Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 278

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom 5:00 PM - Main Castle grounds, Grey Palace-

"Lord Kazuya is summoning you."

This must be a first hearing the words lord attached to Kazuya"s name. Lyn understood that ever since Kazuya"s group here, they have not been treated very well. So, for things to suddenly change -- it must be her eldest brother again. In the past, Lyn used to think it was Mother deciding things regarding the surrounding people. But, later on, she realized it wasn"t Mother but her brother. She doesn"t know what he did, but for now, Kazuya is safe, so that"s all that mattered to her.

It was the first time that she would enter Kazuya"s base of operations. Lyn had to admit although she knew he was back in this side of the world and often communicating with those people. This was the first time that the two of them have met each other face to face like this.

Lyn was surprised to receive such a serious-sounding message from him, and that"s why she had prepared herself for this sort of situation. Yet being confronted with the truth was certainly ...

Somehow, it"s different.

Even though he"s right here in front of her, there"s something different. This atmosphere - and this distance and even the context of their conversation becomes different. When she arrived a few moments ago

How strange, this sort of feeling, it"s almost suffocating. It"s the same Kazuya, and yet there is something different... No, more importantly, her cheeks puffed into a pout. "You were injured?!"

It surprised her to see him back so soon, and now he"s injured? Lyn came here in a hurry and abruptly left her lessons yet again. It seems like she ought to forget about her Princess lessons for a while; there are more important things to worry about.

Kazuya scratched his hair, awkwardly, "How did word get so fast to you?"

"The other knights feel the need to inform me when it comes to matters regarding you." Lyn would never tell him the truth, that they only do so because she always sulks whenever he isn"t around.

His lips curve to a knowing smile, "You don"t have to worry Lyn; it"s just a small scratch."

Lyn shook her head, "Give me your arm; I"ll bandage it up," she reached out for her bag and pulled out a box.

Kazuya smiled, "You"re always carrying a medical box. You"re not that clumsy."

"She"s carrying it because of him though."

She took out some bandages and ointments, Kazuya rolled up his sleeves and extended his arm out. When Lyn saw the wound, unknowingly she started to tear up. Kazuya laughed, "Lyn, my Lyn. You don"t have to cry."

"Why do you always get hurt? Why can"t you stay put for a second?"

He reached over and gently kissed her lips, "I"m attracted to danger; it seems."

"Dummy, idiot."

"Don"t worry, it"s just a scratch, I"ve gotten worse injuries before."

Why does he always ruin it? If he just left it at that first part, she would have brushed it off. But now she"s curious; he"s gotten severely injured? More than this? The current wound she was applying ointment too wasn"t simple.

"Your life is targeted because you have repeated wars and gathered the hate of man. And because you have continued, winning your battles," Lyn trailed off. She is only saying this based on her research and what she heard from the others. There are many candidates in the Empire for the position of Empress or Emperor. Candidates like Mother and brother. Lyn never bothered paying attention to the other candidates, at least until now.

"You"re after the world, that"s why you don"t want to be my King. Kazuya, your more ambitious than I thought," she mumbled. Lyn didn"t know this ambitious Kazuya, but she wanted to learn.

He doesn"t say anything for a few seconds, "This is the first time somebody has asked me this. I have witnessed many deaths and invited more. I"ve lived a life on the run, lived a life where I followed people"s orders blindly," Kazuya said, his gaze dimmed slightly. This must be what Rhys was telling her about. " One day, I just got tired of all the formalities, and decided that I would just put everything together and let it come to me."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Lyn wanted to laugh if she didn"t see the clouded expression in his eyes.

For a moment, she thought there was a shadow on his face. Was it just her imagination? Just now, the look in his eyes was... It reminded her of something, "Just like me," she mumbled quietly. The look Kazuya had in his eyes resembled the one she had before.

"Hey Lyn, didn"t you say you were curious about my dream?"

"Ah, yes?" she was startled since he suddenly called out to her.

"Let me show you my dream."

Oh that tone, it"s the usual Kazuya. She peeks at his expression, indeed to see his genuine smile. "It must be her imagination.."

Lyn nodded, and Kazuya took something out, it resembled the sphere from earlier. But, there weren"t magic b.a.l.l.s inside.

"It looks peculiar," Lyn examined it. There seemed to be floating green symbols.

Kazuya nodded, "It"s called a globe. It is modeled in the world we live in."

Lyn could only stare at in amazement, she had seen many other globes before, but there was something different about this one. The size and shape, almost like it captures everything about the world.

"The world is round, not flat," Kazuya beamed as he explained the theory. Lyn only nodded, she had heard about something similar from mentor before. So this is the world? Lyn looked at the globe carefully.

"This is the Mist Kingdom, and this is the Snow....." she trails off, "Is this how the world is?" Lyn was uncertain, but looking at it this way...

"Correct the world is connected."

When he said these words, Lyn saw a tender expression appear on his face. Uwaa what"s with that expression?

It"s her first time seeing him like this. He almost looks like a child. She really doesn"t get him sometimes. Majority of the time, he acts like a fool and has that foolish grin on his face. Then there are times where he wears such a serious expression, times where he acts like a demon. There are times like now where he acts childish.

He a person filled with many contradictions.

"If the world is like this, then maybe uniting the world isn"t too difficult."

Indeed, when one looks at it in this context, they would certainly think that. However, Lyn points to the section below where the Sound Kingdom is located. "Kazuya, you wish to see beyond this correct?"

Kazuya kissed her forehead, "As expected of you." he nuzzled his face there for a few minutes before he nodded. "It"s true, I"d like to see beyond the scope of my homeland. I"ve gone to many other countries. But none of them has made me want to stay as much as.."


"Yeah, I don"t understand no, I do get it. The reason why I"ve become so attached to the Mist Kingdom is you. If you weren"t here, I would have left this place a long time ago."

"Kazuya," Lyn mumbled. "If I tell you that I want to save the world, what would you say?"

"Is that your dream?"


Kazuya grinned, "I want to know if it"s your dream if it is then I"ll give you a favorable response."