Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 261

Year Mist Kingdom - Rhys Chambers

For some reason, Rhys couldn"t think of anything. For the past few hours he kept tapping his brush against the paper.

Is it because the circ.u.mstances then are different than how they were before? But really, one thing for sure at the rate this is going in they won"t be able to partic.i.p.ate at the end of year concert. He lets out a ma.s.sive sigh, gee...

He can"t let them down. It"s been a while since they have all performed with each other after all. Since he"s been busy with the Princess and even afterward, they"ve been performing in those groups only. Though it really had been a pleasant experience for them all, Rhys knew that his best stage is when he"s performing with the guys. Ah, listen to him, he"s become rather soft from the looks of it.

For somebody who wasn"t taking it seriously before, look at him now making all these preparations.

" Your very kind."

Rhys placed his hand on through his red locks, heh. It"s because she said something like that, that things became this way.

His thoughts broke off when he feels the door open, revealing two people, the girl that occupied his thoughts and Reiji. "Yo, we"re coming in."

"You"re already in!" Rhys exclaimed. Rather he doesn"t even want to know how they got in here.

"You need to chill."

Says the one who"s always so serious? Rhys sighs, he really can"t deal with this person, "And so? Why are you two here? Did she trip?" Kazuya most likely took her out to play in the snow.

"Hmm, you"d think so right?"

"I"m not that clumsy !!" Lyn exclaimed, " Besides I didn"t want to be carried away either."

"Hmm? You"re saying that in your condition."

It"s then Rhys got a better view of the girl, to see how pale her face seemed to be. His eyes twitch in annoyance as he bolts up, " Say that sooner," Rhys snapped as he made his way over to this medical cabinet.

"You didn"t ask."

He really can"t get along with this my pace kind of guy. " I"ll settle her down here then."

Once he was done getting the instruments out, he turned to face the other two.

"Stupid stupid stupid," Reiji lectured.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I already heard you! I got it already; it"s my bad."

These two get along as always, huh? Well, he supposed their relations.h.i.+p is something that will always remain this way, always, huh? Even so, being able to touch her that easily even though she has a boyfriend is hardly what Rhys would call fair. His gaze drifted onto Reiji who was ruffling her hair; somehow, it seems like he can control himself better now.

"Ah looks like I have a call. Ha?" Reiji said, as he pulled out his messenger crystal from his pocket. A annoyed look on his face. "What the h.e.l.l Shu? I told you to keep an eye on that b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Gee b.a.s.t.a.r.d calling himself a genius and rus.h.i.+ng off. That stupid Kazuya."

Rhys watched as the black-haired girl"s expression change. That"s....

"Right right, I get it. I"ll find him," Reiji turned to him, " Sorry Rhys. I will leave her in your hands".

"Yeah. That"s fine," Rhys stated calmly. But really his thoughts were spiraling out of control.

To think he would get a chance to be left alone with her. It has been a long time since that"s happened after all. To his surprise though the brunette reached over and tugged the edge of Reiji"s clothes, " Princess?"

"Kazuya when you find Kazuya can you...."

His eyes went wide when he saw the girls fl.u.s.tered expression. That sort of impression, this was the first time he had seen her in such a state. Although once in a while he could make her blush, this was completely different. An expression like this really does render her completely defenseless; surely, she must know that?

Reiji too could not remain calm, yet reached over and patted the girls head. " Yeah, your wish is my command, Princess."


Although he had wanted Reiji to leave, butnow that he"s gone, Rhys was unexpectedly nervous. Honestly, what"s with this sort of situation anyway? It"s normal for him to give her checks ups from time to time. But in all honesty, after seeing that sort of expression, how is he able to remain calm? She"s sitting on his bed all defenseless like too.

Rhys shook the thought out of his head; no-no, he has to remain calm. He shouldn"t do anything to her, not only is there Kazuya"s wrath to worry about. In the state she"s in, Rhys knew only fools would try. Rhys made his way over and sat on the stool, only to realize that he wouldn"t be able to see carefully from this distance. He s.h.i.+fted his position on to the bed.

Lyn flinched, and then he saw her set up the pillows in a strange manner.

"What are you doing?"

"Setting up a barrier."

His eyes twitch in annoyance, "Hey hey, what kind of impression do you have of me anyway?"

"That sort of impression," Lyn said as she hides her face with a pillow. It"s because she does things like this; it makes people want to tease her.

Honestly, this girl, " I was using that earlier."


He chuckled and watched as she suddenly let go of it. Lyn really is amusing to tease. "Well enough fun and games," Rhys said and s.h.i.+fted over till he was close to her. From up close, he could see how pale she had gotten. Rhys reached over and touched her face. It"s then he sees the girl"s body tense up. " You...are self-conscious of me, after all, huh?" he mutters.

Although it was something, he had known about for a long time. He didn"t think that it would be effective anymore, "...T--that"s because you do strange things..."

Rhys leans forward, " What was that? What kind of strange things?"

"Rhys, your persistent."

Rhys doesn"t hesitate to bury his head in her neck as he inhaled her scent. Ah, really when it comes to this person, whenever it comes to this person. He always seems to lose any form of self-control. Because to him, she will always be the only person. "Anyhow, your face really is pale. Did you make sure to eat?" Rhys asked.

"Yeah, I can"t escape that kind of thing with the General around."

True, the General is persuasive when it comes to his cooking. Even so, "Your complexion isn"t normal, though. Did anything else happen?" Even as he spoke, it felt as though Lyn"s face color was gradually getting paler.

Lyn pulled a face, "Ah. Right before I went to the party. I ran into some guys doing rather shady things. I planned to just walk past you know since it"s none of my business and all. But then they saw me and freaked out."

His sweatdropped, oi people don"t just freak out like that. Rhys wraps the blood pressure pad around her arm as she carried on her story. "So yeah I kinda had no choice you know? I wanted to be able to get to the reunion peacefully. But it seems like no matter where I go, I seem to attract all sorts of trouble."

It"s probably that though, because of the presence she emits. Like she"s going to crush someone. Indeed he too may have been attracted to that too, that strong and overwhelming presence. It was probably that that lead him to her. Even back when he didn"t know who she was, and saw her that time. There was something about her aura that seemed to draw him in. The demon princess, huh?

"For a while now, you seem rather silent. What is it?" Lyn questioned.

"Oh, no..." Shoot, he wasn"t the type who got all tongue-tied but things are different with her. Whenever it came to her, he would lose his calm in seconds. "Do you regret it? You sounded sorrowful just now...ah forget it. I sound stupid," he mutters.