Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 257

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - Princess Lyn"s Chambers -

She could get used to looking at Kazuya like this. He"s very handsome and doesn"t look like an idiot when his mouth is clouded. Lyn stared at Kazuya, who was fast asleep on her bed. She placed her hand on her forehead that Rhys kissed moments ago. "I"ll leave you two alone tonight, but from tomorrow onwards. I won"t let you get any peace." She wondered if this was the right decision. Maybe she should have just allowed things to continue that way. But, if she did that, then Rhys would get hurt. She supposed there really is no simple solution to this whole love thing.

Lyn made her mind up though and climbed on top of Kazuya, as she gently kissed his lips. "My Lyn," Kazuya said, half-dazed, "Why are you attacking me in my sleep?"

"I just wanted to try it," she mumbled.

Kazuya smiled, "Okay, then I"ll sleep again so you can try more."

"I obviously can"t do anything now that you know."

A half baked laugh, Kazuya"s arms wrapped around her waist. "Hey, Lyn."


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Eh? Lyn blinked confused.

"You know I"ve been thinking about it for a while."

"Y--you can"t just propose like that! These things take time, and there are procedures," she exclaimed. This guy is way too casual about everything. "Mother seems to be preparing to announce my ident.i.ty, so right now, it would be hard to…"

Kazuya nodded, "Mmm, I know. Just wanted to try."


Lyn didn"t know how they ended up kissing right after that. But what she did know was she"s never kissed Kazuya like this before. Her entire body felt like it was burning, and she felt his hands tighten around hers. The more he gripped her hand, the more he pressed their bodies together. The more Lyn could feel his lips. After a while, though, Lyn started coughing, and Kazuya pulled away.

"c.r.a.p, I used my tongue."

Lyn hit him and scrambled off him, "D--don"t do that again!" she exclaimed.

Kazuya reached over and hugged her from the back, "Sorry my Lyn, don"t be angry."

Geez, Lyn turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Kazuya, it"s almost my birthday."

"Hmmm, end of the month, right?"

"The 1st."

Kazuya brushed his lips against hers, lightly kissing her. "Then, I"ll make sure to celebrate before I go."

"Ah," Lyn paused. Should she tell him that birthday celebrations in the Mist Kingdom are grand? They usually take about 2-3 weeks… "Kazuya, why do you keep kissing me?"

"Sorry, I can"t?"

When he acts like this, he"s no longer the foolish and naive Kazuya. There is something serious about the way he looks at her. "I didn"t say that, isn"t it uncomfortable because were standing up?"

Kazuya smiled, "Mmm, are your pretty legs tired? Should I carry you?"

"I was just thinking Kazuya, what I did was it selfish?"

"Well, I know you have a small crush on Rhys."

"Wh--what?!!" Lyn exclaimed, "I--I don"t like that pervert that way!" Gosh, how long has Kazuya had such thoughts? Is that why he keeps avoiding her? Lyn held onto him tightly and inhaled his scent. She has to admit that there is something different about Kazuya"s scent then all the other guys.

Even though he acts like an idiot most of the time, she"s always treated him as a man. Lyn was fully aware of how proactive their current position was too. But, she still didn"t pull away from him. "This is quite nice."

Kazuya"s cheeks burned red, and Lyn couldn"t miss it, how he was fl.u.s.tered all the way to his ears too. This is one of the things she likes about him. Lyn didn"t hesitate to voice that out, and added, "I really love you a lot Kazuya." While there are many things, she is still confused on. The feelings she has for Kazuya grow as each day by.

Kazuya pulled away from her and sank on the ground. "Aaah geez, you…"

Lyn laughed, "Um, your very red."

"This is embarra.s.sing for me. I didn"t think you"d say that."

"You didn"t?"

"Because of the thing with Rhys, and well your fiance.."

"These days… she doesn"t think about Allen.." Lyn thought. If she were to tell Kazuya that, would he be more relieved? Lyn crouched down, "Kazuya, are you happy?"

"I"m very happy, but I know that things are still difficult for you. So don"t push yourself too much."

This person is very considerate of her feelings. She supposes Rhys is too, at least ever since Kazuya started acting up. While avoiding her the way he did wasn"t the best way. Lyn understood why he did it, right now, Kazuya is very unstable emotional wise.

"Kazuya, you don"t want to play outside in the snow?"

Kazuya smiled, "Well, it"s because I almost died in the snow that day."

"What if I ask you?"

"Aren"t you not allowed?"

"Ah-huh, but it"s rare for there to be snow in the Mist Kingdom," or rather it was a first for her seeing snow here. While snow may not be entirely uncommon for people here. For Lyn, it was a first.

"You"re curious?"

"I saw snow in the Snow Kingdom. But wouldn"t it be different here because of the temperature and magical properties in the air?"

Kazuya laughed, "Okay, okay. Let"s go out and play."


The snow in the Mist Kingdom was slightly different than the Snow Kingdom. Lyn couldn"t quite describe it, but there was something more mystical about it. With each step, Lyn hears the sound of crunching snow below her feet. She looked back at Kazuya, who was slowly trailing behind her and paused.

"He looks miserable; he must avoid snow days a lot." This must be why she seldom saw him in the Snow Kingdom - it"s because he was trying to avoid it. The memories of that blood-stained battlefield. Kazuya showed her, and as one would expect, she didn"t like it.

Lyn only saw a glimpse of it; she wasn"t present at the event herself. Imagine the feelings of somebody who was there. She walked back over and grabbed hold of his hands, "You said you"d play with me."

Kazuya"s dim gaze seemed to light up, "I prefer something else."


He pulled her into his arms and wrapped his arms around her protectively. "You were trembling just now, is this better?"

"En, better," Lyn smiled. It"s very comfortable like this.

"Hey Kazuya, since you took the Princess out she might as well join us," a voice called out.

"Oh, his friends are here." Is it still fine for her to come along?

"My dear Lyn is cold, wait a bit."

Lyn peeked at Kazuya, "My dear Lyn?" Since when did Kazuya talk like that. She feels embarra.s.sed. She buried her face in his arms, and Kazuya combed her hair.

"Kazuya, your becoming shameless these days. What do I do with you?"


"Yes!" Lyn exclaimed. Lately, he keeps saying these weird things that aren"t like him at all. If Rhys said them fair enough, but Kazuya? It just sounds odd.

However, since it isn"t like him, she ends up feeling more nervous.

Kazuya laughed, "You"re very cute, Lyn."