Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 32

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:36 PMChapter 32

"Our engagement is what? Tell me, Lyn, what do you think about our engagement?"

It surprised her, in the years since they got engaged with each other . Allen has never asked her these things before . He really is acting strange today . But he"s never held her like this before; he"s never tried to overstep the boundaries between them . Most men would take advantage of their engagement partners, whether there"s romance . But Allen has never done anything with her . He"s never even held her hand until today .

"I, want to get closer to you," Lyn admitted .

"And once we get close?"

" . . . "

Lyn didn"t think it through . In the end, she will still get married to him, regardless of whether they are close or not . At least that"s what she thought . Lyn recalled the words he said to her earlier . What did he mean by those words? Is he actually giving her a choice? Why? This is something their parents set up; they don"t have any say in it . At least that"s how it"s supposed to be . Lyn felt puzzled, what is she supposed to do in this situation?

Allen and her, this is the first they"ve been like this . She doesn"t know what to think . Right now he"s the closest to her than he ever has before .

This moment, however, is interrupted when they heard a sound from the bushes .

. . .

The last person she expected to see was Kazuya, but sure enough, it was him . Lyn knew after looking into his eyes something was wrong so she quickly pulled herself away from Allen and fixed her hair up with her hands .

Kazuya walked over and laughed, "Messy hair . "

"Not funny . "

"Mmm, what were you two doing?"

Sensing his tone, Lyn quickly buried herself in his arms . She didn"t know why but she felt like she got caught doing something wrong . Kazuya"s hands gently ran through her hair as he softly murmured in her ear, "I"m jealous . "


"I can"t tell you not to since he"s your fiance, but . . . do you understand Lyn?"

Understand? Lyn looked at him puzzled . But Kazuya would not say anymore . He turned to Allen .

"I believe we haven"t been introduced before . "

"Indeed . "

Lyn sweat dropped when she saw the exchange, why does it feel like she can see lightning bolts between the two of them?

. . . . .

Allen told her it was okay for her to take a stroll for a bit with Kazuya . It surprised her considering how he spent half the time glaring at him . A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips, well it"s not like she expected them to get along with each other . But that was way too awkward for her .

"Lyn, stay still . "


Lyn looked at him with a confused look on her face, but Kazuya didn"t explain when he grabbed hold of her hand . "Close your eyes for a moment . "

She followed his instructions, and after a few seconds, Kazuya told her to open her eyes again . Lyn does so, and she noticed a new addition on her finger . A gorgeous amethyst colored ring with a silver band on her finger .

"A ring . . "

"Yeah, sorry if it doesn"t fit . "

Lyn shook her head, "It"s very pretty . "

But why is Kazuya giving her a ring? Maybe he just felt like giving her a gift . Lyn felt his hand brush against her hair, and noticed him remove the comb, "You don"t need this, it obstructs your pretty hair . "

Lyn softly laughed at his words, "I see . "

For a spilled-second, she thought something was wrong with him . But it turns out he"s his usual jokey self .

"Kazuya, um why are you here?"

"I heard there"s a hot spring here that"s good for healing injuries . "

She frowned at his comment, injuries?!!

. . . .

They returned to the springs and thankfully Allen was nowhere in sight .

"Put your feet in quickly," Lyn exclaimed . She can"t believe this . Why did he get injured again?

Kazuya laughed, "Yes Mam . "

Kazuya obeyed her instructions, and she watched as he removed his shoes . Lyn looked at him again and frowned . She wonders if the scars are only limited to his feet . Due to her focus on Allen lately, and him being busy . The time they have together is cut short than she would have liked . Of course, she understood how unreasonable it is for her to spend all her time on him like she did before Allen came here . Now Allen is here, she has to be wary about her position as much as she likes spending time with Kazuya .

"Come over here, Lyn . "

Lyn nodded and made her way over only for Kazuya to pull her into his arms, "Kazuya?" Lyn called out confused .

"It seems like I should have made it clear before . But you"re so cute and oblivious, so I thought it would be better not to say anything . You reacted oddly with Rhys too, because you didn"t really understand . When guys get close to you like this, they have bad intentions . "

Bad intentions? She recalled Pupillam tell her something about being cautious and wary . Is this what she meant? So when Allen embraced her he had bad intentions like Rhys? Lyn immediately categorized Rhys intention towards her as bad . But she isn"t quite sure about Allen .

