Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 19

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:51 PMChapter 19

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Main Castle - Balcony on the 2nd floor -

So, what"s the use of calling it a picnic and acting so mysterious about finding a good spot - when they are merely on the balcony? A deep sigh escaped his lips . There isn"t a large enough age difference between him Lyn and Kazuya . But he does not see anything enjoyable about this at all . Still, his gaze landed on the girl who was smiling happily . It"s not bad seeing her cheerful .

Rhys realizes a second later and sighed deeply . Is this woman a witch or something? He"s only spent a few hours with her and yet he"s already thinking about her happiness and stuff .


"Is that all your eating?" Lyn asked .

Rhys gaze fell on his food; he had a plate out with a simple meal of bread and potatoes . He"s never had the habit of overeating, even more so at night, "Yeah," Rhys said . The moment those words pa.s.sed his lips though, Lyn started to remove several pieces of food from her plate to his . Though there was a whole load of food from the tray nearby, it was a ha.s.sle bringing it to the balcony . So they just left it outside the door . The Princess didn"t bother with that at all .

He stared at her dumbfounded, "Hey, I just said . . "

Lyn nodded, "Ah-huh this is better . It"s no good if you don"t get any nutrition . Your strong Rhys, so you need to eat regularly and not skip meals . "

"This isn"t strength food," he trailed off seeing the girl"s expression . A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips, "Alright, I"ll eat . "

"Very good!"

No sooner had he raised his fork to eat though, Rhys discovered rather than the food on the plate disappearing . The opposite was happening; he looked over in the direction where the food came from .

"Oi," Rhys said irritated . Kazuya froze, "Isn"t it bad that the Princess over here is doing it, but you also?"

"Lyn makes a point, your not eating . "

What is it with these two and food? A deep sigh pa.s.sed Rhys lips, "It"s late, and you"re making me eat all this?" he commented while pointing to his plate that was overflowing .

Lyn laughed, "Aha, it"s too full now . "

Such innocent laughter, it"s refres.h.i.+ng to the ears . Honestly, Rhys has never encountered this type of female before . Is that why he"s so drawn? Maybe it"s because he spent the last two years

"Ah, you should have some of this . It"s yummy," Lyn lifted her spoon to put the piece on his place . But Rhys bends down and eats it .

"Yeah, it"s good . "

Lyn looked down nervously, "Oh . . . " this however did not go un-noticed by Kazuya .

"Rhys, you better not have done anything to Lyn . "


Kazuya looks at him questioningly, "She"s not like the other girls, so don"t even think about it . "

"Your being oddly vague Mr . Genius . "

"Anything . . . " Lyn trailed off, and Rhys watched as the girl"s cheeks colored . This, however, didn"t go unnoticed by Kazuya .

"Gahhh? What did you do to her?"

"Relax, we only shared a kiss . Didn"t you do the same?" At that comment of his, Kazuya panicked . Rhys continued, "So you see I did nothing wrong . In fact," he pulled Lyn towards him .

"I"ll show you . "

Before Kazuya could react, Rhys already bent down to capture the girl"s lips with his . It was fairly easy to kiss her after what happened between them earlier . Easy to pry her mouth open and stick his tongue in hers . The girl was meek contrary to all the s.p.u.n.k she usually shows . Perhaps it"s because this was a situation that caught her of guard . But the ordinarily Princess was entirely still during the time he was kissing her . For somebody who does not know how to kiss, she sure is good at this . When he finally pulled away, the girl"s lip covered in his saliva . Rhys whistled, and as for the girl, she remained utterly stunned .

"Aghhh! Rhys you — " Kazuya cursed . The Princess remained stunned, and Kazuya quickly pulled her away, "Lyn, don"t think about it . This guy—"

Lyn wiped her mouth quickly much to his dismay, "D—do the Sound Kingdom people kiss for greetings or something?" Lyn blurted out .

Rhys blinked before he burst into laughter, "I wonder what circ.u.mstances lead to you two kissing, huh I get it . " So there was no need for him to feel that petty envy from earlier than .

"d.a.m.n Rhys, it"s not funny . "

"But it is," he said with a sly smile, "Right, Lyn?"

. . . . . . . .

