Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 136

Seconds turned into minutes, no in her head, the three seconds it took for Kazuya to answer felt like decades.

"I"m your sister"s boyfriend."

Just four single words and her whole world felt like it just fell apart. She clenched her fist, "so it"s true," Shaarya thought. Considering how irritated second brother seemed in those letters, she should have prepared for this situation. However, it still surprised her. Shaarya knew of her second sister"s feelings towards the Wind Kingdom Prince after all. It"s because she knew this, that Shaarya supported her. Shaarya knew how happy Brother Allen made her sister. Her sister, who used to have such a clouded look on her face. Brother Allen is cold-hearted at times and indifferent. But, that man could pull her sister out of the shadows.

With a heavy heart, Shaarya broke the silence and asked, "What about brother Allen? Has..has," Shaarya hesitated, "Second sister canceled the engagement?"

Shaarya didn"t receive any news, but maybe it happened recently? For a few days, Shaarya focused on her studies and training more seriously. So she ignored any letters or messages through the recording crystals. 

"No, she hasn"t."

A relieved sigh pa.s.sed her lips. But wait, now her sister has both a boyfriend and a fiance. For those who know of her existence, doesn"t that look bad? Society does encourage multiple partners - however, only when you"re married. In other people"s eyes, what sort of impression do they have of her sister now? They already have a terrible impression of her sister. Some know there is a hidden Princess somewhere in the Mist Kingdom. But n.o.body has tied it to the royal family. Rumors that say her sister is so ugly, and that"s why she has to wear a veil. 

Those who meet her in public gatherings don"t approach her because of the veil. They only speak to her when brother Allen is around, even then many people evaded looking at second sister. Indeed, the veil trick certainly put people off and brushed their interest in her. However, it came at the cost of her sister"s reputation. Shaarya always believed that one day, her stubborn family would reveal her sister"s ident.i.ty. No matter what they have planned, they can"t keep this up any longer. Second sister Lyn is almost coming of age too. Even if it"s Mother, she won"t be cruel enough not to hold a huge banquet. 

Eldest brother Andrew told her to rest a.s.sured and explained to her that he would take care of things. But, even then, Shaarya was uncertain. Her sister"s reputation has gone down considerably because of the rumors. Even if they find out that she"s a beauty, there are other bad things that people have spread around.

Shaarya was afraid to pursue this topic further. Before she could get a word edge-wise though, something started to glow in Kazuya"s pocket. Kazuya took it out. It was an old-looking diamond shape crystal. 

Is that a recording crystal? Why does it look different?

"h.e.l.lo? Rhys? Yeah, I found her. It was a coincidence, and I sent the message back using that," Kazuya nodded, "Right, make sure she"s okay and if you do anything…"

"Rhys," why does that name sound familiar? Now that Shaarya thought back to her brother"s letters. They mentioned more than one person bothering second sister. But, aside from the letters where did she hear that name before? It sounds awfully familiar to her. Shaarya recalled the man she and Ark ran into, the one who got her caught up in this mess in the first place.

It can"t be the same person, can it? Then again, how many people share the same name?

"Hmmm? She wants to talk to me, yeah, cool put her on."

Despite the vague term, Shaarya immediately understood. Her second sister? Thump, thump. Shaarya felt her heartbeat increase. Perhaps she can get a chance to speak with second sister? Shaarya had not spoken to the girl in so long, so she felt excited. Shaarya resisted for such a long time, after all, going home. She wanted to prove her point, if they continued treating her sister in that manner, then Shaarya would not a.s.sociate with them.

It did seem to do the trick for a while. But after that incident two years ago, the security surrounding her sister changed again. That case of two years ago, whenever Shaarya thought about it, something felt off to her. Mother dismissed it as something natural, and the blame was placed on second sister. However, Shaarya always felt that there was something wrong with that case.

Kazuya must have understood what she thought since he pressed something on the crystal. The moment he did, Shaarya could hear her sister"s voice. Quite some time had pa.s.sed since Shaarya last saw her, let alone hear Lyn"s voice. She suddenly felt so overcome with emotion, the tears in her eyes fell. 

For those who knew her, Princess Shaarya was not the type of person who would cry in front of others so easily. She would not even let her guard down in front of her childhood friend, Ark, let alone another person. Shaarya didn"t cry in front of her family members either. Not in front of Mother, Father, eldest sister, eldest brother, and second brother. However, second sister was the exception to that rule. 

Second sister has always treated her with such kindness and warmth. If it weren"t for second sister, then Shaarya knew she would have ended up exactly like her three other siblings. Her first memory is not of her mother but her eldest sister, it was when she was a mere child. Others thought they could pick on her since the third sister is usually the odd one out amongst the siblings.

There was that severe case where somebody tried to hurt her, and the one who came to her rescue was none other than her second sister. Her first memory is of that vigilant figure of her sister taking the beating for her.

"Sister," Shaarya called out meekly.

There was a pause.

"Shaarya? Are you okay? Are you hurt and lonely? Don"t worry, big sister will come to you."

"Sister Lyn," Shaarya repeated, "I want to see you. Come quickly," even though there was a stranger in the room. Shaarya instinctively acted this way upon hearing her sister"s voice.

"Big sister will come right away, and ahhh! Kazuya don"t fall for her, I know Shaarya is cute and adorable but.."

Shaarya blinked at her sister"s rambling, she looked puzzled. However, Kazuya clearly understood since he laughed, "Yes, yes, I know. Don"t worry, my cute and adorable Lyn. Don"t flirt too much with Rhys and your fiance."

"I--I will not flirt with Rhys and Allen is a gentleman," Lyn exclaimed. But Shaarya sensed uncertainty in her sister"s voice.

Could it be that brother Allen finally made a move on her sister? If that"s the case then maybe she doesn"t have to worry. Maybe it"s because Shaarya heard that brief uncertainty from her sister. But, the explosive emotions she felt towards the man named Kazuya vanished.

Don"t worry, big brother Allen; she will make sure second sister picks you in the end. It seems like she will return to the Mist Kingdom after all.