"What about you Kazuya?" Lyn asked .

What sort of intention does Kazuya have towards her? Lyn didn"t think it was necessary to think of such things before . However, after facing the reality that she denied for so long about spying on Kazuya for her brother .

Lyn wanted to know exactly what he meant to her, exactly what he intends to do getting so close to her all the time . One would call her naive, isn"t the answer obvious? She"s a Princess, and he is a commoner . He"s just using her . That would be the most likely situation if she were a normal Princess . But under her unusual circ.u.mstances, Lyn cannot figure out precisely what this person wants from her .

"Me? You can trust me . "

Lyn paused, she can trust him can"t she? Whenever she thought back to the events that happened

She wrapped her arms around him too, "Kazuya, I"m happy . "

"Mmm . "

"But, I"m a bit lost still . "

Kazuya laughed, "Well if you understood everything from this conversation alone then you wouldn"t be adorable Lyn . "

She stepped on his foot under the water .

"Ouch . "

Before getting up .

"Calling me that stuff sounds weird," she shyly looked down at the ground . . . As she murmured to herself, "He finds me adorable?"

The clothes she wore to the banquet were the ones Kazuya got her . Lyn wanted to show Allen"s family that she had changed . Indeed, clothes really made a person, though they"ve always been friendly . Today their reactions were a bit different . Lyn"s thoughts broke off when he stood up and wrapped his arms around her .

"Lyn . "

"I really don"t get it Kazuya . . . " Lyn repeated .

His lips brushed across her neck, "Well, you lived an isolated lifestyle this whole time . If I told you straight up what my intention was . You"d never understand, so there"s no use in me telling you . "

"But . . . "

She wants to ask, her thoughts break off when she felt her heartbeat increase . From time to time Kazuya hugs her like this,

"Lyn, you smell nice, and you look very dressed up . "

"Um, I"m wearing the dress you gave me," Lyn pointed out . Didn"t he notice?

"Yeah, it looks good . But I"d rather you use it to impress me . "

