Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 268

Andrew did not even want to hear the end of that sentence. He of all people knew better what loneliness and solitude is. So, instead he changed the subject. Or rather returned the subject to what it was before. "Were you the only one who witnessed her using it?"

Ikki paused and sighed, "Prince Andrew, at that time anybody could have been walking by. The forest is a large area after all. Princess Lyn isn"t exactly subtle about her practices. The townsfolk are already spreading rumors that there is some high ability person practicing magic there."

"How careless." Andrew thought.

"Hey Ikki, do you have an umbrella - it"s pouring it out--" the young man who just entered the shop froze. Of course he would, it was none other than Kazuya.

"Uh, I wasn"t here."

Kotaro however stood up and grabbed him. A devilish smile appeared on his face, "Of course you"re here dear brother in law."

"Uh...wait wait."

Andrew had been staring at the gift bag in Kazuya"s hands.


"I don"t think you have any mistresses or siblings…" Andrew trailed off. But then again, one can"t be too sure. While he investigated Kazuya a long time ago. It"s difficult to get information about a man from another Kingdom, that is one thing that has not changed 

Kazuya panicked, "Hey!! This is for your sister."

Kotaro"s menacing aura grew, "You actually have the nerve to get Lyn a gift?"

"Let me see what kind of thing you got my sister. Hand it over."

Kotaro was tackling Kazuya, causing the box to slip out of Kazuya"s grasp. 

Hearing a cracking sound, Kazuya"s face colour turned pale. "My 80,000,000…"

His what now? Andrew raised his eyebrows. It"s surprising that this man has that kind of money.

Kotaro seemed surprised too, "Uh, wait I"ll check." His brother probably didn"t expect that Kazuya would get Lyn something so expensive. While Lyn is not the kind who cared about material goods, she does like pretty things. Kazuya must have got her something he knew she would like.

Kotaro slowly opened the box, and his eyes widened. " bought her this?!!"

"I thought it would suit her…"

"Did you hear that brother, just because he thought it would suit her he went ahead and bought this limited edition hairpin…"

Andrew blinked puzzled, "Limited edition?"

"Brother, your really slow."

Ikki chuckled, "Prince Andrew, merchants from other towns keep coming here lately. People are gathering from all over the empire because they heard about the big news that will be announced next month. Some guests are here for your wedding too. A particular merchant is here who is famous for creating handcrafted jewelry," Ikki paused. "Kazuya, you actually got him to make that for you….."

"Famous merchant?" Kazuya seemed surprised too.

"Wait, you didn"t even know?" Kotaro said in disbelief.

"When I was in the market looking around for a gift for Lyn. That man approached me, he said to look at his designs. We got talking, and then the next thing you know.."

Andrew raised his eyebrows, that sounds a bit suspicious. But, if Kazuya didn"t detect anything, surely there is nothing wrong. Maybe he"s just too paranoid about everything. It"s just a piece of jewelry, but he has seen far too many incidences.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


- Main Castle -

Andrew didn"t want to be around when Kazuya gave his sister the gift. But, Lyn was waiting for them by the gate. Her eyes brightened when she saw Kazuya and she immediately ran into his arms. "Kazuya!! Welcome back."

"I"m back, stay still for a second," Kazuya took out the box and slipped the hairpin onto Lyn"s hair. "Mm, there."

Lyn"s eyes widened, "Wah? Um?"

"My present."

Lyn laughed, "It"s not my birthday yet."

"Have an early gift."

"I"m happy, thank you."

"Act naturally, huh?" That"s impossible for him. Still, he dove into his pocket - inside was a present he got for Gabrielle. Andrew was very uneasy about this, he had never gotten Gabrielle a present in his entire life. He turned to walk up the steps and after a few minutes, Andrew spotted black hair leaning on the pillar. "Gabrielle?" he mumbled, uncertain.

The woman turned around and smiled, "Welcome home my Lord."

Andrew made his way over hastily, "Why are you not in bed? You must rest."

"Me and Lyn were taking a walk. Being cooped up is no good."

He flinched at those words, a walk? Where are the guards… 

Gabrielle sighed, "Don"t worry, that person is around. I went to find him and he"s the one who brought us here. Coincidentally you used the gate here to return too."

It"s most likely not a coincidence. The person Gabrielle is talking about is his second Aide, Zhou. Unlike his other knights who are from prestigious families, this man was different. His background is nothing special, he was a commoner who lost his parents. While even now people questioned why he left such a dangerous person by his side. It"s most likely because Andrew understood. Ever since that day, that man is the only one who understood him.

"Andrew, what"s wrong?"

"Nothing," Andrew wrapped his arms around the girl, " Let us head back."


Lyn wanted to ask her big brother something, but considering how Kazuya was dragging her away she figured it would wait. Her gaze fell on the man who was busy doing some reports. 

"Kazuya, you were with my brothers?" It was the most unusual combination ever.

"I ran into them in town."

She supposed that made sense. But, they actually headed back together? That"s what really surprised her.

"Say Kazuya, do you have to do work?"

Kazuya smiled, "I don"t want to. But I need to get this done, so I can have the day off tomorrow."


"I"m taking you on a date."

Her eyes brightened but they immediately fell, "But, my brother said…"

"I got permission today," Kazuya smiled. "Wait, I"m almost done here. Why don"t you nap for a bit?"


When Lila next opened her eyes she felt Kazuya"s warm hand on her forehead. "Kazuya?"

"Your fevers back, don"t move."

Lyn nodded, "Lately, I keep getting sick. It"s very inconvenient. Big brother keeps locking me back up too," she mumbled. Lyn understood why her brother was taking extra measures, she really did. But, after experiencing so much freedom, to be locked up again after so long made her feel uneasy.

Thankfully, she managed to sneak out, "The other knights who came here don"t know much about the imprisonment thing. So when they saw me trying to leave, they let me go. I"m sure my brother will eventually issue the orders though. What would I do then?" If she can"t sneak out, how can she meet with Kazuya and Rhys?