Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 243

"Do you like this place?" Amakaze"s voice breaks the silence between them.


Amakaze smiled, "Well, I guess you"ll find out."


Pupillam didn"t want to stay at all; she wanted to rush back to the Princess side. She wants to avoid a.s.sociating with her so-called fiance for a few days because her current state is not good. If he were to find out how weak she was, would he not try to take advantage of that situation? Pupillam didn"t want to take any more chances. When the servants lead her to her room, she felt all eyes on her. The people working in this mansion must be very confused. While her family has status now, it doesn"t change the fact that she is a commoner and not a n.o.ble.

It surprised her that n.o.body brought that up during the banquet. Then again, the event was hosted by Prince Andrew. People probably thought that since the crown Prince himself approved of the party, then they should go along with it too.

"Do not delude yourself," a sly smile appeared on Amakaze face. Pupillam, however, was no idiot. She understood that whenever n.o.bles smiled, that it meant nothing. The Princess would often tell her how Prince Allen"s smile was empty at least in public. Pupillam knew what the Princess meant, n.o.bles smile merely to be polite - but when they turn their backs, they will sneer at them. "I wasn"t involved in designing this place."

That"s not what she meant, but she supposes in a sense it surprised her. Everything here is most likely expensive, but everything is designed so simply.

It feels like Amakaze is getting better at reading her thoughts. Pupillam knew she would have to put an end to this. She wants to reply slyly and coldly to his words like she usually would. But as Pupillam looked around the room, she felt the words were stuck in her throat. She wanted to avert her gaze, but whenever she looked at his face, Pupillam noticed that his expression was different.

"Of course not," she answers, "That"s not like you."

Amakaze laughed, "But my dear, your brother told me some of your preferences."

Isn"t that just contradicting what he said? Pupillam deeply sighed; she doesn"t understand this man.

"The Princess, does she not have her own knights of order yet?"

Pupillam blinked, surprised at the sudden change of topic. She slowly nodded her head, not understanding where he was coming from. Before Pupillam could say a word, the doors opened and a frantic looking solider entered.

"Lady Pupillam, you must come quickly!! Princess Lyn"s condition is.."

Pupillam"s eyes widened in alarm, and she"s out of the doors in seconds.


Knights Castle

If destiny exists, your fate is to live on.

From the very moment, they met Pupillam had always thought so. Because back then, the signs of the curse that had already begun to manifest in the Princess body. Had she not approached her that day, had she not challenged her for a fight and yet had it interrupted? Had the person known as Princess Lyn not saved her, then she would not have believed in destiny. Even now, unless it"s a destiny that concerns her, she cannot accept it.

So she"s safe. Pupillam quickly left and made his way down the hallways of the Knights castle base. Whether it was a coincidence but during the time the Princess left to go over there, they were suddenly attacked. Fortunately, the damage was small, and she defended everyone just fine. Prince here too, two princes with the King"s power. The knights of order for the two Princes are here too. They aren"t foolish enough to attack with that knowledge, right? But the area they attacked was the Rokojou Princess section.

It doesn"t add up with Kyoya"s theory of the Rokojou family being in league with the attacker. Kyoya isn"t wrong. For sure that night the young Rokojou Princess guards were attacking suspicious, yet it doesn"t change the fact that nothing happened that night.

Pupillam deeply sighed exactly what do you intend to accomplish Kourin? The woman named Kourin was the suspect to triggering Lyn"s condition. When she heard the name from the others, she couldn"t hide his shock. After all, that woman was once somebody who swore to be the Princess Knight.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Does she, really still hold a grudge against the Princess - or is she really just being used? That young girls smile that can never return. She could still remember it quite clearly, the little girl who made a hole for the Princess and him to escape. She had already been severely wounded then and couldn"t move, yet the Princess wouldn"t leave her behind. So Kourin stayed to deal with the attackers. Later on, they found out she was being held, hostage. Although they quickly rescued her when she returned, she wasn"t the same.

Her gaze was dark and lifeless, yet the Princess still attempted to converse with her. But that"s what her mistake was. What happened to Kourin she only later heard from the others and when she did, it was too late. Her attempt to the Princess happened right in the inner courtyard. There were too many eyewitnesses. They automatically stripped Kourin of her position as a guard and the girl would live her remaining days in a cell. They would have executed her had it not been for the Princess pardon. He was always with her and often found the Princess gaze on that tower; and yet she would not enter.

Later on, she heard that the others broke the news to her," She was tortured because of me. I have no right to see her anymore. It"s only natural she desires to kill her. "Life went on in the palace, and the Princess grew up, she never entered the eastern area anymore and lived her life in the Western palace. Kourin"s replacement, a young boy, named Takao, was innocent and had a lot of spirits. She too got along with him greatly.

She trained a young apprentice, and his skills were undoubtedly good. However, that day in the fire," Princess, Lady Pupillam, you two must escape. I will catch up to you two later, please leave now.". . .

Whenever she thought about it, her heart would clench up in pain. Pupillam knew she shouldn"t have left him behind. She knew that and yet all she could think about then was getting the Princess to safety. For her, the Princess safety has always been the priority, but at the cost of other people"s lives?

Her thoughts broke off when she spotted a pale-faced Rhys, "Check on her later; let"s discuss things first." Pupillam told him.

To her surprise Rhys nodded, he looked over at the room the Princess was staying in.


"W-ha..what did you say? The King is here?" Prince Zenith said in complete shock. Hey hey, if you keep pulling an expression like that, then you"ll ruin your reputation. But she supposed it"s natural to be shocked. This was not something the King would normally get involved in. While everybody knew how the King dotted on the Princess, not even he could do anything about the Princess imprisonment. So this must come as a surprise to everybody.

"Yes, it appears as though I forgot to disclose that in the message I sent."

"Mention those sorts of things first!!!"

"My apologies, your highness."

"Your tones too sarcastic !!"

Prince Zenith can actually tell even though Kyoya"s face looks so monotone? But well, he supposed that even he"s become accustomed to it after getting to know her. Surprisingly, he is leading this meeting and not Prince Allen. Then again, if it is Prince Allen, he is most likely already hunting down the people who triggered the Princess condition.