Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 327

Lyn wanted to say something else but noticed his eyelids were closing. So instead, she leaned forward and bravely brushed her lips against his. "Goodnight, Kazuya."

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Ever since Kazuya came, she"s been able to sleep peacefully. However, last night? She couldn"t sleep at all, that was the first time. It"s not Kazuya"s fault, though; she still feels the same comfort being by his side. But..

"Lyn, are you alright?"

"I"m fine." She tapped her fingers on the table. The two of them were finis.h.i.+ng their breakfast. Unlike last night, the place seemed oddly deserted. Then again, she supposed people were still fast asleep. "What are we going to do today?"

Lyn had her own plan, but that"s changed now Kazuya is here. While she will go through with it regardless. In the meantime, she has to act good. If Kazuya found out what she intended to do, Lyn knew she would get in trouble. He might even report it to her eldest brother.

"Well, when Rhys gets back, we will go over the plan."

Lyn sighed, "Travelling entertainers disguise? I don"t want to perform in front of so many people."

"Don"t worry, Lyn, since it"s you. You"ll be fine."

"Ah. I"m busy tonight as well." He shook a stray lock of hair from his face.

"Doing what?" Lyn repeated his words with suspicion. Whenever he says these vague words, she would immediately become cautious. Indeed, she had a very good idea of what he was going to do tonight.

"Stuff. Don"t worry about it." Kazuya looked over at her with his usual carefree smile.

However, Lyn knew that smile very well, "You"re going to steal something?" Lyn phrased it as a question, but they both knew it wasn"t like that.

It was something she noticed only recently. Whenever she goes out somewhere with Kazuya, there would be news about the mysterious masked thief. Lyn didn"t think much about it until she saw what was inside Kazuya"s bag last night. She couldn"t sleep and noticed something flas.h.i.+ng in his belongings.

Kazuya gave her another lopsided grin, "You found out?"

Lyn sighed, "Why are you doing something so dangerous? You"re not short of money, are you?" She knew Kazuya didn"t lack money. Ever since he came, he"s spent so much on her. Whenever they go anywhere together, the one who would spend money is him and not her.

"Don"t worry about it."

"Don"t worry?" Lyn repeated. Of course, she is going to worry when he is doing something illegal. Lyn saw Kazuya avoiding her gaze and looking around worriedly.

"n.o.body can hear you," Lyn straightened the creases of her dress. For traveling purposes, she decided to wear an eastern kimono rather than the usual western clothes.

Kazuya was right to be careful, she knew, but the only person who could hear was.. Lyn looked around and noticed that the waitress that just gave them their food was staring at them.

"Take me with you."

"What?" He glanced up at her to see if she was joking.

Kazuya should have known by now that she didn"t joke. Rather, she"s always taking things seriously. Why would she make a joke about this? Kazuya sighed and shook his head.

"It would be too dangerous."

Lyn recalled what Rhys said the other day and sighed. Why do all the men around her think this way? It"s too dangerous? h.e.l.lo, she already knows that. But if she remains hidden, then nothing will change. If nothing changes, then things would remain stagnant like water. That is the one scene she is trying to avoid.

Her thoughts broke off when she spotted soldiers by the door. It looked like they were checking everybody leaving the doors. Lyn recalled the items she saw yesterday, and her eyes widened. "Kazuya you brought your bag downstairs?"

"Hm, yeah, what"s the pro--" Kazuya looked up from his meal and saw the guards. "Oh, crud, this is bad."

Lyn bit her lip. This guy doesn"t think straight, does he?

When Lyn returned to Kazuya, he was furious with her. The look of rage in his eyes was something she couldn"t mistaken. He grabbed hold of her shoulders.

"I can"t believe it. I was worried you, you know." Atus.h.i.+ glared harshly at her. This was the first time she had ever seen him with a worried look. His face color was oddly pale.

"I"m sorry," Lyn mumbled.

"Of course, I was worried! You grabbed my bag so suddenly and disappeared into a crowd of people!"

"But, it looked like they would go inside the restaurant and start inspecting," Lyn pointed out. From the way they were lurking around at the door, it seemed like they"d come inside. If they stood up then, it would look suspicious.

Kazuya shook his head, "When they stopped searching, I thought they found the culprit already. Do you know what happens to people who steal from officials! Practically beat them to death! Then they drag their bodies away and pretend that nothing happened."

Lyn flinched at his words, "Why is the Empire so cruel?" Sure, thievery isn"t something she would praise. But, even then, to brutally beat people up like that. Kazuya must have understood how she felt since he pulled her into his arms.

"You don"t have to worry about this anymore, Lyn. But, I can"t stop you anymore, that"s why you have to promise me. Don"t fight alone; let"s fight together."

She recalled the words they exchanged together on the hill that day and nodded. "I understand Kazuya, but then that means you have to be honest with me. Why are you here in this town?"

"I came to steal the town"s most prized gla.s.s treasure."

"Gla.s.s treasure?" Lyn mumbled.

"Yes, they say that it"s the most beautiful treasure in this town. But that"s not why I want it," Kazuya looked around. The two of them were in a quiet area outside. But it never hurt to take precautions. "It used to belong to one of the families in the Sound Kingdom, that"s why I want to take it back."

Lyn a.n.a.lyzed his words and immediately understood. The reason why Kazuya is stealing this is probably because of this, right? The items he steals, if she looks it up, are probably items belonging to those people important to him back home. If Kazuya were an ordinary thief, then he would be stealing things left and right, wouldn"t he? However, he isn"t, her gaze softened.

"A kind person?" Lyn thought. This is beyond kindness now. Even if it means public slander, Kazuya will take on any risk even if the outcome ends up with him getting severely hurt. She can"t allow him to make such sacrifices anymore, at least not by himself.