"Impress you?" Lyn repeated confused . But Kazuya only laughed at her reply . She felt confused, but when she saw Kazuya"s genuine smile, her heart felt a lot lighter .Our engagement is what? Tell me, Lyn, what do you think about our engagement? It surprised her, in the years since they got engaged with each other . Allen has never asked her these things before . He really is acting strange today . But hes never held her like this before; hes never tried to overstep the boundaries between them . Most men would take advantage of their engagement partners, whether theres romance . But Allen has never done anything with her . Hes never even held her hand until today . I, want to get closer to you, Lyn admitted . And once we get close? . Lyn didnt think it through . In the end, she will still get married to him, regardless of whether they are close or not . At least thats what she thought . Lyn recalled the words he said to her earlier . What did he mean by those words? Is he actually giving her a choice? Why? This is something their parents set up; they dont have any say in it . At least thats how its supposed to be . Lyn felt puzzled, what is she supposed to do in this situation? Allen and her, this is the first theyve been like this . She doesnt know what to think . Right now hes the closest to her than he ever has before . This moment, however, is interrupted when they heard a sound from the bushes The last person she expected to see was Kazuya, but sure enough, it was him . Lyn knew after looking into his eyes something was wrong so she quickly pulled herself away from Allen and fixed her hair up with her hands . Kazuya walked over and laughed, Messy hair . Not funny . Mmm, what were you two doing? Sensing his tone, Lyn quickly buried herself in his arms . She didnt know why but she felt like she got caught doing something wrong . Kazuyas hands gently ran through her hair as he softly murmured in her ear, Im jealous . Jealous? I cant tell you not to since hes your fiance, but . do you understand Lyn? Understand? Lyn looked at him puzzled . But Kazuya would not say anymore . He turned to Allen . I believe we havent been introduced before . Indeed . Lyn sweat dropped when she saw the exchange, why does it feel like she can see lightning bolts between the two of them? . Allen told her it was okay for her to take a stroll for a bit with Kazuya . It surprised her considering how he spent half the time glaring at him . A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips, well its not like she expected them to get along with each other . But that was way too awkward for her . Lyn, stay still . Yes? Lyn looked at him with a confused look on her face, but Kazuya didnt explain when he grabbed hold of her hand . Close your eyes for a moment . She followed his instructions, and after a few seconds, Kazuya told her to open her eyes again . Lyn does so, and she noticed a new addition on her finger . A gorgeous amethyst colored ring with a silver band on her finger A ring Yeah, sorry if it doesnt fit . Lyn shook her head, Its very pretty . But why is Kazuya giving her a ring? Maybe he just felt like giving her a gift . Lyn felt his hand brush against her hair, and noticed him remove the comb, You dont need this, it obstructs your pretty hair . Lyn softly laughed at his words, I see . For a spilled-second, she thought something was wrong with him . But it turns out hes his usual jokey self . Kazuya, um why are you here? I heard theres a hot spring here thats good for healing injuries . She frowned at his comment, injuries?!! They returned to the springs and thankfully Allen was nowhere in sight . Put your feet in quickly, Lyn exclaimed . She cant believe this . Why did he get injured again? Kazuya laughed, Yes Mam . Kazuya obeyed her instructions, and she watched as he removed his shoes . Lyn looked at him again and frowned . She wonders if the scars are only limited to his feet . Due to her focus on Allen lately, and him being busy . The time they have together is cut short than she would have liked . Of course, she understood how unreasonable it is for her to spend all her time on him like she did before Allen came here . Now Allen is here, she has to be wary about her position as much as she likes spending time with Kazuya . Come over here, Lyn . Lyn nodded and made her way over only for Kazuya to pull her into his arms, Kazuya? Lyn called out confused . It seems like I should have made it clear before . But youre so cute and oblivious, so I thought it would be better not to say anything . You reacted oddly with Rhys too, because you didnt really understand . When guys get close to you like this, they have bad intentions . Bad intentions? She recalled Pupillam tell her something about being cautious and wary . Is this what she meant? So when Allen embraced her he had bad intentions like Rhys? Lyn immediately categorized Rhys intention towards her as bad . But she isnt quite sure about Allen . What about you Kazuya? Lyn asked . What sort of intention does Kazuya have towards her? Lyn didnt think it was necessary to think of such things before . However, after facing the reality that she denied for so long about spying on Kazuya for her brother . Lyn wanted to know exactly what he meant to her, exactly what he intends to do getting so close to her all the time . One would call her naive, isnt the answer obvious? Shes a Princess, and he is a commoner . Hes just using her . That would be the most likely situation if she were a normal Princess . But under her unusual circ.u.mstances, Lyn cannot figure out precisely what this person wants from her . Me? You can trust me . Lyn paused, she can trust him cant she? Whenever she thought back to the events that happened She wrapped her arms around him too, Kazuya, Im happy . Mmm . But, Im a bit lost still . Kazuya laughed, Well if you understood everything from this conversation alone then you wouldnt be adorable Lyn . She stepped on his foot under the water . Ouch . Before getting up . Calling me that stuff sounds weird, she shyly looked down at the ground . As she murmured to herself, He finds me adorable? The clothes she wore to the banquet were the ones Kazuya got her . Lyn wanted to show Allens family that she had changed . Indeed, clothes really made a person, though theyve always been friendly . Today their reactions were a bit different . Lyns thoughts broke off when he stood up and wrapped his arms around her . Lyn . I really dont get it Kazuya . Lyn repeated . His lips brushed across her neck, Well, you lived an isolated lifestyle this whole time . If I told you straight up what my intention was . Youd never understand, so theres no use in me telling you . But . She wants to ask, her thoughts break off when she felt her heartbeat increase . From time to time Kazuya hugs her like this, Lyn, you smell nice, and you look very dressed up . Um, Im wearing the dress you gave me, Lyn pointed out . Didnt he notice? Yeah, it looks good . But Id rather you use it to impress me . Impress you? Lyn repeated confused . But Kazuya only laughed at her reply . She felt confused, but when she saw Kazuyas genuine smile, her heart felt a lot lighter .