Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 314

The residence brother gave Arthur was fairly fancy. It stood out a great deal. Lyn immediately understood why. Was eldest brother waiting this entire time to find evidence that Arthur is innocent? Rhys brought her inside the building; it surprised her that Rhys seemed to know where he was going. He stopped in front of a door and kicked it open. There she saw Arthur with a woman, the woman was leaning against him, and Arthur looked bothered.

"Lyn!" Arthur immediately hurried over. The woman by his side frowned, and Lyn felt her hostile gaze on her. "What"s wrong? What happened to you? Why do you look so pale, and you have scratches?"

"Something"s wrong with her eye. Let"s both check it out."

Arthur nodded, "Lay her down."

Rhys gently did so, but not before he gently kissed her lips. "Wait, don"t do that."

"I"m just warning Arthur. Don"t go near Lyn."

Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed, "You haven"t changed at all. You"re still a brat," he made his way over and brushed his hands on her forehead. "Lyn, while we do this process, why don"t you go to sleep?"

"Okay," Lyn nodded in agreement. She doesn"t like being awake when it comes to treatment. It always made her feel nervous.


When Lyn woke up, the sun had already gone down. She has a terrible habit of pa.s.sing out lately. A deep sigh escaped her lips, how troublesome. Lyn somehow got up and made her way out of the door. After walking for a few minutes, she paused.

The sight she saw shocked her, Rhys had somebody pinned against the wall. His hands ran through the girl"s thighs and b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Rhys turned to her; a l.u.s.tful expression remained there.

"I"m sorry," Lyn apologized. "I just wanted some water."

Rhys eyes settled on her before he turned to the woman he was with. "Leave."



Rhys seemed hot and bothered; his large hands ran through his hair. "Why did you get up?" his tone quickly changed. "You should have waited."

"I"m fine," Lyn nodded. "What happened to Arthur?"

"He"s just making your food."

Lyn nodded again and looked away. Just now, what was Rhys doing? That was… Then again, even though he made that promise with her, Lyn knew better than for him to keep it.


Rhys walked over and picked her up, "Rhys?"

"Back to bed."


Rhys carried her back into the room and laid her down on the bed. Lyn reached out for his hand, "Wait a minute, tell me something...did brother...did my brother tell you?"

"About the marriage candidate?"

"Yes.. So he told you?"

Rhys nodded, "He told me."

"You"re not happy?"

"Why would I? You"re just using me for Kazuya"s sake."

Shoot, how did she get found out so soon? Lyn looked down, "I"m sorry, but you know I"ve been doing a lot of thinking lately."

"That won"t cut it for me," Rhys snapped. "I love you, and until your married, I won"t change my advances. Well, now you gave me a legit reason to pursue you instead of hiding in the shadows."

What does he mean by that? Lyn was utterly oblivious to his words. When he suddenly went on the bed and climbed on top of her. His lips on hers.

Why is Rhys kissing her - no kissing her like this? No matter how many times she"s instructed him, he would always randomly kiss her, so it doesn"t surprise her anymore. But, this kind of kiss is so painful. However, this kiss did not last long since Arthur yanked Rhys away. Rhys looked at him coldly before he marched out of the room.

"I"m sorry, Lyn, did he scare you?"

"No," it just took her by surprise how desperate that kiss was.

Arthur smiled, "You"ve always made excuses for him. Don"t you think it"s time to just be honest?"

"I am honest," Lyn pointed out. "I"m not afraid of him, not once has he scared me. But, I"m just caught off guard how desperate he seems."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Desperate, huh, indeed. It has been so many years, he"s been longing for you for so long."

Longing? She doesn"t understand those type of feelings.

"Eat up."

Lyn turned to the food, and her eyes brightened. "It smells delicious, thank you, Arthur."

"I met your boyfriend. He seems to be a nice guy."


Arthur smiled, "Nice men always seem to flock to you."

Lyn rolled her eyes at that comment. Is he complimenting himself there? But she supposes that is like him. "Arthur, you didn"t come here to talk about this, right?" from the moment they saw each other again, it looked like he had something important that he wanted to tell her.

"Remember what I was talking to your brother?"


It probably did not occur to any of those guys, that somebody would boldly attack them from the middle of town. When Allen received the report, he rushed over.

So that"s how things will be, huh? Allen was watching everything from a nearby rooftop. He more or less a.s.sumed that would be the case. He watches Lyn make a pathway; you really do fight in the side of justice. But that"s precisely why it would become somewhat troublesome if she became the enemy.

His thoughts broke off upon when he spotted the maroon hair beside her. Kazuya you... From the beginning, did he already know about it? No, for sure, you did. Although Allen always thought that his fiance was completely different than all the others. He didn"t think that it was to this extent.

A power regarded as something that once caused a catastrophe before. Allen heard about it; rather, he was quite young when the event happened; it was only a mere blur in his memory.

Yet Allen could still remember every single sensation. Hearing a clattering sound, Allen sighed. "Pupillam."

"I found the evidence I"ve been looking for. Prince Allen, b.a.s.t.a.r.d," she shouted. This was the first time the girl had ever cursed at him while he knew from the very start that the girl had always been holding back her words against him.

Before he could react, though, Pupillam had slammed him across to the other side, his back hitting the wall edge of the building rooftop. Almost on the verge of falling, yet he managed to regain his balance. Blood trickles against his face; she packed quite the punch there. But even then, it surprised him.

Allen places his hand over his face, indeed, to have the fresh color of red transfer to his hands instead. It was just one hit, yet the impact had caused the organs in his body almost to come to a halt. So this woman had this much strength? Who would have thought?

"I wasn"t expecting that. You could have just ended my life.

"I"m afraid if I did that before explaining things to the Princess, she would surely hate me."

This crus.h.i.+ng presence before it didn"t before him before he wasn"t bothered at all by it. But now things have changed, it"ll end up exactly like how that person says.

Lyn... What she has been purposely suppressing this entire time. Will she be able to at least respond a little to the question he asked?

Pupillam sighed, "I dislike the new forms of weapons, so I won"t use it."

"...a knights pride?"

She sends him a sly smile, "Well, I"m glad you have that much at least figured out. If not, it would be rather troublesome. Funny, you wouldn"t think Knights would follow any sets of rules, but there are a few, and amongst them, I went ahead and broke it. About using a dangerous weapon." Her gaze softens, "But that"s fine with me, you know? Because she"s already suffering a whole great deal. She"s already longed crossed that line."

Allen says nothing in response but recalls what that person told him.

"The burden she carries is one no one will understand. No matter how similar, no matter how close to the person she gets. They will understand it. She long accepted that factor. Because she has accepted it, she"s always maintained a distance between herself and others. No, she doesn"t isolate herself; she lets people gather around her. Yet even if she"s close with them, there"s a wall.

Many have tried to climb over that wall, and some choose just to remain halfway and don"t rise to the very top. Those people do care about her a great deal, but they do not have the courage to cross. To climb over and say it. They don"t wish to see it, that suffering and the color of her world that has longed been stained with a single color. But you know she will soon realize it. That color that she has always a.s.sociated with something terrible will become the cornerstone to her world".

That guy said a lot; he didn"t pin that guy as someone who spoke a lot too.

" came back. Because you realized he"s here, did you not?"

Pupillam must have gone to her father"s place, gotten the information, and discovered what had happened.

At that comment, Pupillam punched his face, causing him to cough several times. Took him a few moments before he regained his energy to speak, "Must you solve everything with violence?"

"I am a knight after all," Pupillam trailed off and then helped him back up. "As a Knight, I"ll accept my punishment for harming you later."

He chuckles, "I see."