Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 296

The last thing Andrew expected to hear from his sister was Allen. Andrew always believed that Lyn felt awkward about the engagement. Why does she seem so eager about so suddenly? Andrew shook his head, no need to get paranoid. One of the main reasons why he sent her away to Junlan church is because he knew of their teachings and ways. With this, Lyn can grow up to be a modest lady while she can"t become a proper lady because of her status as a Princess. She can still learn manners, "as outdated as those manners are.." He would rather have his sister live like a priest or nun, then have her caught up in the affairs of elites.

"My companion Prince Ralph told me he saw you in town," Andrew decided that there was no use beating around the bush. While he felt guilty about leaving her here, this is another matter. "Is that true?"

If she lies to him, then he"s going to have everybody in this place investigated. He will change the surrounding people.

"I—I—Im so sorry big brother. But I really wanted to see."

Andrew, however, knew her better than that. Lyn told him the truth, just like that.

"I do not mind you looking around in town. But, you must understand that recently the town is in disarray," Andrew avoided using the word murder.

Lyn slowly nodded.

"And you almost got kidnapped."

"I"m sorry..."

"My companion Ralph is staying in town for a while. If you wish to go to town, ask somebody from the church to escort you there. The same person who escorted you before is fine too."

Lyn"s eyes brightened at his words, "I"m allowed to go?"

"I"ll make the exception."

It isn"t the main town, so Lyn should be fine. From what Ralph told him about the kidnapping, it seemed like it was just a random person.

"Big brother, big brother... Um, are you hurt?"

So that"s why she keeps looking at him. "A few sc.r.a.pes here and there, but I am alright."

He hasn"t met a single person who can match him on the battlefield just yet. Still, Andrew recalled that so-called leader of the rebellion. That man was quite good. It"s a real shame he is the leader of the rebellion; if he weren"t, then Andrew would have surely scouted him.


Andrew opened his eyes lazily, taking his time to adjust to the bright sunlight that made its way past the heavy draped that he put around his bed. "What a bother," he thought. It seemed like blocking away light is impossible. He actually wanted to sleep in; he"s never had the luxury to do so after all.

When he recalled the day, a wave of sadness washed over him.

Today is the anniversary of that person"s death,  huh? The day when he lost that person because of a wrong calculation from his part. Andrew even now still had regrets about what happened two years back. What was he thinking?

With difficulty, mostly because of his dampen spirits, he turned around to his left.

"Please take care of Lyn for me when I"m not here. This will be the last time I"ll ask your help on this matter."

The last time?

The last time it was. Andrew sighed, "Take care of that brat?" Yesterday Lyn made it all too obvious that she was hiding things from him. When he asked her to see her room, she was acting suspiciously. He was half tempted to march in but decided against it. He knew the rules in the church. One cannot trespa.s.s without a legit reason, but even then, one must have respect. Whatever Lyn was hiding in her room, Andrew felt that he wouldn"t like it.

"Gabrielle?" Andrew called out.

The girl appeared in the room in seconds, and he sighed. "I apologize for disappearing on you yesterday, are you alright?"

"It"s okay. I handled your guests."

This woman in front of him is his fiance Gabrielle.

"How is Lyn? Can I go see her?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Andrew nodded, "You can. But keep me company for the morning," he did not want to deal with all those people without anyone by my side.

"That is alright, my Lord. But do you not think it was quite careless of you to summon me to your quarters so early in the morning. What will the servants think?"

What will they think indeed? But, that didn"t matter to him. "Help me get dressed, then keep me company for the a.s.sembly."

"Yes, my Lord."

Andrew looked over and saw a faint tint of red on her cheeks. "Why are you, red?"

"It"s nothing. I"ll fetch your clothes."

What a peculiar woman.


Despite being in the a.s.sembly hall, Andrew could hear the sounds of ringing. When the sound stopped, he even waited for it to start back up again.

Andrew understood why that was - it was the season for flu. The fighting aside, typical illness can"t be avoided. Soldiers aren"t immune to catching common illnesses — soldiers with children, especially. While being on the front lines meant that they could not see their families much. Lately, visits have been permitted. That meant many soldiers were returning with the flu.

Many people had been coming in and out of the local medical centers. And because of the influx of patients needing medical attention. They even opened up some mansions due to the lack of beds in the medical center. Rosemary palace, where he is currently residing at is one of those places.

This was why he called the head medic over, to discuss t.

The squeaking sounds of the wooden wheels of a cabinet trolley distracted him momentarily. When Andrew looked up, he saw his sister standing there. She peeked through the doors curiously. What is she doing here? He recalled what he said about her heading to town and immediately understood.

Allen immediately rose from his seat and was glad that n.o.body followed him. He walked over to the next room. "Lyn."

"Ah, big brother! Um, Gabrielle said you were here and um.."


Lyn shyly extended a basket out. "I made you some food, brother. I know you have a lot of work to do, but please eat something."

Why does this child know how to cook? Did they teach her that in the church too? Andrew gratefully accepted it. He normally didn"t eat food when he"s working. But since she went through the trouble of making it, he might as well accept.

"Thank you."

"Um, brother, brother.. " she seemed very shy and meek. "Can I have a hug?"

Andrew blinked. Right she must be lonely. While she is now able to learn a lot in the abbey, she most likely doesn"t have many friends. Everybody there knows her status, so the majority must be staying away from her. Andrew extended his hands out, and Lyn happily made her way over.

"Big brother, I"ll work hard. So when you take me home, people will be surprised."

Foolish girl...