Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 159

Following morning - Prince Ereland Mansion - 7:00 am (Parlor)

If she were to be completely honest.

Lyn didn"t want anything else to do with Prince Ereland, who after receiving the damage reports tried to escape, only to be stopped by Allen"s men. Lyn looked at the man who was sweating bullets.

"How pathetic," Lyn thought, and just the other day he was acting all haughty with her. Lyn didn"t want anything to do with this man anymore. But considering how Allen has never met him before, Lyn had to go with him. Her gaze fell on Allen, whose arms draped around her shoulder. So, she understood why she had to come along. But why on earth is he holding her like this?

For the last few minutes since entering the room, Prince Ereland hadn"t said a word. The fact that he bravely came out to greet them was amazing enough already. But seeing how Allen casually held her, he probably understands where this conversation is heading.

After a few minutes had pa.s.sed, Prince Ereland spoke up, "You two..."

Allen smiled, "I"m happy you asked. Perhaps it would have saved you the trouble if you knew. Let me introduce you again; this is my fiance. The second Princess to the Mist Kingdom current throne Princess Lyn."

"Fiance, but about," Prince Ereland swallowed his words when Allen glared at him, and her sweat fell. "F--forgive me, Princess Lyn, I was not aware that you were formally engaged already to Princess Allen of all people."

Lyn flinched at the words formally engaged, was that really a formal engagement? When Lyn thought back to the ceremony they had, she would cringe every time, since it was so awkward. "Well," Lyn looked towards Allen, asking for help.

"It was just a small ceremony since Lyn is frail."

Prince Ereland nodded, "About the damages caused...and the thing with Princess Shaarya."

"A representative from the Mist Kingdom will come and speak to you about the Princess. As for the damages you caused us," Allen"s lips curve to a smile, "I"m sure you don"t mind forking a bit of land?"

Ah, this is why she was brought along. Allen is way too dangerous when he"s making these transactions alone. Prince Ereland looked like he was going to protest, but Lyn quickly interjected, "Just a bit of land, it"s a small price to pay for the pain you caused me, right?"

"....Indeed," Prince Ereland murmured, "Let"s negotiate."


An hour later

Everyone here is the same. They don"t notice anything. They don"t say anything. And they don"t think anything. People just blindly follow the standard societies norms.

They are merely a sh.e.l.l of their former selves, and soon they will disappear like the melting snow.

That"s why you have to take matters into your own hands. You can"t rely on anyone else for that. If there is something you wish to change, then you have to take the situation in your own hands. If you don"t, then nothing will truly start.

"Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty. People no longer have any need of others. You can always find a spare for any replacement. Relations.h.i.+ps are replaceable. I got bored of a world like that. But for some reason... the thought that someone other than you might kill me never occurred to me. Say, what do you think, Lyn? After this, will you be able to find a replacement for me."

Ah, so this is what that person meant. That"s right in the end she will always be like this. No matter how much time, no matter how much time by there"s always one thing that will remain the same. Even if she tries to hold it back, the second Lyn found herself enjoying the battle. The second she ends up enjoying the fight then any sense of her rationality will go away.

Listen to her complaining; most people would crave to have it the strength to be able to protect themselves and others around them. But having strength isn"t all fun and games. Yes, in the end, society is unfair; those that stand on the top. Those people whose strength surpa.s.s that of the norm. Surpa.s.s even those who are abnormal like themselves feel it, the solitude and loneliness.

That man is right, even though admitting that is hard for her.

"Don"t get too full of yourself! Men shoot!"

The shooting of magic beams from all directions was heard, yet as she leaped into the air and dodged them, she merely sighs. "Let"s think about this rationally shall we? If you guys can aim that thing at me, then I would have long gotten hit no?"

"Don"t get little girl. Don"t underestimate the organizations. Do you think this is mere fun and games?"

Lyn sighed, so they didn"t heed her warning, huh? Well, she expected that too. But fun and games, huh?

Lyn stopped using her ribbon and placed it away as she leaped back down. The firing was still going on, but there was already no need for her to try, and she dodged gracefully. Those bullets won"t reach her. As she approached the man, she noticed him beginning to cower away in fear. Yet he grabs something from the corner. "Another beam?"

The man pulled off the end, revealing a silver blade. "You"re just a little girl. Our boss said to try not harm you as much as possible. But you"ve proven to be more stubborn then imagined. Prepare yourself."

In other words, they"re saying she"s not as weak as they thought. My my, people need to be more honest and direct when it comes to what there thinking. Really, it"s useless to lie when the truth is right in front of why. Why bother playing with the notion of imagination when the reality is in front of you?

Understanding why these people do what they do is something she was never good at. Even when she found out the reason she could never understand it. Lyn avoided each and every strike. So persistence and aggressive too.

But, Lyn suddenly appeared in front of him and knocked the blade from his hands. Her eyes glowed a bright shade of red and emerald green, "You"ve messed with the wrong girl."


Lyn placed her free hand on her emerald green eye, monster, eh? " Perhaps your right sir. It"s a real shame we can"t carry on this conversation any longer. I"d love to be able to discuss this in more detail with you. However, its time for you to rest," Lyn placed her other hand on the man"s face. "Rest a.s.sured. Since you said something correct, I won"t kill you. But you"ll be asleep for a long time, in a deep slumber."

Soon the man"s eyes closed, not before he coughed out blood.

Lyn deeply sighed as she looked at the sight; she was only going for a walk. How did it end up like this? She was supposed to be getting ready for the ball tonight. But her gaze fell on her torn bag, belongings scattered on the ground but the pouch of money nowhere to be seen. "How troublesome," Lyn thought.