Two and a half hours later

"Um, thank you for escorting me all the way . "

"Yeah," Rhys said with a nod . He was a man of little words, but today he spoke a lot . He looked over at the room that was further down the hallway and heavily guarded, "You"ll be fine?"

"Ah yes, there"s security on the way down . People who know me . "

"That"s not what I meant . "

Lyn looked down and tugged on her skirt, "It"s not like I can say no . I seldom meet with the whole family, so I can"t not attend . "

"Do you want me to take you away?" Rhys asked .

A hopeful look appeared on the girl"s face until a pair of footsteps from behind the girl interrupted them . "I have not seen you in a long time, and you wish to escape?" the man"s voice seemed a tad bit amused .

The person presence was overwhelming; even Rhys felt his knees go weak slightly . His sweat fell from his face, here he comes . The Mist Kingdoms first Prince . A man with shoulder-length blonde hair similar to the current Queen, and blue eyes . Wearing a dark violet long-sleeved s.h.i.+rt with the Mist Kingdom symbol pattern along the edge, and white colored pants . A formal cloak wrapped around his shoulders .

As the first Prince Of The Mist Kingdom, it"s apparent that he is the first in line to the throne . Unlike the other siblings, he"s the only one who truly resembled the Queen appearance and personality wise . He isn"t just a sheltered Prince and travels around the Mist Kingdom lands to see who requires help . He learns about his country and his people . Rather than the current King, it"s the First Prince who helps the Queen out with important matters and decisions regarding the Kingdom .

The name of this mysterious Prince is Andrew . Rhys felt Andrew"s gaze soften slightly upon seeing Lyn . But the girl"s demeanor was the complete opposite . She seemed nervous .

"B—brother," Lyn murmured .

"And this man?"

"Ah," Lyn replied nervously, "This is Rhys, he"s from the Sound Kingdom," she said quietly . Rhys observed her silently and noticed no traces of the strength she usually showed . Is she afraid of this person?

At that comment, the First Prince turned to him and looked him up and down, "I see, so it"s you . "


"Pardon me, it"s no longer you," the first prince said with a light laugh . Rhys froze on the spot realizing what he meant . This man, he knows everything? No, the most this one probably knows is him sneaking around and investigating his sister for two years . Relax Rhys, even if he knows the plan has changed to Kazuya . This guy doesn"t know the details of the new plan . After all, unlike him, Kazuya leaves no traces .

Rhys watched as Lyn look over at him with a worried expression . So even she can make faces like this huh?

"It"s a pleasure to meet you; I"m Rhys . A mere low person from the Sound Kingdom, but I supposes you can call me the leader of this group that came here . "

"I see, so the Sound Kingdom people are not all dogs . "

"Brother!" Lyn exclaimed horrified .

"Pardon me dear sister, but they have lived in exile for so long . I have to question whether they learned anything in their backwater town . "

This guy is exactly like the rumors say, he"s brutally ruthless .

"If the First Prince thinks so, then perhaps you can spread your knowledge in our backwater town," Rhys countered . A verbal confrontation? So be it, he isn"t the type to lose these things .

"Indeed, but I wonder if you can host the proper reception for somebody of my status?"

"If the reception and accommodation aren"t satisfactory to you . It just proves you"re a man who can"t be satisfied unless he"s in the confines of his own home . "


Rhys continued, "In fact, you probably ought to refrain too much from an extravagant lifestyle . Who knows what your very own people will do to you, let alone you walking on enemy territory . "

"I take your last line as a challenge and invitation then . "

Before Rhys could reply, he felt the vibrating sound on the ground . A signal only those in the group could pick up . Despite the strength of the First Prince, Rhys knew from his behavior that he didn"t notice a thing . So the people in the Mist Kingdom know nothing regarding the power of Sound? How interesting .

"It seems like I am delaying you from your meal . I shall take my leave . "

"Rhys," Lyn called out .

Rhys paused; he didn"t want to turn back to look at her . Rhys knew if he looked at her now . He would do something foolish like taking her away, "I"ll have Kazuya take you back . "

His sentence fell short when he hears the sound of soft footsteps shuffling in his direction . Rhys, however, remained still, don"t look at her . He really will want to take her away, that would be bad, with the First Prince watching . A verbal confrontation is already deadly; getting into a fight with him would be a huge mistake .

