Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 245

To think Pupillam left him alone with her. When she didn"t proceed inside the room, Rhys already knew that she wanted to give them time together. That woman is as sneaky as ever, and yet her hand was trembling when she said to him, "Save her, please." He knows already, even if you didn"t ask that he would do whatever he could do to save her. Still, Rhys wondered why Pupillam even came back. Wasn"t she on her way towards the harbor alongside f.u.kami?

She seemed a bit strange when she came back here too. Rhys shook his head, now isn"t the time to think about this.

Rhys entered the room and spotted the black-haired on the ground though; his eyes went wide spotting the scattered medication. Did she try to get up? That idiot. He rushed over and scooped the girl in his arms, to find the edge of her lips covered in blood and red spider lily-like marks trailing across her arms. . . She really is an idiot.

He brushes his fingers across her face, she"s become so pale, and the marks are so clear now unlike before. He takes out several scrolls from his bag and wrapped them around the brunette whom he had positioned on his lap.

"You lost…weight…" he murmurs. "The pain must have been terrible. I could have removed it. But you preferred pain over, seeing me. That"s how strongly you rejected my offer. I wanted to take you away from here, so you could die peacefully in a place without war. And yet, you still chose to stay. Is that how much you refuse to be with me?"

n.o.body aside from the two of them knew what happened that day. He proposed to her eyes, but regardless he said to her that he still wanted to see her. He said nothing about them not seeing each other again; it was her who said it. "When the time comes, and I have my answer, then I"ll tell you." When she was saying those words, Rhys knew he should have stopped her because those words of hers sounded like a final will. You idiot, if you died then what was the point of him proposing?

His thoughts broke off when he felt a hand clasped against his face. "Why are you crying?" Lyn asked.

"Lyn I…."

"I"m sorry …I can"t see very clearly right now. But it"s you isn"t it Rhys?"

"Do you remember what you promised me?"

"Promise …" she mumbled.

Seeing the sudden change in the girl"s levels, he clenched his fist tighter, until blood came out.

When Rhys saw that the red around the girl"s body was anything but ordinary. "Idiot," he muttered as he bent down. His body was hovering over her; she really is too much of an idiot.

Exactly what was she thinking, when she went through this? Why does she always have to do things for others aside from yourself? It made little sense to him. She should have escaped a long time ago already. Even if it means running away from her destiny, she should have left. Even if it meant she accepted someone else"s others aside from his, he wouldn"t have minded.

Rhys wouldn"t have minded, as long as she got away far, far away from here. Far away from this cursed destiny. But there was never any chance of her doing anything like at all.

Lyn spent a lot of time thinking about others beside him. He wants her to look only at him. Rhys wants to spirit her right away from this world. He wants to hide her away, to lock her up. And yet that will never happen because she"s too much of a fool.

When he met her again, Rhys thought about it a lot. Though before Rhys refrained from overthinking about death. Too much had happened in his too short of life to want to think about it. So he is not sure what he expected when he died, but the feeling of floating into nothingness appeared in his head.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

His thoughts broke off when the girl coughed out blood; his eyes widened as he placed his hand on the girl"s chest, ripping apart her clothes slightly. This is, her pulse is barely there. This process really is dangerous after all; this is why he didn"t want her to go through with it. But even then, he has to do this; otherwise, she would die immediately.

Rhys sends a harsh glare towards Reiji who was standing by the door, "You...if she dies, I"ll curse your soul and slice it to pieces no matter how many times you"re reborn."

"....I know."

Reiji"s response was quiet, almost like a faded whisper and memory. Rhys fully understood the reason, and yet that didn"t make him happier about it. He already knew, knew that it really isn"t his fault. Reiji isn"t too blame for this. Even if he didn"t come here, she would have come to that conclusion, regardless.

His eyes went wide when he hears the girl call his name. His name of all things. He could feel a slight tear in his eye... She that girl, she called for him. For him.

Kazuya, he"s sorry about this. But he, also knew what would happen, didn"t you?


Please, don"t take this girl away from them.

Please let her live.

Let her live; there are still so so many things he wants to talk to her about, to tell her. Don"t take her away, when he still has so many things he wants to speak to her about.


The next few hours could easily have been described as h.e.l.l and pleasure. Although he could touch the girl, he loves at the same time his heart couldn"t rest because several times during it, her heart stopped several times. The treatment he gave her required severe physical contact. If Kazuya finds out, he"s dead.

"Lyn, this isn"t the time, but you"re stunning." he murmurs against her ear. If she knew, would she cry? He was touching her, but this didn"t feel right.

When she stirred, she murmurs, "Rhys" and his arms were wrapped firmly around the girl in seconds. " almost died, what would I have done...if you were to disappear?"

This was the first time, Rhys had heard his voice sound so feeble and weak. But just now, he really did almost lose her. He almost lost her and if that happened... Suddenly Lyn turned around and placed her hand on his face; she shook her head. "Don"t worry; I won"t die easily. I already promised you after all, that I won"t die and I ...saw something else. How you stayed with me to the very end back then." At that comment his eyes went wide, she....remembers? "Though, I don"t exactly remember it clearly. I do know that it was your hand; such a warmth can only belong to one person. Even back then, you were always protecting me. Thank you. I am very happy."

".... you"re happy...?"

"Yes," Lyn smiled. She brushed her fingers against his lips, "So very happy, to know that you followed me all this way to ensure I"d be safe and live happily."

"That is all I need to know."