Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 182

Lyn always wondered if she deserved to remember those fond memories. A person like her who is cold and hard to approach.

Kazuya is the same as her, though.

He gave off such a dangerous, don"t approach aura and yet because he showed up in her life first, she became attracted to him. At least that"s how it was supposed to be from the beginning, from the beginning that"s how it was meant to be. Yet maybe a long time before they even started going out with each other she was already in love with him. That time too, she thought she only fell in love and accepted that person, to get rid of the pain of losing, but that hadn"t been the case. It wasn"t true, and perhaps deep down back then she already knew that even if it hadn"t been evident at the time.

Her thoughts broke off when Rhys suddenly yelled. Lyn had been too absorbed in her own thoughts that she hadn"t noticed the two fighting. When she saw the pained look in his eyes, she immediately understood.

He left the room in a hurry and Lyn immediately chased after him. Thankfully Rhys had not gotten too far yet.

"Rhys," Lyn called out rus.h.i.+ng forward until she almost tripped over. However, as moments pa.s.s nothing happened at all. She opened her eyes to see that once again, Rhys had caught her. But unlike before she noticed how much closer they were, her face color goes a bright shade of red. So close….this is bad.

"Honestly you. Is this tradition now or something?" Rhys said. He didn"t notice her flushed cheeks; otherwise, he would have teased her.

Take a deep breath and relax. Why does she act like this around Rhys, anyway? It"s not like...

His eyes…lately they seem to get redder. Yes, Lyn noticed it, the permanent red color - as if dyed in scarlet. Rhys must have noticed her staring since he tightened his grip on her, " You know… you shouldn"t be gazing at guys like that so easily."


"Don"t make me say it, idiot," Rhys said. Even though he said hostile things like that. Even though he said mean things like that Lyn knew that he didn"t mean it. In fact…he always pulled a different expression each time. Every single time there was something different. Is that why she was so interested? What kind of expression was he making now? She was curious to know.

Rhys turned away from her, yet she could see it. His face beat red and all the way up to his ears too. Ah….since when did Rhys do cute things like that?

A chuckle escaped her lips, "I see, I think I understand," it feels like this is the first time in days since she could laugh. To think it was because of Rhys.

"We really shouldn"t stay here any longer, but I don"t think they intend for us to leave."

"Ah-huh," Lyn trailed off, "Maybe we should consider some spying?"

"Hmmm, that doesn"t sound like a bad idea. But what do you think we should do?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I have an idea; I"ll ask somebody I know to help us."

"For somebody who is supposed to be a hidden existence. Don"t you have far too many connections?"

Ah, Lyn sighed, "Well, all these meetings were brief and short."

"Yet they follow you so willingly?"

Lyn thought back to s.h.i.+oka"s words, and she looked at her surroundings. A dark energy appeared in the palm of her hand, it was just a small ball, but it was enough, "Those people who end up following me, only do so because of this."

"Lyn...Sorry, that"s not..."

Lyn shook her head, "Don"t feel bad about it; it"s not like I don"t understand."

She always wondered what it would be like to lead a normal life.

The main reason for this thought came from her curse. For the past few years, Lyn tried to feign ignorance regarding the curse. She tried to pretend that it wasn"t a curse, that it was just an average birthmark. But things changed. Even during those days where she had absolutely nothing. During those days where she could barely walk due to not having any food. Lyn was still able to use her powers.

Occasionally she would stare at her hand, thinking about things like if only she didn"t have this mark. If she didn"t have this mark, then surely things would be different. She could remove the restriction, and things wouldn"t be so difficult for her. She would be just like an average person and not get sick so often. She could be perfect like her siblings. But what is perfection?

"You know, it"s funny how people strive for perfection," Lyn muttered.

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Laughter escaped her lips, "Perhaps I am, perhaps I"m not. Sometimes it"s hard to tell, what do I want. What do I want to achieve... There is n.o.body perfect in this world, but I want a sense of security. If I could achieve things, then maybe ...."

Maybe what? Will her family accept her? In the past, Lyn probably wanted that, but now something is different. She wants acceptance. As the years went by, the more Lyn realized that things were changing.

Meeting Kazuya was the final straw. Not the moment she met him because their first meeting was strange. At least the first meeting that she recalled. Lyn wanted to remember the first time they met each other. But she supposed that could wait another time. It"s because she met Kazuya that she no longer has to hold herself back.

"Lyn. You"re not just an innocent girl, are you?"

Lyn let"s out a soft chuckle, "Did you really have that sort of impression of me? "

"If I had to be honest, I was still in the process of trying to figure you out," Rhys admitted, "Then again, I always knew you"d be a complicated one."

So that"s why he kept glancing her way. When she told s.h.i.+oka about it, he kept telling her " those are the eyes of a predator who found its prey," but Lyn knew that couldn"t be the case at least not with this person.

"Yeah, I was also trying to figure you out," Lyn said, "Ah, but don"t misunderstand.

That"s right he hadn"t been the only one staring. Lyn had returned his gaze on several occasions already. It felt strange to her that there was someone other than Kazuya who had been watching over her carefully. But somehow it felt nice and sent warmth to her heart.

So, even a cursed person like herself can find happiness like this? It really is laughable.