Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 188

Grey Manor - Snow Kingdom -

Allen recalled the sight he saw the other day; a deep sigh escaped his lips.

With that sort of knowledge in mind, the Prince was fully aware he wouldn"t be able to see her around as much. That"s why he let her go easily.

It"s a given that she would want to spend more time with him since they were apart for so long. But to think that she"s even been neglecting her duties in the pharmacy too. It felt odd, almost foreign for him to say that he didn"t know where she was.

Since the two fixed things again, Allen knew of the girls every location. It frustrated him, and yet at the same time; he was aware that it couldn"t be helped. Though he kept telling himself that, the irritation in him was growing in more ways than one. Allen sighed, what"s wrong with him? As of late, it felt as though he could no longer get his act together whenever he sees her. No, he already knew what the problem was. It"s because he"s suddenly realized the threat of the other men who love her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Up until now, he a.s.sumed that it would be fine. That no matter what happens, those guys will not be the one who takes her away from him. That it would be that person, and if that were to be the case, he would not have any regrets.

That person is that young man. Background and status aside. Allen could already tell how well suited the two were together. But just matching perfectly, others fitted that description.

The main threat isn"t that person, but the one called Kazuya.

"Lord Hibiki would see you now."

Allen nodded as he allowed the servant to lead the way. Allen, as possible, wanted to avoid speaking with Lord Hibiki - especially of the events of last year. However, from the looks of it, Lyn will be exposed to more and more dangers and secrets of the empire.

If that"s the case, then the girls mark…it"s an issue for concern, which is why he has to make sure. By the time they reached the door, however, Allen had noted that a certain purple hair girl was leaving. It appeared as though their conversation was still in progress as she left through the door.

"Hibiki, you better keep your promise this time! We won"t be tossed around and used like before."

Allen recognized her, the young Lady from the Rolan family.

"Of course. There"s no reason for me to lie anymore. She already got rid of that".

"Then I"ll leave it up to you."

Allen watches as the girl walked off. In the process of her leaving, she brushed right past him, as the girl did so. He couldn"t help but sense a familiar aura. This woman, perhaps...

Hibiki immediately turned his attention to him,

"Ah, you came. Welcome, Prince Allen."

He supposed he would have to inquire about that matter another time. Allen turned his attention to the grey hair elite wearing an outfit composed of a black s.h.i.+rt lined in crimson with a pair of white short pants, worn beneath a blue jacket lined in gold and black. The top has thin gold lines on each arm, along with a white cuff lined in gold and red, along with a black and red ruffled cuff attached to it.

His outfits are as extravagant as ever. But he supposed it could not be helped, while Hibiki does dress in a manner benefiting the elites. Allen can"t help but think it"s a tad bit overboard sometimes.

He was led inside as Hibiki sat down in his seat, " Though, you appear to be curious about the exchange just now. You"ll have to inquire about that another time."

Allen disliked how this guy can figure things out that quickly, though to a degree it"s expected as a member of the fellow elite. Their insights on most matters are sharper than most peoples. Toga"s is extreme; he had thought so before.

"Let"s get to business," Allen didn"t want to waste any more time. The sooner these negotiations take place, and he succeeded. The sooner he can retrieve Lyn. When he thought of his fiance, his heart would hurt. He didn"t want to leave her alone there. Allen understood the customs of the Snow Kingdom Knights and knew how they treated females.

"Very well," Hibiki extends his hands out and conjured up several screens, all types of information gathered. "It"s about your fiance. Exactly as you told me, it appears as though her sister has been making moves against her."

Allen"s gaze darkened. So Kazuya"s hunch was on the market after all. For a while, he too had been suspecting that woman, but he didn"t have any concrete evidence against her. What"s more, he couldn"t send his own guards after the girl since it would become a political matter if they were found. As much as it pained him to as for a.s.sistance, he went ahead and asked for it. Knowing full well that person would more or less be on the same wavelength as her, " I see."

"It"s hardly at a point where you have to be concerned just yet since her movements are rather clumsy. I had heard rumors about the first Princess being a perfect model of what a Princess is. But, that " Perfection" seems to be best suited to the middle ages.

What people the people want now are rulers with a strong will and those with knowledge about the country. Not those ignorant ones. Which is why she is suddenly being provided with attention? Last year they did not see the need to give her any attention, since they believed the First Prince and First Princess would be the ones ruling," Hibiki explained.

Ah…that"s indeed similar to the situation he was once in.

"However, it"s different now. Because they have seen how incapable the first Princess is, they have properly turned their attention towards Lyn, as the second Princess and found her to be more capable than even the first Prince," Hibiki paused, "The news was suppressed, regarding her achievements here and the case last year. But people talk."

"I understand," Allen murmured. Even if he disliked it, more and more people would learn of his fiance"s existence.

"It"s just a matter of time before she begins to lead the same path as I and that man. Despite us not being the firstborn, we ended up becoming the leaders to our family because we possess the knowledge and superiority above all others. I believe I said this last year too, " Your fate is something you cannot escape even if you try to run for it. It will always continue haunting you, and so would it not be best if you face it?". I don"t believe that Princess Lyn will run away, especially with her nature. However, it appears as though her sister thinks so otherwise."

That"s right; that was something he would figure out would happen, eventually. Because that girl"s intelligence far even that of his own and the current leaders. Despite them being foolish gossiping adults, most of the time. Even they must have noticed it.