His thoughts break off when he felt the girl"s footsteps stop right behind him . Lyn buried her face in his back and murmured, "Thank you," softly . His eyes widened . When Rhys finally turned back, Lyn was already walking away with her brother .Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Main Castle - Balcony on the 2nd floor - So, whats the use of calling it a picnic and acting so mysterious about finding a good spot - when they are merely on the balcony? A deep sigh escaped his lips . There isnt a large enough age difference between him Lyn and Kazuya . But he does not see anything enjoyable about this at all . Still, his gaze landed on the girl who was smiling happily . Its not bad seeing her cheerful . Rhys realizes a second later and sighed deeply . Is this woman a witch or something? Hes only spent a few hours with her and yet hes already thinking about her happiness and stuff . What? Is that all your eating? Lyn asked . Rhys gaze fell on his food; he had a plate out with a simple meal of bread and potatoes . Hes never had the habit of overeating, even more so at night, Yeah, Rhys said . The moment those words pa.s.sed his lips though, Lyn started to remove several pieces of food from her plate to his . Though there was a whole load of food from the tray nearby, it was a ha.s.sle bringing it to the balcony . So they just left it outside the door . The Princess didnt bother with that at all . He stared at her dumbfounded, Hey, I just said Lyn nodded, Ah-huh this is better . Its no good if you dont get any nutrition . Your strong Rhys, so you need to eat regularly and not skip meals . This isnt strength food, he trailed off seeing the girls expression . A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips, Alright, Ill eat . Very good! No sooner had he raised his fork to eat though, Rhys discovered rather than the food on the plate disappearing . The opposite was happening; he looked over in the direction where the food came from . Oi, Rhys said irritated . Kazuya froze, Isnt it bad that the Princess over here is doing it, but you also? Lyn makes a point, your not eating . What is it with these two and food? A deep sigh pa.s.sed Rhys lips, Its late, and youre making me eat all this? he commented while pointing to his plate that was overflowing . Lyn laughed, Aha, its too full now . Such innocent laughter, its refres.h.i.+ng to the ears . Honestly, Rhys has never encountered this type of female before . Is that why hes so drawn? Maybe its because he spent the last two years Ah, you should have some of this . Its yummy, Lyn lifted her spoon to put the piece on his place . But Rhys bends down and eats it . Yeah, its good . Lyn looked down nervously, Oh . this however did not go un-noticed by Kazuya . Rhys, you better not have done anything to Lyn . Hm? Kazuya looks at him questioningly, Shes not like the other girls, so dont even think about it . Your being oddly vague Mr . Genius . Anything . Lyn trailed off, and Rhys watched as the girls cheeks colored . This, however, didnt go unnoticed by Kazuya Gahhh? What did you do to her? Relax, we only shared a kiss . Didnt you do the same? At that comment of his, Kazuya panicked . Rhys continued, So you see I did nothing wrong . In fact, he pulled Lyn towards him . Ill show you . Before Kazuya could react, Rhys already bent down to capture the girls lips with his . It was fairly easy to kiss her after what happened between them earlier . Easy to pry her mouth open and stick his tongue in hers . The girl was meek contrary to all the s.p.u.n.k she usually shows . Perhaps its because this was a situation that caught her of guard . But the ordinarily Princess was entirely still during the time he was kissing her . For somebody who does not know how to kiss, she sure is good at this . When he finally pulled away, the girls lip covered in his saliva . Rhys whistled, and as for the girl, she remained utterly stunned . Aghhh! Rhys you — Kazuya cursed . The Princess remained stunned, and Kazuya quickly pulled her away, Lyn, dont think about it . This guy— Lyn wiped her mouth quickly much to his dismay, D—do the Sound Kingdom people kiss for greetings or something? Lyn blurted out . Rhys blinked before he burst into laughter, I wonder what circ.u.mstances lead to you two kissing, huh I get it . So there was no need for him to feel that petty envy from earlier than . d.a.m.n Rhys, its not funny . But it is, he said with a sly smile, Right, Lyn? Two and a half hours later Um, thank you for escorting me all the way . Yeah, Rhys said with a nod . He was a man of little words, but today he spoke a lot . He looked over at the room that was further down the hallway and heavily guarded, Youll be