two from the Sound Kingdom, keep dragging her into their problems," Allen muttered. With Lyn"s personality, where she can"t say no to helping people, especially those she cares about. Allen is pretty sure that Lyn is deeply rooted in the problem occurring here. He rubbed the temple of his face, Lyn always tells him not to frown too much, but he could not help it this time around.

The blue hair prince in front of him simply smiled, it seemed like the man sitting opposite him knew exactly what is he thinking, "Let me ask you a question Prince Allen, do you desire to be King?"

"What kind of question is that?" Allen thought, "Yes, while my elder brother may be the first candidate to the throne. I don"t think I fall short ability wise to compete with him," or rather the battle had already ended in his favour. Contrary to what his brother thinks, his position to get the throne is secure.

"Indeed, if it"s the future Wind Kingdom, then only you could be King."

"You gave your support just like that at the meeting, we"ve barely exchanged words before," Allen said puzzled. Before he left to come here, the elders gave him a list of those who supported his reign from other Kingdoms. When he saw Ichinose Ralph"s name, Allen didn"t know how to react. He only knew the man was his fiancé"s mentor. At the start, Allen thought that"s why he chose him. But it was not like that at all. Lyn didn"t know anything about the secret vote.

"Do you know why people respect me, Prince Allen?"

Allen shook his head.

"You see," Ralph continues, "While I discarded my right to become the heir to my household the moment I became a mage. People respect those who are strong," his lips curve to a smile, "Especially, in an age where finding good mages is a rarity."

So that"s how he makes money, and at the same time gathers connection. What a sneaky man, but Allen already knew that. The one who allowed Lyn to meet Ichinose Ralph is that man. The Mist Kingdom"s current royal family First Prince, Andrew, huh? That man is more sneaky than he thought. It would be better for him not to let his guard down around Prince Andrew. He may be engaged to Lyn, but Allen knew how ruthless that person could be.

After that talk, Ralph took out the magic crystal and showed him the real reason for his visit. Once it was over, Allen felt like throwing up. His entire body was shaking.

"You seem to be pretty shaken up."

"Be quiet," Allen snapped.

But who would have thought that there was such a possibility? He sensed something odd about those girls who swore loyalty to his fiance. Yet he didn"t think it would be like this, " Kuruga, Kos.h.i.+ro Suzuhina was the daughter of Queen Ray. The daughter of the kingdom which I destroyed," Allen admitted.

Even now saying those words sent s.h.i.+vers down his spine and he could feel himself going numb, "and you"re saying...that this girl s.h.i.+o? Is also another daughter of hers?"

Ralph nodded. "Yeah, it"s quite a surprise. But thinking about it now. There were some times where lady Suzu seemed odd like there was something about her that was different. They really do resemble each other from the picture. If that"s the case, it wouldn"t be odd for the two to be mistaken for each other. I"m not implying that Lady Suzu is alive because that would be absurd; the only difference between the two is one had the lady"s mark. And when Suzu died that mark faded. However, it isn"t an exaggeration to say that this s.h.i.+o hasn"t met the lady before. On numerous occasions, Suzu had to cancel some jobs to take care of her foster siblings at home. During that time, though strangely enough, she would show up and say she was late, that everything was taken care of already."

"Are you saying she resumed her sister"s ident.i.ty then?"

"Yes. I can"t be too sure whether or not it was planned because Suzu for sure was loyal to Princess Lyn. But thinking it through she didn"t resemble any of her siblings or her mother for that matter. s.h.i.+o-san appears to have only caught wind of the girl"s death, and from the looks of it is furious. She has joined hands with that man and seeks to kill the lady. When she put the connection between you and her - she told that man, " Then that"s perfect. I can crush the people who destroyed our world together"."

At that, he bites the bottom of his lip and fiddles with his hands. Ah, in the end, it appears he really can"t escape from it anymore. What he thought he had relinquished a long time ago is coming back to him...

He will never be able to escape.

It will all come back to haunt him. Ah....this really is, he suddenly feels a sudden warmth embrace him from behind, "...Lyn? Did you just hear," it was a stupid question. Of course, she does.

Lyn laughed, the girl"s laughter seemed so bright and so very beautiful to him, " I"m sorry for not knocking," she trailed off and sent a harsh glare towards Ichinose Ralph, "My dear mentor, could you leave us alone for a bit?"

"Of course, dear pupil," Ralph seemed amused with the girl"s reaction and with one last glance at him, immediately left.

Silence fell on them,`q and for a while, n.o.body spoke, Allen didn"t know what to say.

"Because you are not the only one who shed blood for the sake of your people." Those words ---? Could it be that she"s also, Allen did not get a chance to question her, since Lyn continued, " I can"t even begin to tell you the countless horrors I"ve seen and the unnecessary amount of blood that was shed, just because those people were deemed as a threat even though there has never been any actual evidence. I"ve always wondered why we have to take action against people who differ slightly from what we have considered the norm. I understand that upholding traditional values is important. But making changes is also possible. Those people deserved to live, and even now that weighs down on my mind. No matter what we do, no matter how much we change. We cannot change the past; we cannot change the fact that we have once destroyed lives, not through words but mere orders. We can"t change that."

"Ah, then...then what am I supposed to do?"

At that, he turned around to face her, grabbing hold of the girl"s shoulder, " What am I supposed to do?" By this point, his voice was filled with nothing but a mixture of sadness, grief, and confusion.

Despite this Lyn grabbed hold of his hands, "I want you to look at me properly," at that comment his eyes went wide, yet he finds himself following her gaze for the first time in a long time. Ah those amethyst colored eyes, even now they show such light despite being shrouded in darkness. "If you know you have flaws, all that can be done is to fix it. We"ve both made the same mistakes Allen; we really are alike. But that"s exactly why I cannot stand the thought of you bearing this pain alone anymore. Do not forget it, the faces of the people whom you destroyed with your own hands. Do not forget the number of lives that were shed for no apparent reason. And bare with this pain for the rest of your life and face it."

Allen looks at her with a defeated expression on his face, "Indeed, you are quite stubborn."

Lyn smiled, " But I am sticking to my convictions, am I not?"


"Does that man know you are here?

Surely she did not come here by herself, "I asked Rhys to bring me here; he"s waiting outside."

Allen nodded, "that one, huh?" he thought. In contrast to how that guy was at the beginning, Allen noticed something had changed. From watching their brief interaction during the meeting, Allen noticed how close the two were with each other, "You seem close."

He was never the type to beat around the bush about anything, the moment he is curious about something, he would voice out his thoughts. This time around was no exception. Such thoughts broke off when he saw Lyn peering at him with those pretty eyes of hers, "What"s the matter?"

"Allen, you"re really looking at me these days."

"Is that not what you wanted?" Allen questioned. What she said just now about looking at her properly, she said something similar in the past. But he never took it seriously, whenever he is with her he would unconsciously avoid looking at her.