Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 177

Snow Kingdom Main Town

After discussing the plan with Allen, they held that quick ball, and eventually, it was time to leave.

The journey to the main castle actually wasn"t that long. It surprised Lyn how close the town was to the palace. No, they were so close to the Snow Kingdom main town? She wondered why n.o.body told her. Lyn just a.s.sumed that since everybody was focusing on the riots, they were still far away. But roughly an hour pa.s.sed since she left the mansion.

A huge stone wall stood tall surrounding the castle, secluding the castle from the rest. The moment Lyn stepped out, she felt her body s.h.i.+ver. As expected, it"s colder here closer to the main castle. Lyn heard that the temperature would drop on the road to the main town. But Lyn didn"t think that it could fall any lower. How do the people inside live?

Lyn turned to thank the carriage driver but noticed that they had already left. Her sweat fell, what was with that man? He was way too cold. He seemed polite at first, but the moment Allen left, his responses were very blunt, and it felt like he was glaring at her the entire time.

Lyn could see the land covered in complete snow. "How beautiful," Lyn mumbled. Unlike the two towns she pa.s.sed on the way here, there was something completely different about this place. She wondered what this feeling was. Her thoughts broke off when the snow started to increase.

She quickly made her way towards the wooden double doors and pa.s.sed a strange-looking statue. Is it just her, or did that statue move? Lyn shook her head, "Don"t think about it too much, just head inside," Lyn thought. The Empire has a lot of strange items. During this short time traveling, Lyn has seen many odd devices. Nothing should surprise her now.

Lyn took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Knock knock.

However, there was no response whatsoever. A deep sigh escaped her lips, "Allen told her to go on ahead, but," Lyn stared at the ma.s.sive doors. It doesn"t seem like these people plan to welcome her here. While Lyn understood why they asked her to arrive during the night, it still made her s.h.i.+ver. It"s so dark out, even if it is the Snow Kingdom. Night is night. However, because of the snow, it was a lot clearer. If she were out this late in the Mist Kingdom, it would be hard to see where she was going.

Lyn looked around for anybody, searching for a guard of some kind. But unfortunately, she couldn"t see any. A back entrance indeed, there are no guards here at all. Unsure of what to do, Lyn let go of her luggage and turned to the doork.n.o.b of the door. Surprisingly, when she twisted it, it opened. Cautiously, Lyn stepped forward. The place was huge as expected of the main castle, a huge chandelier on top lit up the rest of the room. But even then, Lyn wondered why she was having a hard time adjusting her eyesight.

An eerie silence surrounded the entire place, and the air felt heavy. Perhaps they forgot about it? Lyn sighed, what are the chances of that happening? They were the ones who contacted them with that lengthy message explaining their grat.i.tude for getting rid of the problem and expressing their apology. Lyn shook her head; maybe she used the wrong entrance. They said come to the back of the castle, but this place is very large.

Her thoughts broke off when she saw somebody on the couch from the corner of her eye. Ah? Is that... Lyn made her way over and saw that he was fast asleep. Judging from his clothing and the fact that he was laying here, "Isn"t he the one who was supposed to get her?" Lyn reached over to wake him up, but it did little good.

What"s an excellent way to wake somebody up? As Lyn thought that she realized how cold the man"s shoulders were. Eh? This? She panicked and bent down to feel his pulse. But Lyn couldn"t find anything at all. No pulse and his skin is cold as ice. Does she have any medicine? Or a magic crystal... Maybe she should use that... As Lyn thought this though somebody grabbed hold of her hand.

The man was glaring harshly at her, "Who are you? Why did you interrupt me?"

"I… You"re alive? B-but, you had no pulse, how…?" Lyn said, staring at the man with wide eyes. Just now, she certainly felt it; his skin was so cold like ice.

The man glared, "Of course I am. Why would I die randomly?"

"I apologize."

"Tsk, who are you an--," the man paused as he looked her up and down. His lips seemed to curve to a grin, "Well, I guess I could forgive you."

Lyn deeply sighed, thank goodness. She doesn"t want to offend anybody when she just got here. Besides this man looks like somebody important, it would be better if she doesn"t offend him. Her thoughts broke off when she felt her body shudder, Lyn felt this before, whenever that man looked at her. She looked up, and sure enough, this person too, was looking at her in the same way. Since he was okay, Lyn wanted to leave quickly, but just as she turned to walk away, he reached over and grabbed hold of her arm.

Being pushed down aside, the man literally threw her onto the couch, "What on earth..."

The man crawled on top of her and pressed his bent knees against her thighs, restricting her movement. Lyn sent him a harsh glare to which the man laughed.

"I was just looking for my meal, and you walked in on time."

Lyn does not get a chance to say anything since the man bent down and placed a light kiss on her neck. He pushed her hands above her head, and Lyn hears the sound of clothes rustling.

"Well, this is interesting," the man murmured, "You have the mark."

Mark? Is he talking about her curse? But what would a man like this know about it?

Lyn felt her head pounding, and her vision slowly becoming blurry. Ahh? This feeling is she going to go to that place again. No, she can"t. If she out now, this guy would definitely try something. So many thoughts ran through her head; this is bad. It"s worse than before. Rhys was scary, but at least he didn"t make her feel this way. Lyn tried to get away, but it only served to increase the distance between them.

The man laughed, "What a cutie."

The same disgusting words, and yet, "Rhys was gentle, even though he was like that."

"What"s all the commotion?" a sharp voice called out. The man on top of her froze, and Lyn opened her eyes.

There stood a tall and thin dark-haired man was standing on top of the staircase — unusual grey eyes.

"Just my new toy."

"Toy?" he looked over at her and then suddenly hurried down the stairs. The dark-haired man picked up the man on top of her and threw him down onto the ground.

"Ouch, that hurt."

"Please forgive us, Princess Lyn, we did not mean to show such disrespect."

A deep sigh escaped her lips, "I am fine," she trailed off as she fixed her clothes up. Even though Lyn said that, she still felt the strange sensation of that man"s lips on her neck and Lyn wrapped her arms around herself. "Still shaking, huh?" Lyn supposes it can"t be helped.

"Wait, Princess Lyn? Her?!!!"

"Leo. Be quiet!!"

"You two are?" Lyn asked.

"The third knight of the King, Michael."

She turned to the man who jumped on her, and asked, "Well?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"The second Knight of the King, Leo," Leo said with a grunt.

The Second Knight of the King, huh? "I will remember that name," Lyn murmured. She isn"t the type to take revenge; however, this guy has no manners whatsoever.