fine? Ah yes, theres security on the way down . People who know me . Thats not what I meant . Lyn looked down and tugged on her skirt, Its not like I can say no . I seldom meet with the whole family, so I cant not attend . Do you want me to take you away? Rhys asked . A hopeful look appeared on the girls face until a pair of footsteps from behind the girl interrupted them . I have not seen you in a long time, and you wish to escape? the mans voice seemed a tad bit amused . The person presence was overwhelming; even Rhys felt his knees go weak slightly . His sweat fell from his face, here he comes . The Mist Kingdoms first Prince . A man with shoulder-length blonde hair similar to the current Queen, and blue eyes . Wearing a dark violet long-sleeved s.h.i.+rt with the Mist Kingdom symbol pattern along the edge, and white colored pants . A formal cloak wrapped around his shoulders . As the first Prince Of The Mist Kingdom, its apparent that he is the first in line to the throne . Unlike the other siblings, hes the only one who truly resembled the Queen appearance and personality wise . He isnt just a sheltered Prince and travels around the Mist Kingdom lands to see who requires help . He learns about his country and his people . Rather than the current King, its the First Prince who helps the Queen out with important matters and decisions regarding the Kingdom . The name of this mysterious Prince is Andrew . Rhys felt Andrews gaze soften slightly upon seeing Lyn . But the girls demeanor was the complete opposite . She seemed nervous . B—brother, Lyn murmured . And this man? Ah, Lyn replied nervously, This is Rhys, hes from the Sound Kingdom, she said quietly . Rhys observed her silently and noticed no traces of the strength she usually showed . Is she afraid of this person? At that comment, the First Prince turned to him and looked him up and down, I see, so its you . Huh? Pardon me, its no longer you, the first prince said with a light laugh . Rhys froze on the spot realizing what he meant . This man, he knows everything? No, the most this one probably knows is him sneaking around and investigating his sister for two years . Relax Rhys, even if he knows the plan has changed to Kazuya . This guy doesnt know the details of the new plan . After all, unlike him, Kazuya leaves no traces . Rhys watched as Lyn look over at him with a worried expression . So even she can make faces like this huh? Its a pleasure to meet you; Im Rhys . A mere low person from the Sound Kingdom, but I supposes you can call me the leader of this group that came here . I see, so the Sound Kingdom people are not all dogs . Brother! Lyn exclaimed horrified . Pardon me dear sister, but they have lived in exile for so long . I have to question whether they learned anything in their backwater town . This guy is exactly like the rumors say, hes brutally ruthless . If the First Prince thinks so, then perhaps you can spread your knowledge in our backwater town, Rhys countered . A verbal confrontation? So be it, he isnt the type to lose these things . Indeed, but I wonder if you can host the proper reception for somebody of my status? If the reception and accommodation arent satisfactory to you . It just proves youre a man who cant be satisfied unless hes in the confines of his own home . Oh? Rhys continued, In fact, you probably ought to refrain too much from an extravagant lifestyle . Who knows what your very own people will do to you, let alone you walking on enemy territory . I take your last line as a challenge and invitation then . Before Rhys could reply, he felt the vibrating sound on the ground . A signal only those in the group could pick up . Despite the strength of the First Prince, Rhys knew from his behavior that he didnt notice a thing . So the people in the Mist Kingdom know nothing regarding the power of Sound? How interesting . It seems like I am delaying you from your meal . I shall take my leave . Rhys, Lyn called out . Rhys paused; he didnt want to turn back to look at her . Rhys knew if he looked at her now . He would do something foolish like taking her away, Ill have Kazuya take you back . His sentence fell short when he hears the sound of soft footsteps shuffling in his direction . Rhys, however, remained still, dont look at her . He really will want to take her away, that would be bad, with the First Prince watching . A verbal confrontation is already deadly; getting into a fight with him would be a huge mistake . His thoughts break off when he felt the girls footsteps stop right behind him . Lyn buried her face in his back and murmured, Thank you, softly . His eyes widened . When Rhys finally turned back, Lyn was already walking away with her brother .