Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 282

Immediately sensing the tense atmosphere, Lyn stood up, "Okay, you two, enough is enough. Quit fighting every time."

"I apologize Princess, but this man gets far too close to you."

"That"s because your Princess likes me."

"Liar! She already said that she…"

Lyn"s eyes widened, and she reached over to cover Pupillam"s mouth. Her aide"s next words came out as a m.u.f.fled reply. Rhys, however, seemed suspicious. He didn"t say a word but looked her up and down. After what felt like forever, he spoke up.



Rhys ran his hand through his hair. Since he clearly just came from the baths, his hair was still wet. There was something about the way he ran his hands through his hair - or maybe it was due to the aftereffects of the water. "His hair looks like it"s glowing."

"I wanted to invite you for dinner, do you mind?"

"As in…"

"In an hour, there"s a good place in town. Only if you want."

It"ll be 9 PM in an hour. She wonders if it"s still okay to go out. Lyn peered over at Pupillam, who was still harshly glaring at Rhys. "You can"t go anywhere alone with the Princess, I"ll --"

"That"s why you"re going too."


Central Town - XX Resturant

"Hey, you really dragged me along?" Katn said.

"Ssh, this is part of your job to protect the Princess."

Her sweat fell at the two bickerings back and forth across the table. The place Rhys chose was a small but lively tavern in the edge of town. So, it was quite close to the castle. Lyn looked over at the man who was placing food on her plate. It was a buffet, so everybody could grab what they wanted. This was a first for Lyn though, going to a buffet in town. It surely isn"t lime the buffets held in the castle.

"Rhys, um, focus on your own plate."

For the past few minutes, Rhys had been focusing on her food. "No can do, I"m officially your doctor. So I"m in charge of your meals."

Lyn sighed, "But it"s late, she won"t be able to eat this much." Still, since he put in the effort, she can"t complain.

"They said, Lord .."

At that comment, Lyn almost spat out her drink.

Rhys sighed, "Why are you so wary?"

"I"m not!!!"

"Pupillam, your Princess acts suspicious when your fiance is mentioned."

Pupillam, who was fighting with Katn, looks up, "Princess, I"ve meant to ask. But do you want to meet with him?"

A deep sigh escaped her lips, "I honestly don"t know. Back then, yes, I did want to meet with him. But there are so many complications involved now," she mumbled. With the current her, maybe it would be best if they delayed the meeting.

"Huh, if I knew you felt that way then I wouldn"t have called him. But I guess it is too late."

Wait; what? Right as she said that the doors opened and two people came inside. "Tsk, that sudden downpour. Why can"t you be more prepared?"

"Forgive me Prince Amakaze, but it came the rain unexpectedly."

"Forget it, can you find him?"

"Yes, he said he would be at table 8…"

-m- Lyn looked at the man with wide eyes. The person who came in with Amakaze immediately spotted them, and he froze too. "P--Princess--"

Lyn placed her hand on her mouth, and mumbled, "Disguise."

The man immediately shuts up.

"What"s the holdup, did you," Amakaze paused, he finally realized why his companion stopped. It felt like time had stopped, seeing him again after such a long time. Meeting each other in this manner. What does she say to him? She hasn"t met him in such a long time...

"Okay, quit staring at the Princess," Pupillam grabbed Amakaze"s arm. "Katn, s.h.i.+ft over."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Take a seat."

Amakaze nodded. It was very awkward, though since Amakaze sat directly across her. She sent a harsh glare to Rhys; this is his fault! What was he thinking not consulting her first before arranging this meeting? Then again, she can"t really blame Rhys. Rhys didn"t hear the full story. What he knows about the situation is most likely the same as everybody else. Calm down Lyn, it"s not like it"s a lie, that she wanted to meet with him.

After that incident, she really did want to meet with him. However, so many things happened then. At that time, she struggled just to

"How. .how are you?"

Oh, she spoke first. "I"m doing pretty well,"

"I see. That"s good. I"ve been worried about you, living by yourself. But, you can manage if you try. Well, brother always says efforts are rewarded, and I know how hard you"ve worked. I"m glad to know you made your way up successfully," Lyn knew she was rambling and acting like a huge fool right now. But, this caught her off guard, she didn"t have time to prepare.

This really is awkward. She hasn"t seen him in so long, and they parted on terrible terms. Honestly, Lyn was surprised that she didn"t throw anything at him or yell upon seeing him. Then again, her feelings on the matter have calmed down since then. Maybe she should wait until they were somewhere more private to do the yelling. But, seeing him now, there is no need. Lyn could see it in his eyes; this person has gone through a lot.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You have been worried about me? Every day?"

Her cheeks colored slightly at his words; She knew that n.o.body could miss the rosiness of her cheeks and her sudden change in att.i.tude. "N-not every day. But often, I guess."

"I see," Amakaze"s gaze softened. "I"m flattered."

At that comment, Rhys pulled her into his arms, "I told you not to flirt with other men in front of me."

"Wh-I"m not! L-let me go!" Lyn exclaimed, pus.h.i.+ng Rhys away from her.

Amakaze chuckled, "The Princess dynamics don"t seem to change either."

"We are searching for the others. Amakae, perhaps do you know where.." Lyn decided that she would be direct.

"Ah, I see, so that"s what brings you all the way out here. If it"s Lady Kiara you want to see - then she"s running the academy district not too far from here." Amakaze trails off, "Should I perhaps escort you to her?"

That offers tempting. Indeed, they came here to a.s.sist with the matter. But n.o.body said that she couldn"t search for her knights along the way.

Pupillam suddenly spoke up, "Amakaze, your wounded."

"Pupillam, now you worry about me in the presence of another Lady. Perhaps all I have to do is make you jealous?"

"Jokes aside. Did you not really see the face of the attacker?"

"I did not," Amakaze spoke clearly, and yet Lyn sensed that there"s something about him that seemed of. Perhaps he doesn"t want to say it with the others in the room? Either way, this meeting will be long. Maybe it"s another prediction before a storm.

But, her brother is right. It"s not safe to go out into town.