Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 212

Once Shu left waving merrily goodbye. Rhys turned his attention to her and gritted his teeth, " You sound so happy talking to that guy."

"Rh? Really did it seem that different from when I was talking with other people?" Lyn mumbled. She barely knew Shu, so she treated him the same as everybody else.

Her sentence fell short when she hears a loud bang, only to see Rhys slam his hand on the table, "It"s different. Why the h.e.l.l would I even bring it up if I didn"t notice it!"

Lyn flinched, why is he so angry?


At that comment, Rhys suddenly grabbed hold of her wrist, waltz over to the door, ensured it was locked and backed her away to the area where the window was. Her back hit the small shelf lightly, and he dropped the surrounding curtain, his fingers laced across her brown hair. " Shut up; I hate it when you apologize."

"Wait a minute Rhys..."

"Tsk, at least allow this much since you put me in a bad mood."

Lyn tried to push him away with her leg"s, but clearly, that was the worst move she could have made. Since she recalled the injury, she had on there.

"I see, no wonder the smell was strong enough to choke on," She suddenly found herself sat on top of the bookshelf. Rhys grabbed hold of her leg and brought his lips towards it.

In seconds Lyn felt licked the blood from her leg.


If he keeps doing this, her heart will explode. Lyn somehow kicked him, managed to. Upon seeing the sudden darkness in his face, she gulped. Wrong move again.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! You have some guts to kick me."

Lyn placed her hand over her ears, face still fl.u.s.tered. " B-- but. First of all, Rhys, you were doing something perverted so..."

She notices the ever so faint blush on his face.


"...because I"ve captured you completely. That sort of thing is already normal. From my perspective, the more obscene one is you. Do you even know what kind of face you are making right now."

"Ah, that"s too possessive."

A deep sigh escaped Rhys face as he let"s go of her arm, "Forget it, I already told you to stay away from him. Just listen to me, it"s not that hard."

"Okay," Lyn mumbled. But she doubts she can completely stay away from them if she were to change her mind and tell Princess Eva. Then Lyn knew the woman would be able to kick them out. But, the question is, does she want to? "Where is Beth? Why aren"t you two together, ah is Kazuya back too?"

Lyn wanted to see him.

"Don"t mention that stupid woman."

Eh? Why is he suddenly angry? Lyn looked at him puzzled. She scanned him up and down and immediately realized something, the deep marks on his neck. So the thing Beth called Rhys out for was that? Lyn flushed red, goodness she thought it was for something work-related. Rhys grabbed hold of her hand.

"Let"s go on a walk."

"Ah? Okay," Lyn"s eyes brightened, "I haven"t seen the gardens here yet, would you take me?"


- Garden -

"Why are you holding onto my arm?"

"Ah, sorry," Lyn said and pulled away. Old habit whenever she is with Allen. Rhys reached over, "Rhys?"

"I don"t mind, besides you get sick easily. Just lean on me for balance."

How silly.

"Say, Rhys? I have something I want to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Could you tell me about your childhood?"

"Huh?" Rhys looked at her puzzled.

"That is. I don"t know much about you," Lyn mumbled, and yet people think they are a couple. She can"t really be called his friend either since she doesn"t even know the most basic information about him. Even Beth is surprised with how little she knew.


West of the mansion

A deep sigh escaped her lips, how on earth did things end up like this? Why on earth were those people fooling around with water magic right at that time? To think they both ended up getting drenched with cold water like that. Such lousy timing, the two of them had a pleasant atmosphere there. But now, surely Rhys will try to hara.s.s her.

Rhys opened the door in a towel.

Of course, he does.

Lyn forcefully stares into his eyes and clarifies that she has no intention of looking away from them, ever. If she looks away from him and acts all fl.u.s.tered, then he will win. The best way to deal with this type of person is to look him in the eyes and show him that she isn"t afraid. Lyn was so focused on trying to win against him that she didn"t realize that Rhys had locked the door right until he walked over to her.

"You should—" Lyn struggles to explain. He glances at her as he rubbed his damp hair with the towel.

"What?" Rhys mutters, but considering how he was looking at her directly in the eyes Lyn hesitated. Lyn never understood why Rhys paid so much attention to her, why he fell for her, anyway.

Lyn looked away, "Beth," she reminded him. He just did it with Beth, surely Rhys wouldn"t try anything strange?

"You"re blus.h.i.+ng," Rhys finally noticed as he took a few steps forward.

Lyn jumped, "No, I—"

"So cute," Rhys chuckled, and that was when he let the towel drop down his shoulders. The towel around his waist looked like it would slip too. Gosh, this man is so cruel.

"Beth!" Lyn reminded him. She scrambles backward, and her back ends up hitting the wall. Rhys walked over and crawled over to her.

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"No, you aren"t," Lyn glared at Rhys, "Please stop it." What is he trying to do? She thought she already escaped those perverted and scary Knights. Why is he starting to act like them too? She thought she would be safe if she went with Rhys.

"Stop what?" Rhys repeated, half amused, half curious.

"Stop..." Lyn paused, "Seducing me?" Aahhh, that"s not the right word! "Don"t distract me."

"I could put a s.h.i.+rt on," he offers seductively. Aahhh, Lyn wanted to hit him. But if she made too much noise here, the servants would come rus.h.i.+ng over.

"No, that"s not it," Lyn mumbled. While he was distracting her that way too. Lyn didn"t want him to feel satisfied.

This is a huge disaster, even if Shu is suspicious, maybe it would have been better to stay with him instead of this stupid pervert.

"I came here so that we could have a serious talk."

"Let"s not," she flinched when she felt his hands on her legs. "Lyn, don"t make too much noise. What will the servants think?"

The servants? They would surely come in here and misunderstand the situation; Lyn didn"t want that to happen.

"You"re so sensitive behind your ears," Rhys murmured as he licked her earlobe. Lyn flinched, ahhh this pervert! Next time if she had to choose between a suspicious guy and pervert, she would choose the former.

Lyn sent him a harsh glare, Rhys can"t keep dodging the topic forever. It was clear that something happened with Beth, and that"s why he is in a bad mood, right?

"I don"t want to talk about her," he interrupts.

Rhys. Rhys is still a jerk. Even if he is kind to her now, there is no doubt that he is still a jerk.

"You need to listen to me."

"I always listen to you."

"Beth is—we"re hurting her," Lyn told him. Even though she isn"t doing anything to return Rhys feelings. Whenever they are together, she knows the other girl is hurt.

"I"m hurting her."

Rhys words surprised Lyn, and her eyes widened.