Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 151

Even if Kazuya didn"t reply, Lyn knew. How stupid. His feelings for her have been evident since day 1. Kazuya is the type of man who does not hide what he is really thinking. From, the very start, he had no hidden motives. His mission? He practically confessed it to her the moment they met. Kazuya has never lied to her, while occasionally he hides things; eventually, he tells her everything. This person is different than all the others, different than those who would lie to her face. Different from those who wear fake smiles on their faces, and shower praises

"I told you already didn"t I? At first, I approached you because of my mission. But after that night when I saw you in tears, I felt like I wanted to protect you. And the more time I spent with you, I learned a lot about you," Kazuya"s gaze softened, "Your very careless, you don"t act like a Princess at all."

Ahh, he"s insulting her! Lyn pouted, but she didn"t interrupt him.

"But that didn"t matter in the long run, whether or not you acted like a Princess. You naturally drew people to your side. Even those who dislike you knew better than not to treat you with respect. Is it charisma like your mother? Perhaps, but that doesn"t feel right too. There is something different about you."

"Because I"m different you like me?"

"No," Kazuya shook his head and took a deep breath, "I guess I should tell you now. Lyn, I met you when you were younger."


"You probably don"t remember it because of what happened with your memories. But, I"ve known about you for a very long time. Since that day I met you, the feelings I have for you continue growing stronger and stronger."

So, Kazuya took on this mission because it meant he would meet her again, right?

Kazuya bent forward, and Lyn felt her heartbeat, his lips brushed gently against hers, "I love you, Lyn, I want to be with you forever. I can"t ask you to marry me now because of your circ.u.mstances. But I promise you, one day in the future that day will come."

M---marry? Lyn was completely overwhelmed right now. How did they end up talking about marriage? Lyn was grateful that this place barely had any light; otherwise, Kazuya would see how embarra.s.sed she was. One emotion stood out to her, though, happiness. Lyn felt so happy.

She wants to tell Kazuya how happy she is... Before Lyn could say a word though; she felt her vision go blurry. Huh?


Lyn didn"t know how long she slept, but when she woke up, she felt warm. Lyn slowly opened her eyelids and found that she was fast asleep in Kazuya"s arms. He used his arm for her pillow. His arm must hurt; she ought to get up quickly. Her body felt sluggish; naturally, it would be since she had such a high fever last night. Lyn doesn"t know how Rhys got rid of it. But it must be a temporary measure. It seems like she shouldn"t have fallen asleep, whatever strength she had seemed to vanish.

However, talking with Kazuya made her heart feel at ease. Everything she"s worried about since he started to become distance with her had completely vanished.

"Hey," Kazuya said drowsily, "Better?"

"Ah, did I faint?"

Lyn thought she simply fell asleep.

"Yeah," Kazuya brushed his free hand, the one that wasn"t being used as a pillow, across her forehead, "You have a fever."

"I know."

"And yet you came here, well I suppose that"s like you."

So Kazuya has gotten used to her acting carelessly too, huh? She ought to apologize to him one day for all of this, "I"m sorry I used your arm as a pillow, I"m fine now," Lyn tried to squirm away, but Kazuya didn"t let her go. While the makes.h.i.+ft pillow was gone now and Kazuya had pulled her into his embrace. Lyn felt that she was still intruding in his privacy too much.

"You don"t have to mind it too much Lyn. You"re my girlfriend; it"s only natural for you to use my body as you wish."

Lyn blushed at those words. Maybe she"s been spending too much time around Rhys since those words seem misleading to her. She frantically shook her head, the moment she thinks about it in that manner she loses.

Still, "Why don"t I remember you? I find it strange."

"The incidence caused you to lose your memories, so it"s only normal."

That made sense, she did forget a lot of things after what happened two years ago. But, something felt wrong about that explanation. She indeed used a lot of her ability. But how come it suddenly affected her memory? It wasn"t the first time. The first time was when her eldest brother trained her; it was during a mock battlefield. Lyn used her abilities, and she ended up using too much.

So it"s not as though Lyn didn"t understand her powers. She knew full well how dangerous her abilities are. Perhaps after the first incidence, she subconsciously distanced herself even more from other power. For a while, Lyn forgot about her abilities. It"s not like she needed to use her magic. Those who targeted her would not last long, anyway.

It wasn"t until she met Kazuya, where she had to use her abilities again. Lyn recalled her sister"s words and frowned. She wanted to deny that all of these bad things keep happening to her because of Kazuya. But, it"s challenging to think that way when things are like this.

Then again, she can look at it from another perspective. It"s because she met Kazuya again that she could see the world beyond that enclosed world. The world that isn"t the battlefield. After her training with her brother ended, and they returned to the castle. Lyn would end up getting countless nightmares of dead bodies, and the smell let alone seeing blood would make her feel nauseous. It was a psychological affect.

Whenever she saw something related to the battlefield, it would provoke those had memories. If Kazuya didn"t come here, then even now she would be getting those nightmares. Those nightmares have vanished, but they have been replaced by something else.

"Say Kazuya, why are you warmer now?" earlier when they held hands, his hands were ice cold.

Kazuya smiled, "Just a bit of magic; I would have used it earlier. But I don"t mind the cold too much."

"I don"t need it either," she interjected. Lyn didn"t want him using his magic on her.

"Silly girl, you"re sick," Kazuya"s grip on her tightened, "I love you so much, Lyn. But you probably ought to leave soon."

Lyn"s eyes widened, horrified, "I can"t leave you here," the moment she leaves. Who knows what they would do to him? She can"t risk it. Kazuya, however, shook his head.

"There"s something you need to do, remember?"


"d.a.m.n," Kazuya cursed, "I really don"t like it at all. That stupid Rhys coming up with something like that. I know you won"t be in any real danger, but it rubs me the wrong way."

"Kazuya, I don"t want to leave you."

Kazuya gently brushed his lips against hers again; he gave her a light kiss. "Trust me; I will be fine. I will rush to your side soon."